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JAPAN: Class 3. 4. Kenney and Florida, Beyond Mass Production, 1993 n critical of stress on small firms; large firms initiated what is distinctive about.

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Presentation on theme: "JAPAN: Class 3. 4. Kenney and Florida, Beyond Mass Production, 1993 n critical of stress on small firms; large firms initiated what is distinctive about."— Presentation transcript:

1 JAPAN: Class 3

2 4. Kenney and Florida, Beyond Mass Production, 1993 n critical of stress on small firms; large firms initiated what is distinctive about organization of production n flexible production understates what is distinctive

3 Thesis: a new model of production organization---INNOVATION- MEDIATED PRODUCTION n emphasis on incremental improvement innovation n emphasis on process as well as product improvements n able to diffuse innovations through industrial structure quickly n organization of work and attitudes toward workers are key features

4 Key feature of corporate attitudes toward workers All permanent employees including blue collar are treated as SMART WORKERS

5 Key feature of organization of work--use of a team-based organizational model n workers are multiskilled n workers perform multiple tasks n workers rotate through tasks n teams are a device for: –moving decision-making down to the shop floor; tapping worker intelligence –achieving functional integration of tasks –reducing worker alienation

6 Additional features of organization of work n R&D lab and factory are brought closer together/engineers and scientists interact with shop floor workers n managers are in contact with shop floor n management structure is more adaptable. Consists of generalists who transfer among departments.

7 Purpose of team-based organization is not to make work easier n to reduce costs and increase productivity n to provide an internal source of worker motivation and discipline

8 Japanese corporations and worker resistance n enterprise unionism n tenure security n Japanese remuneration schemes

9 A Synthetic Model source: Kotler, Fahey and Jatustripitak, The New Competition.


11 Cultural Characteristics n Strong sense of belonging to a group--> teamwork n willingness to sacrifice for long-term goals

12 Educational Characteristics n Heavy commitment to investment in human capital n high achievement level on average with relatively high floor on achievement

13 Government-business environment

14 Vertical alliances subcontracting systems n the between-firm corollary of within-firm teams n pyramidal structure n teamwork enables just-in-time supplier systems n often consist of regional clusters of linked units

15 Toyota City production complex--1980 Toyota 10 subsidiaries & 22 primary subcontractors 5,000 secondary subcontractors 30,000 tertiary subcontractors

16 Horizontal alliances keiretsu n Associations of large corps. Clustered around a group city bank, a trust bank, real estate agency, life and casualty insurance firm, one or more general trading companies n 6 major ones: Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Daiichi Kangyo, Sanwa and Fuyo. n Descendants of zaibatsu

17 n Representatives from EVERY major mfg. and service sector n Normally, a single firm from each industry n Presidents of all the major firms assemble monthly n Interlocking directorates based on interlocking share holdings n basis of mutual solidarity

18 Possible advantages n Pooling of capital, technological knowledge, personnel etc. n reduces dependence on shareholders outside the grouping

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