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1Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Database(s) for MICE  It is clear that we will need some sort of data base to hold information such as: u Geometry.

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Presentation on theme: "1Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Database(s) for MICE  It is clear that we will need some sort of data base to hold information such as: u Geometry."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Database(s) for MICE  It is clear that we will need some sort of data base to hold information such as: u Geometry (survey/alignment results) u Calibration information (pedestals, gains, T0s, etc) u Cabling (e.g. which PMT is plugged into what channel of a TDC) u Monitoring information (voltages, pressures, temperatures, etc) u Location of datasets  The exact list will be detector/system dependent (e.g. for the tracker we already know that the QA/construction process will produce a lot of information).  At present we are NOT going to store the events as entries in a database, but stick the longer established system of pointing to files from a database.

2 2Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Requirements  How much data will we need to store?  What response will we need?  What is the price of the solutions?  What is already being used? u Anyone who is using a database during the construction should contact myself or Malcolm Ellis to make sure your requirements are fulfilled?  Concurrent access must be possible, but what limitations are there on this. Numbers and locking strategy.  Network access – must be supported.  Security of the database u Against malicious attack u System failures – backups, journaling.  Are transactions supported?  Capacity planning tools  Backup tools

3 3Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Options  Oracle u Complete solution  IBM u DB2  Access u Windows specific so no good for Linux  mySQL u Free u Easy to install and configure Expensive Not the easiest to run Expensive Detectors already using it for the construction database (Transaction support new) Security needs careful thought

4 4Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Options postgreSQL u Free  root u Free  SQLserver u Cheapest tps u Windows specific  Other Not much knowledge of it in the collaboration Ditto Not cheap Anybody using a solution not mentioned above

5 5Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Comparisons Transac tions BackupLockingConcurrentTuningSizeNetworkCost Oracle Row LevelSQL*Net $14,000-$40000 / processor DB2 Object Level $8,000-$25000 / processor PostgreSQL Row Level Free mySQL Row Level Free SQLserver Page Level $4,000-$24000/ processor root Free access £80/seat

6 6Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Plans  Collect requirements from the collaboration  Explore the options both in terms: u Existing benchmarks u Running some of our own benchmarks  Propose a solution  Implement a test version

7 7Paul Kyberd - CM17 - February 2007 Comparisons

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