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Unit Four: Online Catalog: OPAC. Question  Library Catalog (Web version)  Topic: “youth suicide” How many records come up? ____  Expand search results.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Four: Online Catalog: OPAC. Question  Library Catalog (Web version)  Topic: “youth suicide” How many records come up? ____  Expand search results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Four: Online Catalog: OPAC

2 Question  Library Catalog (Web version)  Topic: “youth suicide” How many records come up? ____  Expand search results by combining “youth suicide” with a synonym like “adolescent suicide.” How many records appear now? ____

3 Objectives  Online library catalog  What it is  What does it contain?  Two interfaces  How it works

4 What It Is l Search engine and database of materials the library owns l Identifies a source and tells you where to find it l Each library unique, each online catalog unique

5 What Does It Contain? l Books (mostly) »Comprehensive, in-depth sources »Diverse viewpoints, balance arguments »Summarize major research to date l Journal titles (but not articles) l Government documents, videos, sound recordings, map records

6 Two Interfaces l Text version (telnet) »Connect via Web link from library page l Web »Connect via Web link from library page

7 Text Version  Text or “telnet” connection  Requires login (OPAC)  Holdings stored in digital format  Interface is menu-based  Keyboard (arrows/function keys) used to move, select choices

8 Web Version  Web connection  No login, just link click  Holdings stored in html digital format  Interface based on graphics, hyperlinks  Use links to select choices

9 Web Vs. Telnet l Web version »+ keyword searches broader (Looks for words in more fields) »+ lets you search more SUNY libraries »+ easier to use »- not as quick »- does not include books “on order”

10 How an Online Catalog Works  Works like any database  Content based on “records”  what the database contains  Records composed of “fields”  what the record contains  Search Interface that allows user to find data

11 Records  Contents of a database  Books  Journal Articles  Reports, Gov documents  Videos, Recordings  Personal resources

12 Fields  Components of a record  Author  Title  Notes (abstract)  Date, publisher  Subject field  You can search one field only or several at once (keyword)

13 Search Interface l Let’s you tell computer how to search »Which words to use »Which fields to look in –Hatha yoga in title, in subject heading, in keyword »Expand or reduce results (Boolean searching) –Television OR TV –TV AND children l Provides structure for searches »Search box »Menu options »Help

14 How Our Online Catalog Works l Use menu or buttons for keyword or single field searching l Expand or reduce search results with AND or OR l Combine fields by using “qualifiers” »au author »ti title »sh subject heading – au Hemingway and ti sun also rises

15 Library CatalogLibrary Catalog – Text Version SEARCH OPTIONS Press F10 to access HELP AU =AUTHOR TI =TITLE <----- KE =KEYWORD CN = CALL NUMBER SH = SUBJECT HEADING DT =DOCUMENT TYPE ENTER YOUR SEARCH : youth suicide

16 Library Catalog Library Catalog (Web Version) 1. Enter a word or phrase to search 2. Choose a search type Keyword SubjectAuthorTitle Searching Tips Youth suicide

17 Question  Library Catalog (Web version) Library Catalog  Topic: “youth suicide” How many records come up? 17  Expand search results by combining “youth suicide” with a synonym like “adolescent suicide.” How many records appear now? 29

18 Subject and Keyword Searching l Keyword searches several fields in a document record »Author Title Subject Notes (Abstract) l Subject heading searches only “subject” field »Sometimes called “subject heading”, “descriptor”, “identifier” »Subject headings must be known, guessed, or discovered to make a subject search successful

19 Locating What You Find l “Call numbers” locate an item physically »A-F - first floor »G-P-second floor »Q-Z-third floor l Letters reflect subject »DB-Central European history »PG-Russian literature

20 Library of Congress (LC) Classification System l A – General worksM – Music l B – PhilosophyN – Visual Arts l C - History (Biog)P – Lang/Lit l D – History – generalQ – Sciences l E-F – History (AmericanR – Medicine l G – GeographyS – Agriculture l H – Social SciencesT – Technology l J – Political ScienceU – Military science l K – LawV – Naval science l L - Education

21 LC Classification and Categories l H – Social sciences »HD – Economic history and conditions –HD 232- HD473 –-Industry l HD 233- HD236 –---Household industry »HD 236.3 ------------- Telecommunications l Move from broad to specific

22 Call Numbers l Detailed letter number combination to let you find individual book l H – Social sciences (and business) l HD – Economic history and conditions l HD 232- HD473 – Industry l HD 233- HD236 – Household industry l HD 236.3 - Telecommunications HD236.3.L86 “Topics in Teleworking” by John Lenox

23 This Week’s Assignment l Searchthe Online Catalog »Field searching by –Author, title, subject, keyword, document type »Combination searching using –AND, OR –Qualifiers au ti sh dt

24 TILT LiteTILT Lite Reminder l Complete the TILT Lite tutorial »Introduction »Module 1 l Access TILT Lite via LIB101 Web page l Complete quiz at end of tutorial »Hand in quiz results to me at next class

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