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Andy Stern “A Country That works”. A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Need for Leaders? Change rarely occurs in a predictable fashion… Waiting.

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Stern “A Country That works”. A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Need for Leaders? Change rarely occurs in a predictable fashion… Waiting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Stern “A Country That works”

2 A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Need for Leaders? Change rarely occurs in a predictable fashion… Waiting for Lefty? Waiting for a Leader Stern, like many others was waiting for a leader to create or facilitate change. Obama and the Democrats But even leaders need support.

3 A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Power of “Ordinary People” Great movements are always animated by average people. Power of the Masses All great moments have drawn their power from the masses – from mass support. Official Washington: Does Understand Populist Movemennts

4 A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Power of Ideas New ideas are critical to promoting social change, policy change. Tipping Point: The Importance of Ideas “Since Sliced Bread” Initiative SEIU sponsored a web contest to solicit the best ideas for solving the nation’s most vexing problems.

5 A Country That Works The Nature of Change: Power of Ideas Common Sense Ideas 1. America Should Stop Taxing Hard Work and Start Rewarding it 2. An American Health Care Plan 3. America Needs a New Retirement System 4. From the Interstate to the Internet Highway 5. World-Class Education System and a “School of One” 6. Skills Training and Post-Secondary Education Training

6 A Country That Works America Should Stop Taxing Hard Work and Start Rewarding It Social Security Payroll Tax (FICA*): Regressive Tax SS tax is a 7.65% tax on payroll. 6.2% goes to Social Security. 1.45% goes to Medicare. The Social Security portion is capped at $94,200 (2006) and indexed to inflation. Goal of the cap: maintain some relationship between contributions and benefits. Limits on Taxable Income SS Tax does not apply to income from interest, dividends or capital gains. * FICA: Federal Insurance Contributions Act

7 A Country That Works Wage and Tax Inequality The more you make in the US, the less taxes you pay: as top earners capture a greater share of total wages, they are play less in taxes. Social Security Payroll Tax: 1983: 10% of income pie was exempt from SS tax 2006: 16% of income pie was exempt from SS tax Those making over 94K pay SS tax up to that amount while those making under 94K pay it on every dollar they earn.

8 A Country That Works Social Security Payroll Tax: Solutions 1. Eliminate Cap (Heritage Foundation: This would generate $607 billion in five years) 2. Make SS Tax apply to all forms of income Income from interest, dividends or capital gains. Wealthy get much of their income from these sources, which are exempt from SS tax. Doing this could radically reduce taxes in the US by exempting those who make under 50K

9 A Country That Works Reward Work, not Wealth or Just Reduce Taxes Doing this could radically reduce taxes in the US by using the revenue created to exempt those who make under 50K from paying SS tax.

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