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Mopra Time Allocation Mopra publications performance Mopra time allocation statistics Mopra Large Projects Proposal applications for 2012 APRS Jessica.

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Presentation on theme: "Mopra Time Allocation Mopra publications performance Mopra time allocation statistics Mopra Large Projects Proposal applications for 2012 APRS Jessica."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mopra Time Allocation Mopra publications performance Mopra time allocation statistics Mopra Large Projects Proposal applications for 2012 APRS Jessica Chapman, ATUC, 25 October 2011 with correction added on 26 Oct (slide 4)

2 Mopra Publications Performance 2004:Rx upgrade allowed easy tuning 2005:MOPS - backend 2006:Remote operations from Narrabri

3 ATNF refereed publications: 2008 - 2010 N papersTotal CitesMean cites/paper Median cites/paper Mopra3535110.09 ATCA16714578.77 Parkes112149713.49 VLBI242068.66

4 Mopra Time Allocation About 85% of Mopra proposals are for Galactic studies Time allocated to Large Projects: ~ 50% in 2010 and 2011 Oversubscription rate (all proposals) in 2011 APRS = 1.9 For 2011 APRS: Scheduled proposals included 5 Australian PhD students Note: This slide was updated on 26 Oct 2011, after the ATUC presentation, to correct an error in the total time requests for 2010 APRS and 2011 APRS.

5 Mopra Large Projects Number completed since 20065 Number in progress4 Estimated time for completion of all current Large Projects 4700 Estimated number of days in 2012 APRS for observations 155 Estimated total hours available for observing 2600 Estimated Galactic hours available in 2012 APRS 1860 Number of Galactic days required for completion of largest project (MALT90) 235

6 Mopra scheduling: 2012 APRS If 2012 APRS is the final semester for Mopra, then based on previous requests, we can estimate that the time requests will be: Large projects: ~ 4700 hours Small projects: ~ 2000 hours – Galactic time Small projects: ~ 500 hours – non-Galactic time Oversubscription rate for all Galactic projects = 6700/1860 = 3.6 ‘Normal’ TAC process would lead to about 60% of time for Large projects and remainder for smaller projects. Insufficient Galactic time to complete MALT90 project in one semester.

7 Mopra proposal applications for 2012 APRS To allow time for consideration of user feedback CASS suggests: Delay announcement of opportunity for Mopra (only) to 15 Dec 2011. Deadline for submission of Mopra proposals on 19 Jan 2012. Review proposals from all facilities at TAC meeting in early Feb. Schedules released (as usual) ~ 1 March. CASS will provide a response to the user feedback received for Mopra by the AO on 15 December.

8 Mopra questions for ATUC For 2012 APRS, does ATUC recommend that the TAC should give special consideration of any particular proposal type – for example for Large Projects, or projects that include PhD students? Does ATUC favour delaying the submission of Mopra proposals for 2012 APRS by one month?

9 Thank you CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Jessica Chapman Operations Research Program Leader Email: Web:

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