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The weather. What’s the weather like? It’s…………………………

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Presentation on theme: "The weather. What’s the weather like? It’s…………………………"— Presentation transcript:

1 The weather

2 What’s the weather like? It’s…………………………

3 sunny windy cloudy stormy

4 snowy / it’s snowing changeable icy foggy Rainy / it’s raining

5 hot warm cold freezing mild cool

6 thunder and lightening the weather forecast wetdry a rainbow lightening a thermometer the temperature

7 Adjective Noun Verb It’s ______ _________ The sun’s ________ ________ It’s ___________ ________ It’s _________ ____________ The wind’s _________ sunnysunshine shining rainyrainraining snowysnowsnowing windy wind blowing

8 Adjective Noun It’s ________ ________ It’s __________ _______ It’s _______ _____ cloudycloud stormystorm foggyfog icyice It’s clouding over.The roads are icing over.

9 Weather forecast Tomorrow’s weather forecast : use ‘will’ for prediction.

10 Weather Rain Heavy, light, persistent, showers, inches. Wind High, light, strong, gusting. Temperature Degrees, high/low, freezing. It will feel pleasant/chilly.

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