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Abraham Gallas (USC-IGFAE) Strips and Pixels for the VELO upgrade.

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Presentation on theme: "Abraham Gallas (USC-IGFAE) Strips and Pixels for the VELO upgrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Abraham Gallas (USC-IGFAE) Strips and Pixels for the VELO upgrade

2 Outline  Micro-strip sensor: New design from Hamamatsu PR01 Strip prototype D0 sensors  Pixels: Sensors:  Thinning (200, 150, 100 μm ) Construction module 0 (1x3 Asics) Irradiations and Testbeams @ CERN High speed Cu link in vacuum Abraham Gallas USC-IGFAE2

3 Hamamatsu sensors  The price enquiry is sent (will be faster): one month for price enquiry three months for masks three months for first sensors  Sensors sent directly to Santiago: Responsible for QA, electrical testing and constructions of some of the prototypes and test beams. 3Abraham Gallas USC-IGFAE  New design  30 μm minimum pitch  Improved guard ring 500 μm  n-on-p sensor  200 μm thickness  Improved routing of signals  5 R, 5 phi sensors

4 PR01 strip detector  Hamamatsu sensor circa 1998 (n + n) sensor p-stop 300 μm thickness  Instrumented with an IT-hybrid (3 Beetle chips)  Measure eta and resolution for fine pitch with fast electronics 4Abraham Gallas USC-IGFAE Instrumented strips

5 D0 sensors  Hamamatsu sensor: Used in D0 vertex detector Run2  To be tested electrically  Will be Instrumented with an IT/TT- hybrid (3/4 Beetle chips)  Measure eta and resolution for fine pitch with fast electronics in test beams 5Abraham Gallas USC-IGFAE

6 Thin Pixel detectors  Collaboration with CNM to thin 2D-pixel sensor from 300 μm down to (200, 150, 100 μm). Goal: measure the resolution for such thin assemblies Read out with TimePix-like ASIC. Abraham Gallas USC-IGFAE6  Run started: p-on-n done for 150 μm Tested in test-beam n-on-p now: Irradiation tests Test-beam 2011  Module 0 construction

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