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UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE. UNICA is a network of 41 universities from the capital cities of Europe, represents a combined strength of over 120,000 staff.

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3 UNICA is a network of 41 universities from the capital cities of Europe, represents a combined strength of over 120,000 staff and 1,500,000 students. UNICA’s role to promote academic excellence, integration and co-operation between member universities throughout Europe. UNICA seeks to be a driving force in the development of the Bologna Process, to facilitate the integration of universities from Central and Eastern Europe into the European higher education area.

4 UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE To achieve its aims UNICA articulates the views of member universities to European institutions and to national, regional and municipal governments, provides members with information on European initiatives and programmes, supports them in co-operative projects provides a forum in which universities can reflect on the demands of strategic change in university research, education and administration.

5 UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE  Students & academic community part & parcel a sine qua non partners  UNICA keen on integrating students into the activities of the Network portal student conferences


7  An opportunity to meet students from different European universities - members of the Network,  A forum to discuss and adopt solutions pertinent to the academic community and its environment,  A unique experience to take with you your whole life.

8 UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE 2000 – Freie Universität Berlin – „The Making of Europe” 2002 – University College London – „The Future of Europe” 2004 – Universiteit van Amsterdam – „Unity and Diversity in Europe – The Question of Identity” 2006 – Université Pierre et Marie Curie – „L’Université dans la cité – University – City – Citizenship” 2008 – Uniwersytet Warszawski – „Let’s win Europe: Chances and Challenges for Young People”

9 UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE  From reflection to action  Go for it WIN EUROPE


11 UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE Thank you for your attention!

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