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N “The brain of man being torn apart by the environment it has created” Drawing by: S. Carcassonne (Copied without permission) From: Neuronal Man by:

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Presentation on theme: "N “The brain of man being torn apart by the environment it has created” Drawing by: S. Carcassonne (Copied without permission) From: Neuronal Man by:"— Presentation transcript:


2 N “The brain of man being torn apart by the environment it has created” Drawing by: S. Carcassonne (Copied without permission) From: Neuronal Man by: Jean-Pierre Changeux “Neuronal Apocalypse”

3 Welcome The center of excellence for motor research funded by the Israeli Science foundation.

4 Ofra Spira Since 1992 in the ISF (coordinator of programs in Medical and life sciences) Since 2000 - ISF director. PhD in medical sciences, Twenty six years of scientific work in the medical school of the Hebrew University. Studied history arts, engaged in dance and Folklore, active in voluntary missions, in particular Diaspora- Israel rations ד"ר עופרה ספירא בקרן הלאומית למדע מ-1992 מרכזת תחום מדעי החיים והרפואה מאז שנת 2000 הייתה מנהלת הקרן. דוקטורט במדעי הרפואה, מדענית במחלקה לרפואה ניסויית וחקר הסרטן בביה"ס לרפואה, במשך עשרים ושש שנים. למדה בחוג לתולדות האמנות של האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. עסקה בפעילות התנדבותית, בעיקר בתחום קשרי ישראל-תפוצות (ב"פורום הישראלי" ובפרויקט "שותפות 2000") והן בפעילות אמנותית, בעיקר בתחומי המחול והפולקלור.

5 The center for motor research Moshe Abeles Hagai Bergman Haim Sompolinsky Naftali Tishby Eilon Vaadia

6 The Workshop

7 Thursday, December 18, 2003 Session I: Movement Control: Neural Representations and Mechanisms-I 10:00 - 11:00 Moshe AbelesBrain activity associated with binding along time and in parallel 11:00 - 12:00 Yifat PrutTransforming descending command to motor action: Activity of spinal interneurons in primates performing voluntary movements 12:00 - 12:30 Coffee break 12:30 - 13:30 Michale FeeVocal control in the songbird: Neural mechanisms of sequence generation 13:30 - 15:00 Light lunch on site Session II: Learning in motor systems 15:00 - 16:00 Sebastian SeungOf songs and synapses: The neural basis of avian vocal learning 16:00 - 17:00 Eilon VaadiaLearning induced improvement of internal representations in motor cortex 17:00 - 17:30Coffee break 17:30 - 18:30Dan LeeLearning algorithms for artificial sensorimotor systems

8 Friday Dec-19-2003 Session III: Complex movements 09:30 -10:30 Tamar FlashOn trajectory formation in complex movements 10:30 - 11:30 Naftali TishbyCoding and segmentation of complex movements and their neuronal representation 11:30 - 12:00 Brunch on-site 12:00– 13:00 Haim SompolinskyHow the brain generates movement

9 Sunday Dec-21-2003 Session IV: Movement Control: Neural Representations and Mechanisms-II 09:30 - 10:30 Hagai Bergmann Spike synchronization in the cortex-basal ganglia network of Parkinsonian primates reflects global dynamics of the local field potentials 10:30 - 11:30 Amir KarnielFeedback, adaptation, learning or evolution: How does the brain coordinate and time movements? 11:30 - 13:00 Light lunch on-site 13:00 - 14:00 Ad AertsenInference of arm movements from spikes and local field potentials in monkey motor cortex 14:00-15:00 Andrew SchwartzUseful signals from motor cortex 15:00 - 16:00 Discussion, Concluding Remarks, Farewell.

10 Dinner Beit Belgia 19:30 Please Contact Ruth Suchi!

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