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Spatial Data Infrastructure Best Practices With Sebastian Benthall + Galen Evans OpenGeo World Bank.

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Presentation on theme: "Spatial Data Infrastructure Best Practices With Sebastian Benthall + Galen Evans OpenGeo World Bank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spatial Data Infrastructure Best Practices With Sebastian Benthall + Galen Evans OpenGeo World Bank

2 Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

3 “…the sources, systems, network linkages, standards, and institutional issues involved in delivering spatially-related data from many different sources to the widest possible group of potential users at affordable costs.” – Groot & McLaughlin 2000 Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)

4 The theory of SDI developed before we learned what was possible with the Internet

5 ...what an ideal SDI would be like Imagine...

6 SDI that makes uploading, sharing, and working with data as easy as blogging Imagine...

7 Publishing data Anthony has some spatial data and wants to display it as part of a blog post.

8 Publishing data Anthony uploads it to a public SDI, styles it, provides a background, and then a map widget on his blog.

9 Publishing data Meanwhile, the data, style, and map remain available on the public SDI for others to use.

10 Metadata and reputation The World Organization tells Cameron, their consultant, to put data she has gathered on their SDI.

11 Metadata and reputation Other users notice mistakes in the metadata. They notify Cameron and give it a low rating.

12 Metadata and reputation Cameron fixes the mistakes, and the other users rate the data more highly. Her reputation on the SDI improves.

13 Federated search A regional Health agency and a regional Transit agency have separate SDI systems.

14 Federated search Phillip, a GIS analyst doing research, seeks out correlations between health and bicycle routes

15 Federated search Phillip searches for data in a single federated index and downloads the data as a batch.

16 How do you make an SDI that's as compelling as modern, widely-used web services?

17 Make an SDI using the best practices of these web services and projects

18 General Principles Build Bottom Up Align Incentives Be Open Non expert use

19 04/26/10 “Bottom-up SDI” Start with data. Let users work with it. Generate metadata as needed.

20 04/26/10 “Bottom-up SDI” Reduce barriers to participation as much as possible.

21 Align Incentives Align incentives for contribution and use so that it develops naturally

22 Be Open Give users a reason to participate in the system Reward collaboration with recognition and harvest the results Make as much information transparent for others to use as possible.

23 Non-expert User You shouldn't have to be a GIS expert to use your SDI

24 There's so much more These principles just scratch the surface of the qualities the next generation of SDI should have.

25 But can it be? These are nice dreams. But will they ever be a reality?

26 is a new software project to build this SDI

27 It's open source. Of course.

28 Founders Founders are interested in GeoNode primarily for disaster risk management Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and World Bank UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

29 That's the vision and the context. What have we actually built?

30 Which best practices? How does GeoNode implement them?

31 Give a reason to participate A major problem with SDI is that too few people have an incentive to use it

32 Problems with Portals No benefit to registering Few real users No recognition or reward for the effort Uses stick, not carrot



35 Embed SDI in the real work of GIS practitioners, it will have more impact.

36 Provides styling and cartography tools Users can use the tools on data they upload GeoNode provides a reason to participate


38 Map composer makes Maps Maps are an important content type They bind together ecosystem of geospatial content



41 Maps, Data and Users form an ecosystem to be browsed

42 Users Have Identity People like to fill user profiles to establish identity on the web Profiles then become useful data

43 Metadata pain Good metadata for geospatial data is important but hard to produce.

44 GeoNode has user profiles and features them prominently Those profiles have ISO metadata fields within them

45 Metadata Made Easy

46 Metadata Published Metadata is published with open standard CSW using GeoNetwork

47 Open standards and API's

48 Data published by GeoServer in OGC Services: WMS, WFS, WCS Metadata published by GeoNetwork in CSW

49 KML for Google

50 We use open standards for data access. GeoNode also has open APIs


52 GeoNode's components interact through clean API's Others can build apps around GeoNode Or swap out components (Drupal...?)

53 Make Content Portable


55 Let Users Control Content



58 Content owners control access with easy user interface Data security extends to OGC services

59 All these features are included in the current 1.0-beta release.


61 They only scratch the surface. GeoNode has a much more ambitious roadmap.

62 Use the Social Network

63 The Social for Search



66 04/26/10


68 Record statistics on usage Let users comment on and rate content Use that information to improve search results

69 The Social for Quality

70 Ratings affect user reputation Will encourage quality content on SDI

71 04/26/10 Groups Matter

72 04/26/10

73 Organizations will have a presence Allows organizational endorsement of data

74 These features, based on the best practices of the web, will likely be developed within a year Big Plans

75 There are also features specific to Spatial Data Infrastructure on our roadmap Even Bigger Plans

76 Editing

77 04/26/10 Federation

78 Frequently Asked Questions

79 What's it made of?


81 Today, Sept 9 14:00, right after lunch Room 4 “GeoNode Architecture” David Winslow

82 What about INSPIRE? GeoServer needs WMS 1.3 and WFS 2.0 for GeoNode to meet INSPIRE standards OpenGeo is looking for partners to fund this development

83 Open Data Skepticism Isn't GeoNode an open data platform? Doesn't open data raise concerns about data quality and data security?

84 Open Data Optimism Yes, GeoNode is designed to promote open data.

85 Open Data Optimism Features like User reputation Organizational endorsement Flexible security address data quality concerns

86 Open Data Optimism GeoNode supports the continuum of openness with a common platform for institutional GIS and neogeography

87 What about Features X,Y, Z? OpenGeo: We welcome your investment in new GeoNode features! Inquire at the OpenGeo Booth. (Also, patches are very welcome)

88 GeoNode Action

89 August 6 th - GeoNode 1.0-beta release September 27 th ?? - GeoNode 1.0 released

90 Developer Community Contributing Organizations: OpenGeo, World Bank, Civic Works We hope others will join the developer community

91 Developer Community Join Us! Email to join the mailing IRC: #geonode

92 OpenGeo: We're Hiring! OpenGeo is hiring to fill GeoNode software developer and consultant positions

93 OpenGeo: We're Selling! OpenGeo is offering a FOSS4G Special on GeoNode 1.0 Support, Deployment, and Services Inquire at our booth.

94 Any questions?

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