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Fundraising Benchmarks to determine Institutional Readiness.

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1 Fundraising Benchmarks to determine Institutional Readiness

2 Outline 1) Readiness Assessment  How ready is your institution to initiate fundraising activities on a “macro” scale? 2) Critical Success Factors  What are key critical success factors? 3) Internal Culture Required  What culture internally will ensure success / results?

3  Requires:  Examination of the university’s current and anticipated funding sources  Comprehensive review and understanding of the university’s funding needs  Consideration of the strengths / areas of lesser strength  Assessment of the fundability of key needs and feasibility of finding $$$  Consideration of the institution’s values and culture Assessing Institutional Readiness

4  What is your current reality?  Decreased or flattening government support  Increased operating / capital needs  Decentralized vs. centralized environment  Funding / fundraising history  Rotational leadership Assessing Institutional Readiness

5 Current Reality…  Internal:  Policy and attitude limitations  Internal politics / priorities  Financial resources available  External:  Profile and reputation of institution  External philanthropic/partnership culture  Where are your opportunities?  alumni/volunteers/ambassadors Assessing Institutional Readiness

6  Fundraising unit as “academic support unit”  Targeted consultation – run to your strengths!  Compelling “case for support” rooted in academic mission (institution, faculty)  Strong, committed university leadership  Fundraising must be complementary to existing partnerships Critical Success Factors

7  Strong public image  Fundraising policies and protocols (e.g.) gift acceptance  Clear accountabilities and communication  Adequate resources  financial and human  institutional leadership  fundraising/development resources  volunteers/ambassadors Critical Success Factors (cont’d)

8  Fosters:  Collaboration  “Donor-centred” approach  Long-term programme vs. short-term “fix” Required Internal Culture

9  Fosters…  Accountability and transparency with key internal and external stakeholders  Commitment to “relationship management”  High degree of trust and respect for all those engaged in fundraising Required Internal Culture (cont’d)

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