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Ch 11: Aggression Part 2: Nov. 18, 2011. Aggression and Frustration Oldest theory – frustration (having a goal blocked) leads to some form of aggression.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 11: Aggression Part 2: Nov. 18, 2011. Aggression and Frustration Oldest theory – frustration (having a goal blocked) leads to some form of aggression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 11: Aggression Part 2: Nov. 18, 2011

2 Aggression and Frustration Oldest theory – frustration (having a goal blocked) leads to some form of aggression. Aggression gets displaced to other sources Mixed lab results – what are they? Berkowitz – revision of theory: to what?

3 Aggression Triggers Pain Heat – evidence from MLB pitchers Crowding Alcohol

4 Importance of Cues Arousal – important issue – – what is arousal attributed to? (drug w/side effects) – Schacter’s experiment: Guns – cues for aggressive behavior, prime hostile thoughts (‘weapons effect’) – Implications?

5 Violent Video Games Link with aggression? – Anderson & Bushman’s research (2001): Compared undergrads w/average amount of video game experience 1 st played either Mortal Kombat or PGA Tournament Golf games 2 nd part of experiment w/confederate & competition Results?

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