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Training on INSPIRE: a real challenge VESTA-GIS / NatureSDI+ 6 November 2008, Genova Danny Vandenbroucke K.U.Leuven (SADL) co-funded by the European Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Training on INSPIRE: a real challenge VESTA-GIS / NatureSDI+ 6 November 2008, Genova Danny Vandenbroucke K.U.Leuven (SADL) co-funded by the European Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training on INSPIRE: a real challenge VESTA-GIS / NatureSDI+ 6 November 2008, Genova Danny Vandenbroucke K.U.Leuven (SADL) co-funded by the European Community eContentplus programme

2 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20092 INSPIRE training - background Background –Intense involvement of K.U.Leuven in the INSPIRE process  Demand for specific training – Belgium level, EC, other countries  (-) All kinds of “interpretations” are floating around – “we are INSPIRE compliant” – “in line with INSPIRE...” –VESTA-GIS – offer something within the framework of the training platform – share with other projects

3 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20093 INSPIRE training - approach Looking into the Body of Knowledge (BoK) – UNIGIS –Different types of use

4 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20094 INSPIRE training - approach Some units of some knowledge areas  DA1-DA7 design  GD12 metadata, standards, SDI  GS1-GS7 legal, economic, …  OI1-0I6 coordination, institutional aspects, …  … Modular approach

5 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20095 Training: multiple challenges Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? Course 2 – INSPIRE: looking into the details of the Implementing Rules Course 3 – How can I use INSPIRE in my daily work?

6 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20096 Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? Duration: 1 day and 2 days Public: decision makers from national authorities, EC program officers, non GI experts who want to know about INSPIRE, GI experts involved in NSDI development. Format: seminar with presentations and questions/discussions Outcomes: students know what INSPIRE is and what it is not

7 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20097 Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? Background of the INSPIRE initiative –Past and current problems related to the use of GI in Europe. Examples –History of initiatives to promote the use of GI in Europe (GI2000, …) –Use of GI for different policy fields within the EC and the corresponding use in MS –Preparation of INSPIRE – major discussions on content, scope, potential impact, … INSPIRE related to other initiatives –Other related Directives: PSI, Aarhus, … –Other programs: Galileo, GMES, SEIS, GEOSS, …

8 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20098 Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? Important concepts to understand INSPIRE –Spatial Data Infrastructures –Data and service sharing –Public Authority, Third Party, … –Spatial data sets and themes –Harmonisation and interoperability of data –Service Oriented Architecture INSPIRE as a dynamic process –Involvement of stakeholders: SDIC and LMO’s, involvement of all levels of PA –IR development process –Time line of INSPIRE

9 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 20099 Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? The technical components of INSPIRE –Metadata –Data and service interoperability –Network services –Architecture and standards The non-technical components of INSPIRE –What is sharing about? What is expected and what not? –On IPR issues –On licensing and free access to data –Coordinating structures and role NCP –Monitoring and reporting the implementation and use of the infrastructure in the MS

10 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200910 Course 1 – How to understand INSPIRE? FAQ and frequently occurring misunderstandings about INSPIRE Examples of INSPIRE implementations –Organisation and sharing practices: examples of strategy documents, coordination and collaboration, pricing mechanisms, funding strategies, … –Technical implementations: examples geo- portals, well performing services, filled metadata catalogues, …

11 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200911 Course 2 – INSPIRE: looking into the details of the Implementing Rules Duration: varies from ½ day – 2 days Public: those that will implement (parts) of INSPIRE, GI/SDI experts, coordinators of NSDI, NCPs, … Format: workshops with presentations on the methods, cases and breakout sessions/exercises Outcomes: defined per unit (module)

12 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200912 Course 2 – INSPIRE: looking into the details of the Implementing Rules Potential Units: 1.How to apply the metadata IR 2.How to apply the network service IR for discovery, viewing and download services? 3.How to apply the data specifications methodology for a specific thematic area and how to map existing data set to data specs? 4.How to set-up a MR mechanism according to the IR MR? 5.How to prepare a good sharing agreement which is conformant with the IR on data and service sharing? 6.How can coordinating structures be set-up to support the INSPIRE process?

13 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200913 Course 3 – How can I use INSPIRE components in my daily work? Duration: ½ to 1 day Public: desk officers from European, national, and sub-national PA, GI users from universities, … Format: short intro and hands on exercises Outcome: attendee is able to use basic functionalities of an SDI

14 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200914 Course 3 – How can I use INSPIRE components in my daily work? 1.How to use the European geo-portal to search and find data, metadata and services? 2.How can I understand the characteristics and quality of the data and know that the data are fit for my intended use? 3.How can I use a data set from INSPIRE in my own desktop application for viewing? 4.How can I download data sets or parts thereof? 5.How can I publish data sets and corresponding metadata? 6.…

15 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200915 INSPIRE training – time frame Working ste-by-step –Time frame  Course 1 by April 2009  Parts of course 2 – spring 2009  Course 3 by April 2009 –Future  From ‘classical’ training to e-learning  From PPT to INSPIRE handbook  From EN/NL to multilingual offer –Collaboration at EU level (VESTA, Humbold,...)

16 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200916 Sharing knowledge Collaboration and sharing of knowledge –Collaboration within the European context  Integrate existing modules, international tutors,...  VESTA-GIS, Humbold, Cascadoss,...  Vespucci Summer School –Collaboration within the global context  Interaction regarding the BoK  Summer School on SDI – K.U.Leuven / University of Melbourne

17 VESTA-GIS / Nature SDI+ WS, Genova, November 200917 Thank you … Questions …

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