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Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Interventionist and Empirical research methodologies The role of local knowledge John Holmes School of Education Leeds University.

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Presentation on theme: "Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Interventionist and Empirical research methodologies The role of local knowledge John Holmes School of Education Leeds University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Interventionist and Empirical research methodologies The role of local knowledge John Holmes School of Education Leeds University

2 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Aims and objectives To examine the ´postcolonial landscapes´ and the role of local knowledge approaches. To discuss some of the key themes in local knowledge research. To look at some case studies where local knowledge was important To exchange ideas about our own research To make that research more honest To work out a fruitful relationship with ´universal´theory.

3 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Structure of the mini-curso Day One Basic principles and contexts, Establishing parameters and priorities in common Day Two Discussion of LC article (Canagarajah); Case studies Identities and representations Day Three Discussion of ´New Literacies´ (Street) Looking at literacy and multimodality Day Four Exchanging ideas: posters, finding common ground

4 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Day One: main content 1. Establishing our point of departure: What do you want to find out? What´s your methodology? Why are you doing research? 2. Postcolonialism The roots of Local Knowledge approaches Deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation Hybridity and the Third Space 3. Personal journeys: epistemology and ontology Metaphor: the importance of Landscape 4. Local Knowledge: Principles and Positives

5 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Some points to note Reaction slips at the end of each session to keep on track. Stop me and ask questions when necessary. We will not use the words ´globalisation´ or ´Third World´. We will try to refer to sources that are not European or American.....

6 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Local knowledge and Postcolonialism Roots of Local Knowledge approaches ´Find where you are and where you are starting from. Then you can begin to write your history´(Ibn Khaldun 1390) ´What comes from the Third World is considered local; what comes from the West is considered universal´ (Ngugi 1991) ´When we do research we talk about our subject´s ´World View´, but when we refer to ourselves as researchers then we call it Ontology.´ (Norton 2007)

7 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 The local/universal tension Universal knowledge legitimizes our research (bibliographical references!) The universal is highlighted in our reports of research, - thesis, dissertation. We read/see research subsequently through the lens of the ´victors´ (not the subjects). Reading about someone´s research doesn´t help us to follow, or ´live´ this research.

8 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Characteristics of postcolonial ontology Deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation (Deleuze) Hybridity and the Third Space (Bhaba) Metaphors we live by Personal landscapes: epistemology and ontology (archaeology)

9 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Reaction slips Write down what you have learned today, it may not be just facts.... Mention anything that was especially interesting/confusing. Are there other issues that you would like to deal with later/ Any topics of especial interest? Don´t put your name on it, but remember that someone else will read it tomorrow.

10 Mini-curso Sao Paulo 2007 Topics for case studies Eritrea and mother tongue literacy; children´s voices through drama. The development of academic writers in English: measures and perceptions (Oman). The development of beginnier writers (intertextuality) The development of newly qualified teachers in rural Eritrea Impact studies: ESP in Brazil Any suggestions from you?

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