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Temporal Motion Control CMPUT 610 Martin Jagersand.

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Presentation on theme: "Temporal Motion Control CMPUT 610 Martin Jagersand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temporal Motion Control CMPUT 610 Martin Jagersand

2 Administrative: Schedule paper/project presentations Lecture on practical Hand-Eye systems – Tracking demo – In robotics lab – Ok to have with robotics group meeting? (Thu 12-1pm)

3 Temporal motion How do robots move in films, TV, industry? How is it different or inferior to humans? Traditional temporal control: 1. None 2. Piecewise polynomial trajectory, derivative boundary conditions

4 Cooperative robotics Better, human like motion control needed if robots are to assist humans

5 Human-like model Minimize “jerk” (acceleration change) Leads to polynomial trajectory T = [0..1] Double step:

6 Exact optim criterion not important Goodman: Integrate: Double step:

7 Double step

8 Multistep Pos: Vel:

9 Model and world state Where we/the robot believes it is is not necessarily where it really is. Need to add correction movements

10 Kinematic errors

11 Integrating feedback Sees hand near goal (milner) Attention focused on target

12 Feedback system Fast internal feedback Slower external trajectory corrections

13 Adding correcting movements

14 Multiple corrections

15 Minerva Modular link arm Robotic and human performance compared

16 Coordinate frames X is in what frame? – Execution in muscle/joint space! – Planning in world space? Retinal/image space? (plan along straight lines, execute slightly curved traj) Natural coordinate system? – Gravity, direction of movement, horizon – But Georgopoulos coding in polar coordinates (direction and extent) Coordinate transforms

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