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Introduction to Computer Programming CSC171 – 001 Getting Started – Chapters 1 & 2 Professor Pepper (presentation adapted from Dr. Siegfried)
What Is Programming? Computers cannot do all the wonderful things that we expect without instructions telling them what to do. Program – a set detailed of instructions telling a computer what to do Programming – designing and writing computer programs Programming language – a language used to express computer programs. (Syntax & Vocab)
A First Program public class MyFirstjava { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println ("This is my first Java program."); } Class header Method header statements Close braces mark the end Open braces mark the beginning
A First Program – What Does It Do? Prints the message This is my first Java program. Ends the line System.out.println ("This is my first Java program.");
Make the Program Run Compile (translate to java byte code) Run (interpreter for that OS reads java byte code and translates for machine) Source Compile (javac Object x.class Execute (java x)
Steps Start / program / accessories / notepad Type in program and save as right on the C drive. Start / program / accessories / command prompt Type: Path=“c:\program files\java\jdk1.5.0_09\bin” so windows can find javac Type: javac creates MyFirstjava.class Look in Windows (right click start/ explore) see MyFirstjava.class Type java MyFirstjava
Exercise Add the line “Welcome to Java” When you run the program, you will see: This is my first Java Program. Welcome to Java. Extra: –Info: print() does not go to the next line –Try splitting Welcome to Java into two statements: “Welcome” and then “ to Java.”
Development Environment Blue Jay Download at: Instructions on syllabus
Average On Paper: Average 2 + 4 + 6 Pay attention to your steps
A second program Problem – write a program which can find the average of three numbers. Let’s list the steps that our program must perform to do this: Add up these values Divide the sum by the number of values Print the result Each of these steps will be a different statement.
Writing Our Second Program Add up these values Divide the sum by the number of values Print the result sum = 2 + 4 + 6; an assignment statement
Assignment Statements Assignment statements take the form: variable = expression Memory location where the value is stored Combination of constants and variables
Expressions Expressions combine values using one of several operations. The operations being used is indicated by the operator: +Addition -Subtraction *Multiplication /Division
Expressions – Some Examples 2 + 5 4 * value x / y
Writing Our Second Program sum = 2 + 4 + 6; Divide the sum by the number of values Print the result average = sum / 3; Names that describe what the values represent
Writing Our Second Program sum = 2 + 4 + 6 average = sum / 3; Print the result System.out.println(″The average is ″ + average); The output method variable name
Writing Our Second Program public static void main(String[] args) { -------------------- sum = 2 + 4 + 6; average = sum / 3; System.out.println("The average is " + average); } We still need to add a declare our variables. This tells the computer what they are.
Writing Our Second Program public class Average3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int sum, average; sum = 2 + 4 + 6; average = sum / 3; System.out.println("The average is " + average); } Tells the computer that sum and average are integers
Writing Our Second Program public class Average3a { public static void main(String[] args) { int sum; int average; sum = 2 + 4 + 6; average = sum / 3; System.out.println("The average is " + average); } We could also write this as two separate declarations.
Variables and Identifiers Variables have names – we call these names identifiers. Identifiers identify various elements of a program (so far the only such element are the variables. Some identifiers are standard (such as System )
Identifier Rules An identifier must begin with a letter or an underscore _ Java is case sensitive upper case (capital) or lower case letters are considered different characters. Average, average and AVERAGE are three different identifiers. Numbers can also appear after the first character. Identifiers can be as long as you want but names that are too long usually are too cumbersome. Identifiers cannot be reserved words (special words like int, main, etc.)
Some Illegal Identifiers timeAndAHalf & is not allowed time&ahalf fourTimesFive * is not allowed four*five times2 or twoTimes Cannot begin with a number 2times myAge Blanks are not allowed my age Suggested Identifier ReasonIllegal Identifier
Types typekindmemoryrange byteinteger1 byte-128 to 127 shortinteger2 bytes-32768 to 32767 intinteger4 bytes-2147483648 to 2147483647 longinteger8 bytes-9223372036854775808 to -9223372036854775807 floatfloating point4 bytes±3.40282347 x 10 38 to ±3.40282347 x 10 -45 doublefloating point8 bytes±1.76769313486231570 x 10 308 to ±4.94065645841246544 x 10 -324 charsingle character 2 bytesall Unicode characters booleantrue or false1 bit
What type to use? Repeat a value often worry about the size Float and Double imprecise not for big money!
Assignment int number1 = 33; double number2; number2 = number1; byte short int long float double char
Dividing int / int int (even if you assign it to a double) float / int float int / float float Solution: Cast it ans = n / (double) m
Math Operators & PEMDAS + add - subtract * multiply - division % remainder Example: base + (rate * hours)
Fancy Math variable = variable op (expression) count = count + 1 count = count + (6 / 2a + 3) variable op = expression count += 1 count += (6 / 2a + 3) Example: int count = 1; count += 2; The value of count is now 3
More Fancy Math Increment ++ Decrment – ++n adds 1 before executing n++ adds 1 after executing Example:
Characters Let’s talk in words, not numbers! char = single character Note it with single quotes (ex: ‘a’, ‘1’) Can’t move to byte or short We can store single characters by writing: charx, y; –x and y can hold one and only one character
Character Strings We are usually interested in manipulating more than one character at a time. We can store more than one character by writing: String s; If we want s can hold to have some initial value, we can write: String s = “Initial value"; For now, we use character data for input and output only.
STRINGS Type : String Holds text Enter with double quotes “abc” Really a class, so capitalize String Just a list of chars. Example byeString: GOODBYEWORLD Start at 0 byeString.charAt(3) is D byeString.length() is 13 byeString.equals(somethingOtherString) is either true or false byeString.toUpperCase() is GOODBYE WORLD byeString.toLowerCase() is goodbye world 0123456789012
Average Pgm with String Change the AVG program to put “the average is” into a string first, and convert the string to Uppercase using toUpperCase()
Updated Avg Pgm public class Average3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int sum, average; String averageLabel = “The average is “; averageLabel = averageLabel.toLowerCase(); sum = 2 + 4 + 6; average = sum / 3; System.out.println( averageLabel + average); }
Escape Characters 1 BUT, I really want a quote inside my string! \” is “ - “abc\”def” - abc”def \’ is ‘ - “abc\’def” - abc’def \\ is \ - “abc\def” - abc\def
Escape Characters 2 How do I get new lines and tabs? \n= new line (go to beginning of next line) \r =carriage return (go to beginning of this line) \t = tab (go to next tab stop)
Constants Constant doesn’t change Why use a variable if massive changes later show meaning avoid Hard coding public static final int MAX_PEOPLE = 20; Capitalize by convention only -> just do it.
Spelling Conventions Name constants Variables start lower case Classes uppercase Word boundaries upper case (numberOfPods)
Comments // -> comment line ex: // this is a comment /* xxx */ comment between marks ex: /* these are a bunch of comments x=y; that line above is meaningless */ Space liberally
Another Version of Average Let’s rewrite the average program so it can find the average any 3 numbers we try: First, make up examples We now need to: 1.Find our three values 2.Add the values 3.Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result
Examples for Average 0 + 0 + 0 = 0/3 = 0 (Try zeroes) 100 -50 -29 = 21/3 = 7 (Try + and -) 2 + 4 + 6 = 12/3 = 4 (Try normal)
Writing Average3b This first step becomes: 1.1Find the first value 1.2Find the second value 1.3Find the third value 2.Add the values 3.Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result
Writing Avg3 (continued) Since we want the computer to print out some kind of prompt, the first step becomes: 1.1.1Prompt the user for the first value 1.1.2Read in the first value 1.2.1 Prompt the user for the second value 1.2.2Read in the second value 1.3.1Prompt the user for the third value 1.3.2Read in the third value 2.Add the values 3.Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result
Writing Avg3 (continued) We can prompt the user with: 1.1.1 System.out.println ("Enter the first value ?"); 1.1.2Read in the first value 1.2.1 System.out.println ("Enter the second value ?"); 1.2.2Read in the second value 1.3.1 System.out.println ("Enter the third value ?"); 1.3.2Read in the third value 2.Add the values 3.Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result
The Scanner Class Most programs will need some form of input. At the beginning, all of our input will come from the keyboard. To read in a value, we need to use an object belonging to a class called Scanner: Scanner keyb = new Scanner(;
Reading from the keyboard Once we declare keyb as Scanner, we can read integer values by writing: variable = keyb.nextInt();
Writing the input statements in Average3b We can read in a value by writing: System.out.println ("What is the first value\t?"); int value1 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the second value\t?"); int value2 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the third value\t?"); int value3 = keyb.nextInt(); 2.Add the values 3. Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result
Writing the assignments statements in Average3b System.out.println ("What is the first value\t?"); int value1 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the second value\t?"); int value2 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the third value\t?"); int value3 = keyb.nextInt(); sum = value1 + value2 + value3; 3. Divide the sum by 3 4.Print the result Adding up the three values
Writing the assignments statements in Average3b System.out.println ("What is the first value\t?"); int value1 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the second value\t?"); int value2 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the third value\t?"); int value3 = keyb.nextInt(); sum = value1 + value2 + value3; average = sum / 3; 4.Print the result Calculating the average
Writing the output statement in Average3b System.out.println ("What is the first value\t?"); int value1 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the second value\t?"); int value2 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the third value\t?"); int value3 = keyb.nextInt(); sum = value1 + value2 + value3; average = sum / 3; System.out.println("The average is " + average);
import java.util.Scanner; public class Average3b { public static void main(String[] args) { int sum, average; Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; System.out.println ("What is the first value\t?"); int value1 = keyb.nextInt(); System.out.println ("What is the second value\t?"); int value2 = keyb.nextInt();
System.out.println ("What is the third value\t?"); int value3 = keyb.nextInt(); sum = value1 + value2 + value3; average = sum / 3; System.out.println("The average is " + average); }
Another example – calculating a payroll We are going to write a program which calculates the gross pay for someone earning an hourly wage. We need two pieces of information: –the hourly rate of pay –the number of hours worked. We are expected to produce one output: the gross pay, which we can find by calculating: –Gross pay = Rate of pay * Hours Worked
Examples Pay RateHoursGross $6.7510$67.50 $6.7500 $10040$4000
Our Design for payroll 1.Get the inputs 2.Calculate the gross pay 3.Print the gross pay 1.1 Get the rate 1.2 Get the hours We can substitute:
Developing The Payroll Program 1.1 Get the rate 1.2 Get the hours 2.Calculate the gross pay 3.Print the gross pay 1.1.1Prompt the user for the rate 1.1.2Read the rate 1.2.1Prompt the user for the hours 1.2.2Read the hours We can substitute
Coding the payroll program Before we code the payroll program, we recognize that the values ( rate, hours and gross ) may not necessarily be integers. We will declare these to be double, which means that they can have (but do not have to have) fractional parts. In Java, we usually declare our variables where they first appear in the program.
Developing The Payroll Program (continued) 1.1.1Prompt the user for the rate 1.1.2Read the rate 1.2.1Prompt the user for the hours 1.2.2Read the hours 2.Calculate the gross pay 3.Print the gross pay System.out.println("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble();
Developing The Payroll Program (continued) System.out.println ("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble(); 1.2.1Prompt the user for the hours 1.2.2Read the hours 2.Calculate the gross pay 3.Print the gross pay System.out.println("How many hours did you work?"); double hours = keyb.nextDouble();
Developing The Payroll Program (continued) System.out.println ("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println ("How many hours did you work?"); double hours = keyb.nextDouble(); 2.Calculate the gross pay 3.Print the gross pay double gross = rate * hours;
Developing The Payroll Program (continued) System.out.println ("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println ("How many hours did you work?"); double hours = keyb.nextDouble(); double gross = rate * hours; 3.Print the gross pay System.out.println("Your gross pay is $ " + gross);
import java.util.Scanner; public class Payroll { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; System.out.println ("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println ("How many hours did you work?"); double hours = keyb.nextDouble(); double gross = rate * hours; System.out.println("Your gross pay is $“ + gross); }
import java.util.Scanner; public class Payroll { /** This program calculates the gross pay for an * hourly worker * Inputs - hourly rate and hours worked * Output - Gross pay */ public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; // Get the hourly rate System.out.println ("What is your hourly pay rate?"); double rate = keyb.nextDouble();
// Get the hours worked System.out.println ("How many hours did you work?"); double hours = keyb.nextDouble(); // Calculate and display the gross pay double gross = rate * hours; System.out.println("Your gross pay is $" + gross); }
Using Stepwise Refinement to Design a Program You should noticed that when we write a program, we start by describing the steps that our program must perform and we subsequently refine this into a long series of more detailed steps until we are writing individual steps. This is called stepwise refinement. Stepwise refinement is one of the most basic methods for developing a program.
Example – A program to convert pounds to kilograms Our program will convert a weight expressed in pounds into kilograms. –Our input is the weight in pounds. –Our output is the weight in kilograms –We also know that Kilograms = Pounds / 2.2
Examples for pounds to kilograms Weight in pounds (int)Weight in kilograms 00 -22-10 220100 225 102.27
Pounds to Kilograms Program (continued) Our program must: 1.Get the weight in pounds 2.Calculate the weight in kilograms 3.Print the weight in kilograms
Pounds to Kilograms Program (continued) Our program must: 1.Get the weight in pounds 2.Calculate the weight in kilograms 3.Print the weight in kilograms 1.1 Prompt the user for the weight in pounds 1.2Read the pounds
Pounds to Kilograms Program (continued) Our program must: 1.1 Prompt the user for the weight in pounds 1.2 Read the pounds 2. Calculate the weight in kilograms 3. Print the weight in kilograms System.out.println ("What is the weight in pounds?"); double lbs = keyb.nextInt();
Pounds to Kilograms Program (continued) System.out.println ("What is the weight in pounds?"); double lbs = keyb.nextInt(); 2. Calculate the weight in kilograms 3. Print the weight in kilograms double kg = lbs / 2.2;
Pounds to Kilograms Program (continued) System.out.println ("What is the weight in pounds?"); double lbs = keyb.nextInt(); double kg = lbs / 2.2; 3. Print the weight in kilograms System.out.println("The weight is " + kg + " kilograms");
import java.util.Scanner; public class ConvertPounds { // Convert pounds to kilograms // Input - weight in pounds // Output - weight in kilograms public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; // Get the weight in pounds System.out.println ("What is the weight in pounds?"); double lbs = keyb.nextInt(); // Calculate and display the weight in // kilograms double kg = lbs / 2.2; System.out.println("The weight is " + kg + " kilograms"); }
Another Example – The Area of A Rectangle Our program will calculate the area of a rectangle. –Our input is the length and width. –Our output is the area. –We also know that Area = Length * Width 0 = 0 * 0 100 = 20 * 5 300 = 100 * 3
Our Program’s Steps 1.Find the length and width 2.Calculate the area 3.Print the area
Our Program’s Steps (continued) 1.Find the length and width 2.Calculate the area 3.Print the area 1.1 Find the length 1.2 Find the width
Our Program’s Steps (continued) 1.1 Find the length 1.2 Find the width 2. Calculate the area 3. Print the area 1.1.1 Prompt the user for the length 1.1.2 Read the length 1.2.1 Prompt the user for the width 1.1.2 Read the width
Our Program’s Steps (continued) 1.1.1 Prompt the user for the length 1.1.2 Read the length 1.2.1 Prompt the user for the width 1.1.2 Read the width 2. Calculate the area 3. Print the area System.out.println("Enter the length?"); double length = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the width?"); double width = keyb.nextDouble();
Our Program’s Steps (continued) System.out.println("Enter the length?"); double length = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the width?"); double width = keyb.nextDouble(); 2. Calculate the area 3. Print the area double area = length * width;
Our Program’s Steps (continued) System.out.println("Enter the length?"); double length = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the width?"); double width = keyb.nextDouble(); double area = length * width; 3. Print the area System.out.println("The area is " + area);
import java.util.Scanner; public class CalculateArea { // Calculates the area of a rectangle // Inputs - The length and width of the rectangle // Output - The area of the rectangle public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; // Print an explanatory message for the user System.out.println ("Given the width and length of a rectangle"); System.out.println ("this program calculates its area." );
// Get the inputs System.out.println("Enter the length?"); double length = keyb.nextDouble(); System.out.println("Enter the width?"); double width = keyb.nextDouble(); // Calculate and display the area double area = length * width; System.out.println("The area is " + area); }
More on Scanner You can read: –nextInt() –nextLong() –nextByte() –nextDouble() –next() – up to next whitespace (delimiter) –nextLine() – up to “\n” –useDelimiter() Throw in nextLine() to get down a line
TryScanner Tell the user to “Type an integer and then a word, and press Enter” Print it back to them with “You typed and.” Then, ask for a whole line and print it back. See that you need to be careful with the Enter keystroke. (Capture it with keyb.nextLine.)
Scanner Play solution import java.util.Scanner; public class ScannerPlay { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner keyb = new Scanner(; System.out.println ("Type an integer and then a word, and press Enter"); int number1 = keyb.nextInt(); String word1 =; System.out.println("You typed " + number1 + " and " + word1 + "."); System.out.println("Type something else and Enter"); keyb.nextLine(); // skip a line String line1 = keyb.nextLine(); System.out.println("You typed " + line1); }
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