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Crosscutting Topic 2 Bridge Impacts and DVs Keith Porter PEER Bridge Testbed Progress Meeting Richmond Field Station May 22, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Crosscutting Topic 2 Bridge Impacts and DVs Keith Porter PEER Bridge Testbed Progress Meeting Richmond Field Station May 22, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crosscutting Topic 2 Bridge Impacts and DVs Keith Porter PEER Bridge Testbed Progress Meeting Richmond Field Station May 22, 2002

2 Objectives for 10:00-10:50 Impacts, DVs Inform modelers about DMs and DVs from other studies & from Caltrans Draft & formalize DMs and DVs? Identify implications for methodology Development needs

3 EDP, DM aspects of Caltrans Humboldt meeting Failure mode (DM)EDPCapacity Pile shearV at M max Seible pile tests UnseatingLongit. displ.Seat length Abutment slumping  (Caltrans inspectors?) Lap spliceM max, e steel M spall P/T pile TTT ult

4 DM and DV aspects of Caltrans I-880 Meeting Post-earthquake decision-making process 1.Inspectors assess safety of bridges 2.At EOC, compile database of bridge open/closed status, recs and cost of repair 3.Prioritize repairs with traffic engineers. If important routes are closed, can they be shored & opened? 4.Construction or design engineers design repairs

5 Straw Man: Suggested Means of Defining DVs and DMs Define performance DVs to model Caltrans’ implicit or explicit post-earthquake performance levels, i.e., p[PL|T] or p[PL|event] Define helper DVs: parameters that drive Caltrans’ repair & replacement decisions Define DMs as physical damages that drive determination of PL and post-earthquake decisions

6 Straw Man: PLs, DMs and DVs PLsDVsDMs PL 1 : OpenDV 1 : p[PL|T]DM 1 : residual vertical capacity PL 2 : Briefly closed to repair minor damage DV 2 : p[PL|event]DM 2 : residual lateral capacity PL 3 : Closed, shored, opened DV 3 : p[T repair |PL 4c ] DM 3 : abutment  PL 4,critical : Closed. Faster of repair/replace DV 4 : p[T replace |PL 4c ] DM 4 : expansion jt  PL 4,non-critical : Closed. Cheaper of repair/replace DV 5 : p[C repair |PL 4nc ] DV 6 : p[C replace |PL 4nc ]

7 Van Nuys Sensitivity Study Keith Porter PEER Bridge Testbed Progress Meeting Richmond Field Station 22 May 2002

8 Objectives Assess gross sensitivity of damage factor (DF) to uncertainty in basic random variables (X) Assess variability in each X i Assess sensitivity of DF to uncertainty in X i Illustrate with the Van Nuys testbed

9 Methodology, 1/3 Identify basic variables X T = [X 1, X 2,…X N ] in repair cost C = f(X) Assess E[X i ], Var[X i ] for i = 1, 2, … N Assess X i,50 = 50 th percentile of X i Assess X i,10 = 10 th percentile of X i Assess X i,90 = 90 th percentile of X i

10 Methodology, 2/3 1.Describe facility B as a collection of standard assembly types j = 1, 2, … N j with possible damage states d = 1, 2, … N j,d, each with uncertain capacity F j,d, and uncertain repair costs C j,d 2.Structural analysis : EDP = g(GM, B) 3.Damage analysis: for each assembly k, if EDP k > F i,d, then DM k ≥ d 4.Loss analysis: C = (1 + C OP )  j  d N j,d C j,d 5.Damage factor DF = C/RCN (RCN: replacement cost, new)

11 Methodology, 3/3 Calculate baseline C 0 = f(X 1,50, X 2,50, … X N,50 ) C i,10 = f(X 1,50, X 2,50,…X i,10,… X N,50 ): i = 1…N C i,90 = f(X 1,50, X 2,50,…X i,90,… X N,50 ): i = 1…N Swing i = |C i,90 – C i,10 | Sort X i by swing i & plot in a “tornado diagram”

12 Results: X i

13 Results: Tornado Diagram

14 Conclusions For this model & this building, assembly capacity and shaking intensity swamp other uncertainties Important uncertainties omitted, need study: –F-d model selection, R/C joint capacity, difference between field & lab fragility, repair method | damage state, nonunion vs. union, demand surge, … Tornado diagram depicts important RVs Model for UC Science Building? Bridges? Report:

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