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Conversation Specification: A New Approach to Design and Specification of E-Service Composition T. Bultan X. Fu R. Hull J. Su University of California.

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1 Conversation Specification: A New Approach to Design and Specification of E-Service Composition T. Bultan X. Fu R. Hull J. Su University of California at Santa Barbara Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies

2 May 24, 2003WWW 20032 The E-Services Paradigm  E-services : network-resident software services accessible via standardized protocols  In e-commerce, telecom, science  Possibility of automatic discovery, composition, invocation, monitoring  Primary roots :  Process description formalisms, including automata and workflow  Data management (including models, transforms, mediation, transactions)  Distributed computing middleware

3 May 24, 2003WWW 20033 E-Services Composition  Web  very flexible forms of distributed computing (SOAP, WSDL)  Composition: distributed, flexible, and complex  More flexible, less structured than CORBA  Data management plays a large role  Increased structure helps understanding fundamental issues  “Glue” languages: WSFL, XLANG, BPEL4WS, BPML  “Behavioral” signatures: automata-based, WSCL, “session types”  Formalisms to describe e-services: DAML-S pre- and post- conditions

4 May 24, 2003WWW 20034 Fundamental Issues in Composition  How to build composite e-services from atomic ones?  Various standards proposed; different disciplines addressed  Most pursue a procedural approach  Approaches to “synthesize” (automatic composition) e-compositions from desired global properties  How to analyze composite e-services?  “Correctness”, behaviors, composable? compatibility?  Tools for analysis of compositions  Formal foundations not yet clear

5 May 24, 2003WWW 20035 Summary of Contributions  Propose a model of global behaviors for composite e-services  E-service interactions via messaging (e.g. in the spirit of JMS, BizTalk): asynchronous + FIFO queue  Use formal language techniques  Technical results concerning Mealy machines as participating e-services: 1.Global behaviors are not always regular languages 2.The “prepone” and “join” closure of every regular language = global behavior of some composite e-service 3.The converse of 2. is not true  Implications to composition design:  Top-down is better than bottom-up  Bounded queues vs unbounded

6 May 24, 2003WWW 20036 Outline  A Model for E-services & Compositions  Conversations  Mealy Peers/Implementations  Conversation Specifications (Top-Down)  Related work  Conclusions

7 May 24, 2003WWW 20037  An E-C schema is a triple (M, P, C ) Specifies the infrastructure of composition E-Composition Schema a uthorize  M : finite set of message classes ware- house2 ware- house1 store bank  P : finite set of peers (e-services) okok b ill 2 p ayment 2 o rder 1 r eceipt 1 o rder 2 r eceipt 2 p ayment 1 b ill 1  C : finite set of peer to peer channels “conservative” “aggressive”

8 May 24, 2003WWW 20038 Composition Infrastructure  Possible models:  Peer-to-peer (distributed control)  Hub-and-spoke (centralized control) ware- house2 ware- house1 store bank okok a uthorize o rder 2 r eceipt 2 p ayment 1 b ill 1 o rder 1 r eceipt 1 b ill 2 p ayment 2 a k’k’ r o b2b2 p2p2 r2r2 o2o2 r1r1 o1o1 b1b1 p1p1 k a’a’ b p ware- house2 ware- house1 store bank mediator  Our technical results do not rely on special roles of peers (in the spirit of P2P) w2w1 s b w2 w1 s b m

9 May 24, 2003WWW 20039 Communication Channels  Channels are assumed to be reliable  Asynchronous, for example, the following channel: ware- house1 store o rder 1 send Order 1 … o1o1 send Order 1 receive Receipt 1 …  Queues are FIFO, unbounded length  Can simulate synchronous and also bounded queues

10 May 24, 2003WWW 200310 Messages  Messages are classified into classes  Each class is associated with one channel  Each message class may have additional attributes which can carry the contents of messages  For this paper, analysis involves no contents  Results immediately apply to “finite domain” contents ware- house1 store o rder 1

11 May 24, 2003WWW 200311 Peers (E-services)  In the most general case, a peer can be a Turing machine input messages to other e-services Do until halt nondeterministic choice: read an input; send an output to some other peer; halt; end choice local store message log  Essence of BPEL4WS, BPML, etc. standards:  Finite control + data structures  Infinite state system and thus difficult to analyze  Our approach:  Finite control + (finite number of) message classes (+ finite domain contents)  Open to extend to allow data structures (not in this paper)  Impossible to analyze input messages to other e-services Do until halt nondeterministic choice: read an input; send an output to some other peer; halt; end choice local store message log

12 May 24, 2003WWW 200312 Outline  A Model for E-services & Compositions  Conversations  Mealy Peers/Implementations  Conversation Specifications (Top-Down)  Related work  Conclusions

13 May 24, 2003WWW 200313 Global Behaviors of Composition  Center around composition (collaboration)  Rather than individual E-services  “Behavioral type” checking: composability is an important issue  Our focus: Is the specification of a composite E-service “correct”?  How, when, and what do peers communicate?  Correctness: properties of communication during possible executions  Ignore port-level details

14 May 24, 2003WWW 200314 o rder 2 p ayment 1 b ill 1 Conversations  Watcher: “records” the messages (classes) as they are sent okok a uthorize r eceipt 2 o rder 1 r eceipt 1 b ill 2 p ayment 2 Watcher ware- house2 ware- house1 store bank ako1o1 b1b1 o2o2  A conversation is a sequence of messages the watcher sees in a successful run (or session)  E-composition (ec) language: the set of all possible conversations p1p1 r1r1 r2r2 b2b2 p2p2

15 May 24, 2003WWW 200315 Outline  A Model for E-services & Compositions  Conversations  Mealy Peers/Implementations  Conversation Specifications (Top-Down)  Related work  Conclusions

16 May 24, 2003WWW 200316 Peers Revisited  Again, ports and storages are ignored  Internal logic of peers : finite state control input messages to other e-services Do until halt nondeterministic choice: read an input; send an output to some other peer; halt; end choice local store message log

17 May 24, 2003WWW 200317 Mealy Peers  Mealy machines: Finite state machines with input (incoming messages) & output (outgoing messages) warehouse2 ?o2?o2 !r2!r2 !r2!r2 null !r2!r2 !b2!b2 !b2!b2 ?p2?p2 ?p2?p2

18 May 24, 2003WWW 200318 Executing a Mealy Composition  Execution halts if  All mealy peers are in final states  All queues are empty warehouse2 ?o2?o2 !r2!r2 !r2!r2 null !r2!r2 !b2!b2 !b2!b2 ?p2?p2 ?p2?p2 bank ?a?a !k!k … store !a!a ?k?k … !o2!o2 w1 ?o1?o1 … ako2o2 !o1!o1 …

19 May 24, 2003WWW 200319 Outline  A Model for E-services & Compositions  Conversations  Mealy Peers/Implementations  Conversation Specifications (Top-Down)  Related work  Conclusions

20 May 24, 2003WWW 200320  E-C languages are not always regular  Example: ECL  a * b *  a n b n E-Composition Language  Regular ?b?b !a!a p1p1 p2p2 ?a?a !b!b a b  Not context free for some Mealy compositions  Causes: asynchronous communication & unbounded queue  Bounded queues or synchronous: ECL always regular

21 May 24, 2003WWW 200321 Practical Implications  Simply composing peers without a global sense can make the E-composition behaviors very complicated  Non regular means many model checking tools are out of reach (for correctness)  Bottom up won’t always work well

22 May 24, 2003WWW 200322 An Alternative  Given a regular language L as the global behavior, find Mealy peers so that the ECL  L  A quick answer: no  But, wait…

23 May 24, 2003WWW 200323  Local view of a conversation for a peer: part of the execution that is related to the peer  Defined as projection:  p  w  for a conversation w  Two conversations cannot be distinguished if they have exactly the same set of local views  If abc is a part of a conversation, so are bac and bca   p i  abc  p i  bac  p i  bca  a for i    p i  abc  p i  bac  p i  bca  bc for i  Local Views a p2p2 p1p1 b c p4p4 p3p3

24 May 24, 2003WWW 200324  Given languages L i over  i,   i  n  Conversations (ECLs) L are closed under “projection-join”: Join

25 May 24, 2003WWW 200325 Local Prepone  peer  w  should also allow a peer p !a!a !b!b c …ab… local view at p … ab……

26 May 24, 2003WWW 200326 A Synthesis Result  Given a regular language L, we can find a Mealy composition such that its ECL is the closure:  Intuitively: given a regular L (e.g., ako 1 …), we can find Mealy peers whose conversations are not arbitrary  Opportunity for automatic composition  But some Mealy compositions do not relate to any regular languages in this way

27 May 24, 2003WWW 200327 The Converse (General Case)  There is an Mealy compositions whose ECL is not for every regular languages L a b ?a?a !c!c p2p2 !b!b !a!a p1p1 p3p3 ?c?c ?b?b c ECL = { a i bc i | i  0 }

28 May 24, 2003WWW 200328  When the peer-channel graph is a tree, then the Mealy composition has an ECL equal to for some regular languages L  Intuitively: the global behavior of bottom-up composition is still predictable if the composition infrastructure is a tree  In particular, adding an mediator (hub-spoke) isn’t a bad idea! The Tree Case

29 May 24, 2003WWW 200329 Hub-and-spoke  For every star-shaped E-composition infrastructure, and every regular language L, we can construct an Mealy composition whose ECL  L  Good news for hub-and-spoke!

30 May 24, 2003WWW 200330 Summary of Technical Results 1.ECLs of some Mealy compositions are not regular, some others not context free 2.The “prepone” and “join” closure of every regular language = ECL of some composite Mealy E-services 3.The converse of 2. is not true in general, true in special cases  However: if bounded queue or synchronous: ECL of every Mealy composition is regular  Design time decision! Need to be explicit in specifications (BPEL4WS, BPLM, …)

31 May 24, 2003WWW 200331 Outline  A Model for E-services & Compositions  Conversations  Mealy Peers/Implementations  Conversation Specifications (Top-Down)  Related work  Conclusions

32 May 24, 2003WWW 200332 Related Work  Similar E-service models:  BPEL4WS (WSFL, XLANG), BPML, WSCL  Workflow, 1-safe Petri-nets   -calculus: synchronous but can simulate unbounded buffer effect  Other synchronous models  CSP [Hoare ’85], I/O automata [Lynch-Tuttle ’87], interface automata [Henzinger et al ’01 ]  Other asynchronous models  Communicating FSA [Brand-Zafiropulo ’82], Message Sequence Charts [Alur et al ’00]

33 May 24, 2003WWW 200333 Conclusions  Conversations are an interesting model for global behaviors  Only a beginning, more need to be understood (see also [Hull et al PODS ’03])  Would like ECLs to be regular, some sufficient conditions are given in [Fu-Bultan-S. CIAA ’03]  Infinite domain message contents?  Design tools, e.g., verification tools?  Spawning new processes?  …

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