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Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base. Aims: To better explain and transport the situation and the necessities of the professionals and their clients.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base. Aims: To better explain and transport the situation and the necessities of the professionals and their clients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base


3 Aims: To better explain and transport the situation and the necessities of the professionals and their clients to the European Institutions. Information pool and guidance for individual Geodetic Surveyors Source of information for European Institutions and also for national Member organisation in order to exchange best practice.

4 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base Structure: The dynamic CLGE knowledge base (in English) is meant to be a comprehensive collection of relevant information about the profession of Geodetic Surveyors in all CLGE Member countries that is regularly updated. All information that is already available on the profession of Geodetic Surveyors on national or European level or within CLGE should be integrated in the database after a validation check.

5 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base Some examples of available information: EU database on regulated professions Impact of European Legislation on Cadastral Surveying 2010 / OGE report about the Survey on the Services Directive 2009 The Influences of European Union Law on Member State Rules governing the profession of land surveyors – legal opinion by Henssler & Kilian 2009 European requirements for cadastral surveyor activities Market Report 2007 / Surveying Curriculum from the Point of View of Multidisciplinarity The Activity of Publicly Appointed Surveyors and the Exercise of Official Authority within the Meaning of Article 45 EC – expert opinion by Henssler & Kilian 2004 Allan Report – The education and practice of the geodetic surveyor in western Europe 1995

6 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base The defining of the final structure, the survey, the validation and the setting up of the first online version of the database will be done professionally by the winner(s) of a tendering procedure The structure of the contents shall be kept as clear and simple as possible in order to avoid interpretational misunderstandings and to make the regular updating as simple as possible. To ensure the efficient collection of the information as well as the regular updates each CLGE Member organisation should nominate a person responsible for the maintenance of the database within the national organisation.

7 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base Key elements: National legal framework Fields of activity Professional recognition Education programmes Statistical data/economical data Other relevant information

8 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base Draft time table: Agreement on the concept in the CLGE EB – March 2011 Agreement in the CLGE General Assembly – May 2011 Tendering for setting up/structuring of the database (and validate available data) – May 2011 Decision / awarding of contract – Summer 2011 Start of implementation process – Autumn 2011 First Online Draft – Spring 2012

9 Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base Rudi Thank you for giving this ideas better support than the poor guy aside!

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