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Shipboard Investigation of Air-sea Interaction and Cloud Processes in the VOCALS Stratocumulus Region C. W. Fairall(1), D. Wolfe (1), S. Pezoa (1), S.

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Presentation on theme: "Shipboard Investigation of Air-sea Interaction and Cloud Processes in the VOCALS Stratocumulus Region C. W. Fairall(1), D. Wolfe (1), S. Pezoa (1), S."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shipboard Investigation of Air-sea Interaction and Cloud Processes in the VOCALS Stratocumulus Region C. W. Fairall(1), D. Wolfe (1), S. Pezoa (1), S. de Szoeke(1), L. Bariteau (1, 2), Efthymios Serpetzoglou (3), Virendra Ghate (3), and Paquita Zuidema (3) Results from NOAA Stratus Cruises 2001-2006


3 Observation Systems Air-sea Fluxes, Clouds, Precipitation Cloud Radar and Microwave Radiometer


5 Measurement Systems for PACS/Stratus Cruises



8 Cloud-Aerosol-Drizzle Connection Cloud-aerosol Indirect Effect Example from Stratus2005: Minimum in PBL aerosol concentration corresponds to broken cloud period and much higher transmission of solar flux to ocean. Broken cloud period was during a POC with drizzling mesoscale cloud features. Note cloud LWP about the same for solid vs broken clouds.


10 Deduce Cloud Optical Properties: Observed cloud transmission coefficient

11 STRATUS Cloud Optical Properties: LWP and Aerosol Relationships From the Diurnal Averaging Observed Optical thickness vs Observed LWP. Calif coast Naer=300/cc; Eq Pac Naer=50/cc Observed Optical thickness divided by 1- third power of Observed Aerosol Number Concentration versus Observed LWP

12 Daily-averaged Stratus observations: SST and Sea-air Temperature difference


14 Diurnal and Daily Average File Formats yxz(:,1)=jdd;Julian Day yxz(:,2)=rld;Downward IR flux W/m^2 yxz(:,3)=rlclrd;Clear sky downward IR flux W/m^2 yxz(:,4)=rsd;Downward solar flux W/m^2 yxz(:,5)=rsclrd;Clear sky downward solar flux W/m^2 yxz(:,6)=tsgd;Ship thermosalinograph water temperature (5 m depth) yxz(:,7)=tsd; ESRL seasnake water temperature (5 cm depth) yxz(:,8)=tad; Air Temperature (18 m) C yxz(:,9)=tau opt; Cloud optical thickness yxz(:,10)=zbmd; Median cloud base height m yxz(:,11)=topd; Cloud top height yxz(:,12)=wmd; Cloud liquid water path g/m^2 yxz(:,13)=cldfd; Cloud fraction yxz(:,14)=aer_mnd1; Aerosol number, size>.1 micron and size<.2 micron yxz(:,15)=aer_mnd2; Aerosol number, size>.3 micron and size<.5 micron yxz(:,16)=aer_mnd3; Aerosol number, size>1 micron and size<5 micron yxz(:,17)=yrr; Year of the cruise yxz(:,18)=raind; Rain rate mm/hr yxz(:,19)=uxd; Northerly wind component m/s yxz(:,20)=uyd; Easterly wind component m/s yxz(:,21)=ud; Wind speed m/s yxz(:,22)=hsd; Sensible heat flux W/m^2 yxz(:,23)=hld; Latent heat flux W/m^2 yxz(:,24)=taud; Stress N/m^2 yxz(:,25)=zb1d; 15% cloud base height m yxz(:,26)=clodthkd; Cloud thickness m yxz(:,27)=ndd; Number cloud drops deduced from optical thickness yxz(:,28)=latd; Latitude yxz(:,29)=lond; Longitude

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