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LAMOST 2D Pipeline Jianjun Chen, Zhongrui Bai, Hanqin Qin Xulei Xue NAOC CAS, USTC 2008-12-3, Beijing.

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Presentation on theme: "LAMOST 2D Pipeline Jianjun Chen, Zhongrui Bai, Hanqin Qin Xulei Xue NAOC CAS, USTC 2008-12-3, Beijing."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAMOST 2D Pipeline Jianjun Chen, Zhongrui Bai, Hanqin Qin Xulei Xue NAOC CAS, USTC 2008-12-3, Beijing

2 2D file name and storage Example: rs-16b-7654321-03 – Class+type-spID+color-planID-run-MJD  Data class: r(raw), p(product),t (temporary)  Data type: o(object), s(sky), f(flat), b(bias),a(arc), t(test)  spID: 1-16 for low-res spectrographs 17-32 for mid-res spectrographs

3 2D file name and storage  Color: r(red), b(blue)  planID: plan ID from SSS  Run: the run number during each night  MJD: modified Julian Day, but here modified to in unit of minute  Data from each night stored in directory named by MJD or calendar date

4 2D pipeline  Scan files and pre-reduction  Tracing and extraction  Wavelength calibration  Flat correction  Sky subtraction  Flux calibration, combine 3 exposures and red & blue spectra

5 Scan files and pre-reduction  Subtract bias  Calculate inverse variance as noise  Scan files and read files to corresponding structures

6 Tracing and extraction  Find out the center positions of fiber profiles at ystart in a flat exposure  Along the dispersion direction, find the center and width for each fiber profile  Fit the fiber profiles along spatial direction to calculate the flux for each fiber rs-12r-20081011-skyimage.fits

7 Wavelength calibration  Iteratively calculate the correlation coefficient of one fiber arc lines with lines in table, to get the initial wavelength solution  Based on the line table, separate the arc spectrum next to the initial arc to sections, in each section only one strong line, and calculate the dispersion curve  Go to next arc spectrum, do it again 1D-rs-12r-20081011-15-78799307'.ps

8 Flat correction  Using B-spline to fit wave and flux in good fiber and to reconstruct the superflat  Divide the flat flux by superflat and get fiber efficiency curve fflat  Object flux divide fflat

9 sky subtraction  Locate sky emission lines, to correct the wavelength calibration  Calculate the emission line width  Using B-splines to reconstruct supersky  Subtract the supersky from object flux

10 Flux calibration (SDSS sky area)  Compare standard star flux (F-type sub dwarf) with flux of standard model, to derive spectrophotometric calibration  Combine 3 exposures  Combine red and blue

11 Some tests  20081003sky_eff\FiberEff-12-r- 20081003sky_eff\FiberEff-12-r-  1D-ro-15r-20081001-376- 1D-ro-15r-20081001-376-  skysub-1D-ro-15r-20081001-376- skysub-1D-ro-15r-20081001-376-

12 Thanks!

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