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Rae Lan, may, 20071 A Fish Or A Fishing Rod?-Language Learning Strategies for Successful Language Learning 語言學習策略工作坊 城中校區 2513, May. 30, 2007 藍蕾 東吳大學 副教授.

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Presentation on theme: "Rae Lan, may, 20071 A Fish Or A Fishing Rod?-Language Learning Strategies for Successful Language Learning 語言學習策略工作坊 城中校區 2513, May. 30, 2007 藍蕾 東吳大學 副教授."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rae Lan, may, 20071 A Fish Or A Fishing Rod?-Language Learning Strategies for Successful Language Learning 語言學習策略工作坊 城中校區 2513, May. 30, 2007 藍蕾 東吳大學 副教授 Rae Lan, Ph.D. TESOL/Second Language Education Department of Curriculum & Instruction University of Maryland, College Park Email:

2 Rae Lan, may, 20072 Warm-Up Activity Liar, ___, ___! Pants ___ ___! ___ as Long as a telephone ___! Fill in the blanks and memorize the lines What specific strategies do you need? How do they differ from an EFL learner’s?

3 Rae Lan, may, 20073 Vocabphobia – a Think-aloud Protocol Arachnophobia-spider Social Phobia-socialize Aerophobia-flying Agoraphobia-public Claustrophobia-enclosed space Acrophobia-heights Emetophobia-vomit Carcinophobia-cancer Brontophobia-thunderstorm Necrophobia-death

4 Rae Lan, may, 20074 Warm-Up Activity Audrey Keiko Azuma A short film directed by Stanley Nakazono *What is an asianphile? *What are the two metaphors used *What is the story about? Q: What strategies did you apply to help yourself understand the film?

5 Rae Lan, may, 20075 A Fish Or A Fishing Rod? What are Language Learning Strategies? How are LLSs categorized? Why are LLSs important? What does research tell us about LLSs? Applying strategies in various situations

6 Rae Lan, may, 20076 What Are Language Learning Strategies? Definition- Learning strategies are behaviors or thoughts that the learner uses with some degree of control or awareness to enhance his or her learning. (Oxford, 2003) * Specific actions taken by the learner to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self- directed, more effective and more transferable to new situations” (Oxford,1990, p.8)

7 Rae Lan, may, 20077 How Are Strategies Categorized? Oxford’s Six Strategy Taxonomy (1990) Direct StrategiesIndirect Strategies Memory Strategies Compensation Strategies Cognitive Strategies Affective Strategies Social Strategies Meta- cognitive Strategies

8 Rae Lan, may, 20078 Direct Strategies Memory Strategies- –Creating mental linkage –Applying images and sounds –Reviewing well –Employing actions Compensation Strategies –Guessing intelligently –Overcoming limitations in speaking and writing Cognitive Strategies –Practicing –Receiving and sending messages –Analyzing and reasoning –Creating structures for input and output

9 Rae Lan, may, 20079 Indirect Strategies Metacognitive Strategies- POEM –Planning your learning –Organizing your learning –Evaluating your learning –Monitoring your learning Affective Strategies –Lowering your anxiety –Encouraging yourself –Taking your emotional temperature Social Strategies –Asking questions –Cooperating with others –Empathizing with others

10 Rae Lan, may, 200710 Why are LLSs important? LLSs facilitate and enhance language learning LLSs are tools used by teachers to scaffold learning LLSs help to reach the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD by Vygotsky) LLSs make teaching more efficient LLSs change the roles played by teachers LLSs transform passive learners to active learners LLSs promote learner autonomy

11 Rae Lan, may, 200711 What does research tell us about LLSs? Successful learners use appropriate LLSs for various types of tasks Children use LLSs and can describe them LLSs are positively correlated to learners’ proficiency LLSs are correlated to children’s attitude

12 Rae Lan, may, 200712 Research Variables Learning Styles Gender Self-rating Prior Learning Proficiency Learning Context Attitude Language Learning Strategies

13 Rae Lan, may, 200713 Examples of Strategies: Activating prior knowledge/experiencesActivating prior knowledge/experiences Making associationsMaking associations Planning and organizingPlanning and organizing Positive self-talkPositive self-talk Using images to remember wordsUsing images to remember words Categorizing vocabulary for memorizationCategorizing vocabulary for memorization Making inferencesMaking inferences Using gesturesUsing gestures

14 Rae Lan, may, 200714 Strategies Used In Various Situations: When listening to a passage,… When speaking to foreigners,… When reading a paragraph,… When writing an essay,… When memorizing a list of words,… When preparing for an oral presentation,… When studying in an EFL context,…

15 Rae Lan, may, 200715 Listening Depending on the contexts or situations Determining your purposes Making use of any resources available Getting the whole picture v.s. listening for details (top-down v.s. bottom-up) Selecting materials that fit i +1 Practicing makes perfect!

16 Rae Lan, may, 200716 Speaking Depending on the contexts or situations Using verbal / non-verbal communication Applying compensation strategies Listening carefully (receiving input) for speaking appropriately (strategizing output) Consciously using new vocab/expressions

17 Rae Lan, may, 200717 Giving Oral Presentations Setting your goals Highlighting your strengths and eluding your weaknesses (improving later) Avoiding reading from your paper Applying technologies (power point slides) Using attention-getters Opening, closing, manners, CONFIDENCE! Its’ a learned skill, not a natural talent.

18 Rae Lan, may, 200718 Reading Depending on the contexts or situations Applying pre-, during- and after-reading strategies Using stickys, taking notes on the margins, underlying, Predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarizing 12/Reading/Reading%20Strategies/reading%20strategies%20index.htm

19 Rae Lan, may, 200719 Writing Depending on the contexts or situations Employing pre-, during-, and after-writing strategies..\Pre-writing strategies.doc..\Pre-writing strategies.doc Process writing stages- –Prewriting –Drafting –Rereading –Peer-revising –Revising

20 Rae Lan, may, 200720 Memorizing A List of Words Identify what strategies you are already using and see how they work for you Brainstorming on a vocabulary task with other learners Exchange ideas and experience Expand your strategy bank Practice

21 Rae Lan, may, 200721 Typical Steps in Strategy Instruction 1.Determine the learners’ needs and the time available 2.Select strategies well 3.Integrate SI into language teaching 4.Consider motivational issues 5.Prepare materials and activities 6.Conduct completely informed SI 7.Evaluate the SI 8.Revise the SI (Oxford, 2004)

22 Rae Lan, may, 200722 Conclusions- Take initiatives in exploring learning strategies used for all disciplines Identify your own strategies that work Expand your strategies Being metacognitively aware of your strategy use Use strategies that fit your learning style Employ strategies at the right time in the right place on the right task to the person Reflect and evaluate your strategy use Practice, self-esteem and motivation!

23 Rae Lan, may, 200723 Successful Learners Will 1.Make the best use of time 2.Reflect on what has been learned 3.Select what is most important 4.Claim ownership of what has been learned 5.Make best use of resources available 6.Take actions 7.Always be positive 8.NEVER GIVE UP! (Rae, 2007)

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