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An Overview of PETS and District 5710
2 Learning Objectives 1.Review some Rotary basics. 2.Identify what to do between now and July 1, 2010. 3.Review monthly and ongoing activities. 4.Summarize the PETS agenda. 5.Brief look at District Organization
3 Successful Rotary Clubs Develop leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level. Expand their membership base. Implement successful projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries. Support The Rotary Foundation through both program participation and financial contributions. Continue to reevaluate their club’s operation.
Club Leadership Plan The Club Leadership Plan is the recommended administrative structure for Rotary clubs. The RI Board encourages Rotary clubs to use it to develop a leadership plan that will provide – Continuity in projects and decision making – Consensus for decision making and goal setting – A larger supply of well-trained leaders – Succession planning for club leadership The Leadership Plan does not replace the 4-Avenues of Service. 4
5 Club Leadership Plan Club Board President Vice President President Elect Secretary Treasurer Directors (number determined by club) Immediate Past President Administration committee Public Relations committee Membership committee Service Projects committee Rotary Foundation committee Club Leadership Plan
6 Club Leadership Plan Implementation To implement the plan, current, incoming, and past club leaders should: – Make sure all club members feel involved and informed. – Develop long-range goals. – Set annual goals that support long-range goals. – Communicate with the club and district. – Ensure continuity in leadership. – Customize the bylaws to reflect club operations. – Provide regular fellowship opportunities. – Actively involve all club members. – Offer regular, consistent training.
What To Do Now To Get Ready? MARCH If not already doing so, attend club board meetings. Review your club’s Constitution and Bylaws. Finalize your board and committee chair positions, including appointing a club trainer. Set club goals using Presidential Citation, District Goals, and Pre- PETS Information. Review and Complete “Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs”, work with current president and club members, obtain copies of previous plans. Set the RI Foundation Goal for the year with Foundation Chair, complete forms. Set Membership Goals with Membership Chair for the year, and complete form. 7
What To Do Now To Get Ready? APRIL Attend PETS April (8), 9, and 10 in Salina. —There is an optional session Thursday, afternoon April 8. Submit the following to the Assistant District Governor at PETS: Foundation Goal for Year Foundation Chair, name and contact information “Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs” “Presidential Citation Plan” Membership Goal Notify Program Chair of DG official visit—DG is the only program on that date. Attend the District Assembly, Conference, and District Governor Installation April 24-25 in Overland Park. 8
What To Do Now To Get Ready? MAY Start work on club’s budget for your year in office. Work with board to update Constitution and Bylaws, if necessary. Constitution provides guidelines for operation of Rotary Club, club cannot change, required for chartering Bylaws guide operation of the club, can be tailored by club to meet its needs, must be in harmony with RI Templates for Constitution and Bylaws can be downloaded from RI website ( Hold joint meeting/retreat of current and incoming boards. 9
What To Do Now To Get Ready? JUNE Finalize club budget. Insure the budget, and all plans are shared with board. Review insurance coverage of club for upcoming year. Accurately update membership report preparation of semi-annual report and annual dues to RI in July. Start work on updating Constitution and Bylaws, as needed. Rotary International Convention, Montreal, Canada. 10
Activities By Month July-Rotary Literacy Month District dues to District Treasurer, Stan Teeter 4207 NE. Kimball Rd, Topeka, KS 66617 July 1. Semi-Annual Report and dues to RI, signed by President and Secretary. Promote and recruit members for District Membership, Foundation and Leadership Conference. August-Membership and Extension Month Attend District Membership, Foundation and Leadership Conference at Washburn September-Rotary New Generations Month District Simplified Grant submission deadline. Deadline for Service Above Self Award Nominations. October-Vocational Service Month Pro-rated dues for new Jul-Sep members due. Conduct a Vocational Service Project or a training session on Vocational Serv. 11
Activities By Month November-Rotary Foundation Month Attend the District Foundation Banquet. Conduct annual election of club officers. Submit IRS Form 990 (and possibly form 990-T) to U.S. Internal Revenue Service, deadline is November 15; Contact IRS for report forms, filing limits, and other requirements. Contact club accountant for advise, as appropriate. December-Rotary Family Month Update membership report in preparation of semi-annual report to RI. Report due to RI and District Office naming President and Secretary for upcoming year, no later that Dec. 31 Report all board members and their contact information for upcoming year to ADG, no later than Dec. 31. January-Rotary Awareness Month Semi-Annual Report and dues to RI, signed by President and Secretary. Evaluate progress in achieving Presidential Citation and making Every Rotarian Every Year Commitment, and Gates Challenge. Search for Ambassadorial Scholar Candidates and submit names by required date. 12
Activities By Month February-Rotary World Understanding Month Start work with incoming president and board to prepare them for the upcoming Rotary year. March-Literacy Month Presidential Citations due to ADG, March 31. Work with incoming president to assure they are registered and prepared for PETS. Encourage club member participation in Ambassadorial Scholarship day in Atchison. Assure the incoming club secretary is registered for SETS. Promote attendance at the District Assembly and Conference. April-Rotary Magazine Month Continue working with incoming president. May-Youth Service Month Hold joint meeting/retreat of current and incoming boards. June-Rotary Fellowship Month Hold Annual Meeting/Changing of the Guard Ceremony. Update membership report for accuracy in preparation of semi-annual report to RI. Rotary International Convention 13
Continuing Activities Weekly Preside over weekly club meetings. Monthly Plan and conduct monthly board meetings. Review the District Newsletter and make club aware of the newsletter. President’s Report due no later than 15 th day of month. Secretary’s Membership Report due no later than 15 th day of month. Schedule a monthly classification talk(s). Quarterly Hold Club Assembly. Other Stay aware and meet RI and District deadlines. Membership Recruitment/Membership Drives. Annual Fund/Gates Challenge Fund Raising. Service Projects (community, club, vocational, international). Public Relations Activities. Leadership of the Club. Building succession and future leaders of club. 14
What to Expect at PETS? Detailed presentations Friday and Saturday to help you lead your club, covering the following subjects: The Role of the Club President Membership The Foundation and Public Relations Informational and motivational presentations by keynote speakers during the day and at a Friday evening banquet. Breakouts sessions with District and Assistant District Governors. Optional Thursday afternoon sessions on subjects covering the Presidential Citation, Planning Guide, Membership, and Foundation, To Register and to see the complete agenda go to: — or — 15
16 District Secretary District Treasurer District Trainer Insurance Rep District Conference Chair DG Advisory Committee Council on Legislation DGN Mo Greenwood Administration Foundation Chair Service Public Relations Chair Membership Chair Nominating Committee Finance Committee Lieutenant DG Assistant DG (9) Resource Group Coordinator Strategic Planning Committee Historian Extension Vocational Service Club Service Literacy Resource Community Service Interact Rotaract RYLA International Service Youth Exchange World Community Svc & Rotary Volunteers World Fellowships Friendship Exchange Water Resources Group Health and Hunger Resource Group District Organizational Chart 2009-10 DGE John Vandewalle District Governor Jim Mattes Polio Group Study Exchange Ambassadorial Scholarships World Peace Programs University Teacher Grant Annual Program Permanent Fund/Benefactors Alumni Grants DGNN Kevin Tubbesing
17 Lieutenant Governor Role (A new position) Promote Leadership amongst the Assistant District Governors: Serve as primary liaison between ADGs and District District Governor Complete assignments and projects as assigned by District Governor Provide guidance and resources to new ADGs/current ADGs as requested or required. Assure ongoing follow-up between the ADG and their clubs on RI and District Goals. Encourage timely submission of reports. Fulfill ADG requests and provide support in a timely fashion.
18 Serve as key source of support, assistance, and information to their assigned clubs. Serve as a resource for the District Governor. Help each club achieve RI and District goals. Help club meet requirements for Presidential Citation. Assist clubs in development (i.e., administration, membership, leadership, fund raising). Attend club meetings at least 4 times a year, including one attendance at one club board meeting. Coordinate DG visit. Attend District meetings. PROVIDE YOUR ADG A COPY OF CLUB’S NEWSLETTER (See ADG Manual for List of Responsibilities) Assistant District Governor Role
19 Learning Objectives 1.Review some Rotary basics. 2.Identify what to do between now and July 1, 2010. 3.Review monthly and ongoing activities. 4.Summarize the PETS agenda. 5.Brief look at District Organization
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