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Further Update on Conversions ATLAS Informal Two Photon Meeting February 26 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP.

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Presentation on theme: "Further Update on Conversions ATLAS Informal Two Photon Meeting February 26 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Further Update on Conversions ATLAS Informal Two Photon Meeting February 26 2009 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP

2 Reminder: Reconstruction Working with 627 GMSB1 events reconstructed with 14.5.0 Reminder: Truth Matching Have worked through “track” truth matching for conversions (thanks to code snippet from Thomas). Truth match only if an electron or positron from a photon conversion (1-track conversions) or one electron and one positron from a photon conversion (2-track conversions). ~ 60% are truth matched

3 Reconstruction Comparison for Truth-Matched Conversions (compare true photons with EGamma photon reconstructed from conversions) Define scaled momentum difference P as (p reco – p truth )/p truth Scaled momentum difference for truth-matched conversions

4 Separate 1- and 2-track conversions P-difference for 1-track Conversions P-difference for 2-track Conversions What could be causing this smearing? Am I truth- matching correctly? Look at the scaled momentum difference for the individual conversion electrons, and also for unassociated pions…

5 Indivudual Track Comparisons Electron momentum difference Pion momentum difference  Truth-matching correct?  Electron reconstruction compromised by bremsstrahlung (brem recovery?)

6 Cataloging True Conversions In preparation for studying reconstruction efficiency, separate conversions into those from GMSB photons and those not from GMSB photons. Further discriminate for GMSB-related conversions: “Secondary”: arises from bremsstrahlung of a GMSB-conversion electron “Good”: conversion of a direct GMSB decay photon with p t > 10 and |  | < 1.5 “Bad”: direct GMSB decay photon that is not “Good”

7 Categorized Conversion Momentum Distributions Two-track Conversions GMSB “BAD” NOT GMSB GMSB SECONDARY GMSB “GOOD”

8 Angular distribution of GMSB Conversions eta GMSB “Good”

9 Radial distribution of GMSB Conversions GMSB “Good”

10 Latest work (yesterday): Efficiency and accuracy of GMSB Good NOTE: Eff. based on STRICT truth-matching GMSB “Good” efficiency vs. conversion radius

11 Efficiency vs. angle and p t eta ptpt

12 Accuracy of Good GMSB momentum reconstruction 1-track conversions 2-track conversions

13 Can we make use of 1-track conversions? Accuracy of Good GMSB conversion radius reconstruction 1-track conversions 2-track conversions

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