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Some slides adapted from A. Silberschatz et al. Database System Concepts, 5th Ed. Review Database Management Systems I Alex Coman, Winter 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Some slides adapted from A. Silberschatz et al. Database System Concepts, 5th Ed. Review Database Management Systems I Alex Coman, Winter 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some slides adapted from A. Silberschatz et al. Database System Concepts, 5th Ed. Review Database Management Systems I Alex Coman, Winter 2006

2 Alex Coman Winter 2006 2 Review Database Management Systems I What We Have Covered Introduction (Ch. 1) Entity-Relationship Model (Sec. 6.1-6.9) Relational Model and Algebra (Ch. 2) Introduction to SQL (Ch. 3) Advanced SQL (Sec. 4.1-4.5, 4.8) Relational Database Design (Ch. 7) Storage and File Structures (Ch. 8) Indexing and Hashing (Sec. 11.1-11.6, 11.8, 11.10) Query Processing (Sec. 13.1-13.5.4, 13.6, 13.7) Query Optimization (Sec. 14.1-14.3) Transactions (Ch. 15 except 15.5.2)

3 Alex Coman Winter 2006 3 Review Database Management Systems I Final Exam … What to Consider April 21 at 1:30pm in the Gym Comprehensive: all subjects discussed in class (see previous slide) everything discussed in the lab tutorials Closed book, no materials are allowed Same style as the midterm (but longer): theoretical questions practical questions Use the exercises from textbook for practice solutions to “Practice Exercises” available freely on the textbook’s website Ask me if there is something you don’t understand well email: in person: tentative

4 Alex Coman Winter 2006 4 Review Database Management Systems I What You Should Remember … … after the course is finished (at a minimum ): How to model a problem (into ER-diagram and/or relational model) The concepts of join, view, aggregation… SQL, SQL, SQL….it is the way to interact with most DBMSs The features of good design Disks are slow: optimize access as much as you can RAID systems How to search fast for data: B + -Tree index, Hash structure Processing of query operators is costly. Do only what you need to do! A DBMS does query optimization for you (based on estimations) The concept of transactions and the ACID properties Databases are everywhere, you will have to deal with them (likely)

5 Some slides adapted from A. Silberschatz et al. Database System Concepts, 5th Ed. Questions? Good Luck with your Final Exams (and your future endeavours )

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