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D&R – ITS + AES 2011/08/09 Sharon. Intelligent vs. Adaptive 1. Intelligent but not adaptive (no student model!) 2. Adaptive but not really intelligent.

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Presentation on theme: "D&R – ITS + AES 2011/08/09 Sharon. Intelligent vs. Adaptive 1. Intelligent but not adaptive (no student model!) 2. Adaptive but not really intelligent."— Presentation transcript:

1 D&R – ITS + AES 2011/08/09 Sharon

2 Intelligent vs. Adaptive 1. Intelligent but not adaptive (no student model!) 2. Adaptive but not really intelligent 3. Intelligent and adaptive Intelligent ES Adaptive ES 2 3 1

3 Adaptive E-Learning Systems Major issues for adaptation in education – greater diversity of users “user centered” systems may not work – new “unprepared” users traditional systems are too complicated – users are “alone” limited help from a peer or a teacher

4 Research updates Recommendation Social Media Novelty Learners’ Analytics

5 UMAP 2011 Finding someone you will like and who won't reject you Analyzing user modeling on twitter for personalized news recommendations Towards open corpus adaptive hypermedia: a study of novelty detection approaches Open Social Student Modeling: Visualizing Student Models with Parallel IntrospectiveViews

6 Recommendation Now&Future reciprocal recommender systems – One way vs. both ways – Must be VERY accurate (short term) Introduce the negative model, combined model outperforms – What’s the negative model in course recommendation? – Will there be courses you don’t like, but you have to take? –…–…

7 Social Media Now&Future Leveraging micro- blogging activities on Twitter Semantic enrichment enhances the variety and quality (#hashtags) Different user modeling strategies (temporal profile patterns) can improve recommendation quality – Personalized Vialogues recommendations? – Moderator profile/participant profile?

8 Knowledge prediction Now&Future problem difficulty is an even more important predictor than student proficiencies on the required skills

9 Novelty Now&Future Detect relevant and NEW content by automatic text analysis More evaluations are required – Recommend courses outside of TC, Columbia Univ.? – Recommend “novelty” resources from Docdel?

10 Learner Analytics Now&Future Open Student Model – Awareness – Increase learning –…–… Open Social Student Model – knowledge-based and social-based guidance combined rules!

11 Activity (10 mins) - Post to blog Making things better? Less is more? – Recommendation – Social Media – Novelty (new and relevant resources) – Learners’ Analytics (open social student modeling) Vialogues / Pundit / Docdel / PocketKnowledge

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