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CS 280 Data Structures Professor John Peterson. Grading the Projects Boo-boos: Not allowing bubble sort to exit soon enough Mistakes in the heapify, especially.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 280 Data Structures Professor John Peterson. Grading the Projects Boo-boos: Not allowing bubble sort to exit soon enough Mistakes in the heapify, especially."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 280 Data Structures Professor John Peterson

2 Grading the Projects Boo-boos: Not allowing bubble sort to exit soon enough Mistakes in the heapify, especially stage 2 Mistakes in the random data generator, particularly the almost sorted. Instance variables that shouldn’t be Bad variable names / cryptic code Not keeping track of numSwaps / compares Not deleting useless code from a project Casting – always an error except (int) to convert float to int. Copying in illogical places (should be in new Snapshot)

3 Homework Wrapup interface Comparable { public boolean gtr(T x, T y); } class Student { public int studentNumber; public String studentName; } Comparable to sort students by number. Comparable to sort students by name. Sort students given an array of students and a Comparable object. Write the signature of a general sort method using arrays and a comparable

4 Generic Methods Suppose we don’t know what sort of object is being sorted but we do know that the sort will take an array of these objects and a Comparable – how would you write the signature of this more general sort method? (Warning – we haven’t covered some of this so you might have to guess part of the answer!)

5 Questions on the Practice Quiz

6 Complexity Practice

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