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Performance Analysis Necessity or Add-on in Grid Computing Michael Gerndt Technische Universität München

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1 Performance Analysis Necessity or Add-on in Grid Computing Michael Gerndt Technische Universität München

2 LRR at Technische Universität München Chair for Computer Hardware & Organisation / Parallel Computer Architecture (Prof. A. Bode) Three groups in parallel & distributed architectures Architectures –SCI Smile project –DAB –Hotswap Tools –CrossGrid –APART Applications –CFD –Medicine –Bioinformatics

3 New Campus at Garching

4 Outline PA on parallel systems Scenarios for PA in Grids PA support in Grid projects APART

5 Performance Analysis for Parallel Systems Development cycle Assumption: Reproducibility Instrumentation Static vs Dynamic Source-level vs object-level Monitoring Software vs Hardware Statistical profiles vs Event traces Analysis Source-based tools Visualization tools Automatic analysis tools Coding Performance Monitoring and Analysis Production Program Tuning

6 Grid Computing Grids enable communities (“virtual organizations”) to share geographically distributed resources as they pursue common goals -- assuming the absence of… –central location, –central control, –omniscience, –existing trust relationships. [Globus Tutorial] Major differences to parallel systems Dynamic system of resources Large number of diverse systems Sharing of resources Transparent resource allocation

7 Scenarios for Performance Monitoring and Analysis Post-mortem application analysis Self-tuning applications Grid scheduling Grid management [GGF performance working group, DataGrid, CrossGrid]

8 Post-Mortem Application Analysis Requires either resources with known performance characteristics (QoS) or system-level information to assess performance data scalability of performance tools Focus will be on interacting components 1.George submits job to the Grid 2.Job is executed on some resources 3.George receives performance data 4.George analyzes performance

9 Self-Tuning Applications Requires Integration of system and application monitoring On-the-fly performance analysis API for accessing monitor data (if PA by application) Performance model and interface to steer adaptation (If PA and tuning decision by external component.) 1.Chris submits job 2.Application adapts to assigned resources 3.Application starts 4.Application monitors performance and adapts to resource changes

10 Grid-Scheduling Requires PA of the grid application Possibly benchmarking the application Access to current performance capabilities of resources Even better to predicted capabilities 1.Gloria determines performance critical application properties 2.She specifies a performance model 3.Grid scheduler selects resources 4.Application is started

11 Grid-Management Requires PA of historical system information Need to be done in a distributed fashion 1.George claims to see bad performance since one week. 2.The helpdesk runs the Grid performance analysis software. 3.Periodical saturation of connections is detected.

12 New Aspect of Performance Analysis Transparent resource allocation Dynamism in resource availability Approaches in the following projects: Damien Datagrid Crossgrid GrADS

13 Analyzing Meta-Computing Applications DAMIEN (IST-25406), 5 partners Goals Analysis of GRID-enabled applications –using MpCCI ( –using PACX-MPI ( Analysis of GRID components –PACX-MPI and MpCCI Extend Vampir/Vampirtrace technology

14 MetaVampirtrace for Application Analysis GRID-MPI profiling routine( PPACX_Send ) Native MPIGRID communication layer Compiled code( PACX_Send ) Routine call Tracefile MetaVT wrapper( PACX_Send ) Routine call Name shift (CPP) Application code( MPI_Send )

15 MetaVampirtrace for GRID Component Analysis Name shift (CPP) Application code( MPI_Send ) Tracefile MetaVT wrapper( MPI_Send ) MPI profiling routine( PMPI_Send ) Compiled code( PACX_Send ) Routine call GRID-MPI layer( PACX_Send ) Routine call TCP/IP GRID-MPI communication layer

16 MetaVampir General counter support Grid component metrics Hierarchical analysis Analysis at each level Aggregate data for groups Improves scalability Structured tracefiles Subdivided into frames Stripe data across multiple files Metacomputer Node 2Node 1 SMP node 1 P_1 GRID–DaemonsMPI processes SendRecv SMP node 2 P_n All MPI Processes P_1P_n

17 Process Level

18 System Level

19 Grid Monitoring Architecture Developed by GGF Performance working group Separation of data discovery and data transfer Data discovery via (possibly distributed) directory service Data transfer among producer – consumer GMA interactions Publish/subscribe Query/response Notification Directory includes Types of events Accepted protocols Security mechanisms Consumer Producer Directory Service event publication information

20 R-GMA in DataGrid DataGrid R-GMA DataGrid WP3 Relational approach to GMA Producers announce: SQL “CREATE TABLE” publish: SQL “INSERT” Consumers collect: SQL “SELECT” Approach to use the relational model in a distributed environment It can be used for information service as well as system and application monitoring.

21 P-Grade and R-GMA P-GRADE Environment developed at MTA SZTAKI GRM (Distributed monitor) Prove (Visualization tool) GRM creates two tables in R-GMA GRMTrace (String appName, String event): all events GRMHeader (String appName, String event): important header events only GRM Main Monitor SELECT “*” FROM GRMHeader WHERE appName=“...” SELECT “*” FROM GRMTrace WHERE appName=“...”

22 Main Monitor Site User’s Host Host 1Host 2 Application Process Appl. Process R-GMA PROVE Connection to R- GMA

23 Analyzing Interactive Applications in CrossGrid CrossGrid funded by EU: 03/2002 – 02/2005 Simulation of vascular blood flow Interactive visualization and simulation –response times are critical –0.1 sec (head movement) to 5 min (change in simulation) Performance analysis –response time and its breakdown –performance data for specific interactions

24 CrossGrid Application Monitoring Architecture OCM-G = Grid-enabled OMIS-Compliant Monitor OMIS = On-line Monitoring Interface Specification Application-oriented Information about running applications On-line Information collected at runtime Immediately delivered to consumers Information collected via instrumentation Activated / deactivated on demand Information of interest defined at runtime (lower overhead)

25 OMIS Performance Tool Service Manager LM P1 P2 LM P4 P5 LM P3 th_stop(Sim) th_stop(P1,P2)th_stop(P4,P5)th_stop(P3) Stop

26 G-PM

27 Application Specific Measurement G-PM offers standard metrics CPU time, communication time, disk I/O,... Application programmer provides Relevant events inside application (probes) Relevant data computed by the application Association between events in different processes G-PM allows to define new metrics Based on existing ones and application specific information Metric Definition Language under development Compilation or interpretation will be done by High-Level Analysis Component.

28 Managing Dynamism: The GrADS Approach GrADS (Grid Application Development Software) Funded by National Science Foundation, started 2000 Goal: Provide application development technologies that make it easy to construct and execute applications with reliable [and often high] performance in the constantly-changing environment of the Grid. Major techniques to handle transparency and dynamism: Dynamic configuration to available resources (configurable object programs) Performance contracts and dynamic reconfiguration

29 GrADS Software Architecture PSEPSE Config. object program whole program compiler Source appli- cation libraries Realtime perf monitor Dynamic optimizer Grid runtime System (Globus) negotiation Software Components Scheduler/ Service Negotiator Performance feedback Program Preparation SystemExecution Environment

30 Configurable Object Programs Integrated mapping strategy and cost model Performance enhanced by context-depend. variants Context includes potential execution platforms Dynamic Optimizer performs final binding Implements mapping strategy Chooses machine-specific variants Inserts sensors and actuators Perform final compilation and optimization

31 Performance Contracts A performance contract specifies the measurable performance of a grid application. Given set of resources, capabilities of resources, problem parameters the application will achieve a specified, measurable performance

32 Creation of Performance Contracts Program Performance Model Resource Broker Resource Assignment Performance Contract Developer Compiler Measurements MDS NWS

33 History-Based Contracts Resources given by broker Capabilities of resources given by Measurements of this code on those resources Possibly scaled by the Network Weather Service e.g. Flops/second and Bytes/second Problem parameters Given by the input data set Application intrinsic parameters Independent of execution platform Measurements of this code with same problem parameters e.g. floating point operation count, message count, message bytes count Measurable Performance Prediction Combining application parameters and resource capabilities

34 Application and System Space Signature Application Signature trajectory of values through N-dimensional metric space one trajectory per process e.g. one point per iteration e.g. metric: iterations/flop System Signature trajectory of values through N-dimensional metric space will vary across application executions, even on the same resources e.g. metric iterations/second resource capabilities

35 Verification of Performance Contracts Execution Contract Monitor Rescheduling Sensor Data Steer Dynamic Optimizer Violation detection Fault detection

36 APART ESPRIT IV Working Group, 01/1999 – 12/2000 IST Working Group, 08/2001 – 07/2004 Focus: Network European development projects for automatic performance analysis tools –Testsuite for automatic analysis tools Automatic Performance Analysis and Grid Computing (WP3 – Peter Kacsuk)

37 Summary Scenarios Post-mortem Application Tuning Self-tuning applications Grid scheduling Grid management How to handle transparency and dynamism? Approaches here: Damien: Provide static environment. Datagrid: Combining system and application monitoring Crossgrid: On-line analysis GrADS: Performance models and contracts

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