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HAZARD COMMUNICATION The Engineering Program Texas A&M University Safe Use, Handling & Storage of Chemicals and Other Affected Materials.

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Presentation on theme: "HAZARD COMMUNICATION The Engineering Program Texas A&M University Safe Use, Handling & Storage of Chemicals and Other Affected Materials."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAZARD COMMUNICATION The Engineering Program Texas A&M University Safe Use, Handling & Storage of Chemicals and Other Affected Materials

2 2 Topics to Review The Texas Hazard Communication Act The TAMU HazCom Program Requirements for “Laboratory Departments” HazCom Implementation Plans Supervisor Responsibility for Compliance HazCom in: –Research Labs –Teaching Labs –Chemical Storerooms

3 3 What is HazCom? The Texas Hazard Communication Act is a state law that requires public employers to provide employees with specific information on the hazards of chemicals to which they may be exposed in the workplace.

4 4 HazCom Requirements Written Program (EHSD) –Duties & Responsibilities –Non-Routine Release –Training –Inventory –Labeling –MSDS –Supervision –Notice to Employees –Records –Reports Implementation Plans –Workplace - Dept –*Work Area - Supervisor *Optional

5 5 HazCom Facts Texas is not an “OSHA State.” HazCom for state agencies is under TDH. Private employers are regulated by OSHA. The Texas HazCom Act and TDH Rules are similar, but not identical with the OSHA Standard. Texas does not have a “Lab Standard.” TDH does recognize that research labs are different from other work places.

6 6 Definitions Employee: anyone (including students) who is on the payroll of TAMU or a TAMUS Agency and who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace under normal working conditions or foreseeable emergency. Facility: Geographical location of one or more workplaces. TAMU and the Riverside Campus are facilities. Workplace: Usually a single building (BioBio) or complex of buildings (Chemistry) where similar work activities are conducted. Work Area: Room, lab or defined space within a workplace where hazardous chemicals are present, produced, used, or stored and where employees are present.

7 7 HazCom at TAMU Texas Hazard Communication Act: Enforced by TDH TAMU HazCom Program: Administered by EHSD Workplace Implementation Plan: Dept. or Administrative Unit Work Area Implementation Plan: Room, lab or space

8 8 HazCom in Research Departments Appoint Hazard Communication Coordinator Prepare a Workplace Implementation Plan Post official TDH “NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES” Urge supervisors to complete a Work Area Implementation Plan Require supervisors to certify (at least annually) that all required training is complete and current.

9 9 Workplace Implementation Plan Name of Department or Unit Responsible Person or Position Location of Training Records Location of MSDSs “Notice to Employees” Location Person Responsible for Inventory Location of Inventory File See “Fill-in-the-Blank” Form

10 10 SPECIAL WORK AREAS Teaching Labs Chemical Stockrooms Research Labs

11 11 Hazardous Chemical Inventory Workplace quantities: > 50 gal. or 500 lbs Listed Extremely Hazardous Substances Controlled Substances

12 12 LABELS PRIMARY CONTAINERS Original label Intact Good condition Not removed or defaced

13 13 identity of material as on MSDS health and physical hazards (including target organs.) manufacturer’s name and address Primary Containers Labeling Requirements

14 14 LABELING Secondary Containers  Other Work Places  Full label required on EVERY CONTAINER  Identity of material as on MSDS  Written hazard warnings  Target organs Research Labs Full label NOT required Identify contents

15 15 TEACHING LABS Container Labels Primary containers must have Full Labels Small 2 0 containers may be labeled on rack or holder Chemical Inventory Incorporate into the Workplace Inventory. –Workplace must report > 50 gal or > 500 lb. (or > TPQ) for the Tier II Report Primary container labels must include: identity of contents..same as on MSDS hazard warnings (including target organs or systems) Mfgr. name & address

16 16 CHEMICAL STOCK ROOMS Label all containers (unless for immediate use). Include in Workplace Inventory. Workplace must report > 50 gal or 500 lb. or > TRQ. NOTE: A room or area that is connected to, and accessible ONLY through a research lab, is considered to be part of the lab.

17 17 MSDS REQUIREMENTS READILY ACCESSIBLE - within one work shift CURRENT - most recent EHSD Recommendation : Maintain printed copy for: –hazardous materials in use –reasonable likelihood of exposure –highly hazardous substances present in the work area Train employees on how to access MSDS – Search –Call EHSD 845-2132 –Call manufacturer & request copy

18 18 Required Training General lab safety Chemical safety training Work site specific training

19 19 Changes in Training Requirements “New employee video” (aka “Category I Training) DOES NOT satisfy training requirements. Training ONLY for employees who have “routine exposure to hazardous chemicals. “Category II” Training now called “Hazard-Specific Training.” There is no requirement to repeat training.

20 20 TRAINING RECORDS Date Training Provided Name(s) of Instructors Attendance List - Names MUST be legible Subjects Covered

21 21 GENERAL TRAINING General Lab Safety General Chemical Safety by Hazard Class Labeling Requirements General Ways to Access MSDS Information Interpretation and Relationship of Labels & MSDS Safe Handling Procedures Proper Storage & Separation of Incompatible Chemicals Minimizing Exposure -- PPE & Safety Equipment General Emergency Procedures Spill Response & Cleanup Management & Disposal of Hazardous Chemical Waste Can be provided by EHSD

22 22 SPECIFIC TRAINING Site-Specific Chemical-Specific Hazard-Specific Supervisor Responsibility

23 23 Specific Information and Training Provide appropriate information and training to new or newly assigned employees before he/she work with or handles hazardous chemicals. Additional training is required when: –a new or significantly increased hazard is introduced into the work area, –if the potential for exposure is significantly increased

24 24 SITE-SPECIFIC TRAINING Where hazardous materials are located and used. Unusual or particularly hazardous materials or procedures Location and access to MSDS & other safety information. Location and use of safety equipment (including PPE) Storage & labeling procedures in the lab Emergency equipment & procedures, first aid Exposure prevention and recognition Proper storage of hazardous materials Location and use of spill equipment Specific hazard information on the chemicals in the lab

25 25 MSDS INFORMATION Chemical and Common Names Hazardous Ingredients Physical and Chemical Characteristics Physical Hazards Health Hazards Primary Routes of Entry Exposure Limits Confirmed or Potential Carcinogen Proper Handling and Storage Control Measures Emergency and First Aid Procedures Date of Preparation or Latest Revision Name, Address, Phone of Mfgr. or Responsible Party

26 26 Hazard Communication Compliance in Research Laboratories

27 27 CHARACTERISTICS OF A RESEARCH LABORATORY (According to TDH & OSHA) »Relatively small quantities of hazardous chemicals present and/or used. »Not for production »Containers, etc are designed for one person to easily and safely manipulate. »Multiple chemicals and procedures used. »Protective lab practices and equipment available and in common use.

28 28 HazCom Requirements for RESEARCH LABS Technically qualified SUPERVISION “Ready” access to Material Safety Data Sheets LABELING on primary containers Employee TRAINING prior to potential exposure

29 29 CONSEQUENCES of NON-COMPLIANCE Loss of Research Lab Exemption Fines Personal & Employer Liability Personal & Employer Aggravation Paperwork

30 30 WORK AREA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Not required,but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ADVANTAGES Minimal effort Proof of Training Compliance Customized Lab Safety Manual Reduction of Legal and Regulatory Liability

31 31 OPTIONS FOR WORK AREA PLAN Do nothing or “Do it yourself.” Basic Plan Basic Plan plus Lab-Specific Protocols

32 32 OPTION I BASIC IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Commitment to Safety & Health Lab location Responsible persons Training documentation Sketch of lab MSDS Access - specific information Hazard warnings Hazard identification & labeling Chemical inventory

33 33 OPTION II LABORATORY SAFETY PLAN Basic Plan plus: Principles of Laboratory Safety Strategies for Minimizing Exposure –Engineering controls –Administrative controls –Protective equipment Laboratory Safety Rules and Procedures

34 34 Laboratory Safety Rules & Procedures Prudent practices Personal hygiene Food & drinks in the lab Personal protective equipment Chemical fume hoods Chemical storage Hazardous waste Housekeeping Facility & equipment maintenance Guards & shields Glassware Fire prevention Cold traps & cryogenic hazards Pressurized systems Unattended operations Working alone Prior approval Vigilance Everyday hazards Regulated/restricted areas or procedures Accident reporting Emergency information

35 35 Working With Hazardous Chemicals Toxic Chemicals –High acute or unknown toxicity –High chronic toxicity –High chronic toxicity - animal use –Reproductive toxins –Chemicals produced in the lab Physical hazards –Flammable solvents –Corrosive chemicals

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