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A Framework For Developing Conversational User Interfaces

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1 A Framework For Developing Conversational User Interfaces
James Glass, Eugene Weinstein, Scott Cyphers, Joseph Polifroni MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Cambridge, MA USA Grace Chung Corporation for National Research Initiatives Reston, VA USA Mikio Nakano NTT Corporation Atsugi, Japan

2 Conversational User Interfaces
Coding deals with: bit rate reduction high quality transformation Synthesis: generation of intelligible speech of high quality from unrestricted text Both fields are much further advanced than ASR What is an ASR system? Conversational User Interfaces Speech Speech Synthesis Recognition Text Human Computer Generation Text Understanding Meaning Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

3 Types of Conversational Interfaces
Conversational systems differ in the degree with which human or computer controls the conversation (initiative) Human Computer Initiative Computer maintains tight control Human is highly restricted C: Please say the departure city. Human takes complete control Computer is totally passive H: I want to visit my grandmother. Directed Dialogue Mixed Initiative Dialogue Free Form Dialogue Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

4 Conversational Interfaces
Can understand verbal input Speech recognition Language understanding (in context) Language Generation Can engage in dialogue with a user during the interaction Speech Synthesis Dialogue Management Can verbalize response Language generation Speech synthesis Audio Back End Speech Recognition Context Resolution Language Understanding Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

5 The Problem With Conversational Interfaces
Advanced conversational systems are out there Both user and computer can take initiative Goal: conversational skill of system should approach that of human operator But… These systems are built by experts Huge learning curve for novices, and Tremendous iterative effort required even from experts For this reason Most advanced conversational systems remain in research labs e.g. Jupiter weather info system ( TALK) : Zue et al, IEEE Trans. SAP, 8(1), 2000 However, we have seen limited commercial deployment e.g. AT&T’s “How May I Help You”, Gorin et al, Speech Communication, 23, 1997 Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

6 Simplifying Conversational System Creation
Goal: make it easier for both expert and novice developers to create conversational interfaces But still use advanced human language technologies Strategy: simplify configuration process Automatically configure technology components bases on examples Allow specification through web interface or unified configuration file SpeechBuilder Configuration Engine Web Interface Configuration File Context Resolution Dialogue Management Generation Synthesis Understanding Recognition Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

7 Configuring a Conversational Interface: Knowledge Representation
First, define example sentences for in-domain actions Action Examples identify I would like to know today’s weather in Denver What will the temperature be on Tuesday set Turn on the radio in the kitchen please Can you turn the dining room lights off Then, define the important concepts present in the actions (attributes): Concept values make up recognizer vocabulary! Examples of attributes automatically matched to attribute classes Attribute Values city Boston, Denver, San Francisco, … room living room, dining room, kitchen, … Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

8 Starting with a Database Table
Provide database table to configure speech interface: Name Phone Office Jim Glass x3-1640 601 Scott Cyphers x3-0248 604 Eugene Weinstein X3-8569 633 Only some columns are used to access entries (e.g., Name) Values of those columns become values for domain concepts Default action sentences are automatically generated But, every table cell can potentially be an answer to a question All Names of columns become one concept – “property” Attributes name Jim Glass, Scott Cyphers… property Name, Phone, , Office Actions request_property What is the for Jim Glass? request_office Where can I find Jim Glass? Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

9 Generic Dialogue Manager Language Understanding
Dialogue Management Generic Dialogue Manager (Polifroni & Chung, ICSLP 2002) Language Generation Hotels Generic Dialogue Manager Dialogue Management Air Travel Speech Synthesis Sports Weather Audio Back End Plan system responses Regularize common concepts Summarize database results Speech Recognition Context Resolution Language Understanding Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

10 Context Resolution “Show me restaurants in Cambridge.” Resolve Deixis
Input Query “Show me restaurants in Cambridge.” Resolve Deixis “What does this one serve?” Resolve Pronouns “What is their phone number?” Inherit Predicates “Are there any on Main Street?” Incorporate Fragments “What about Massachusetts Ave?” Fill in Default Values “Give me directions from MIT.” Query Interpreted in Context Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

11 Human Language Technology Details
Approach: Use same technologies as deployed in our mainstream, more complex systems Speech Recognizer (Glass, Computer, Speech, and Language, 2003) Trained on 100+ hours of mostly telephone speech Word pronunciations supplied by large dictionary, generated by rule, or provided by developer Natural Language Understanding: (Seneff, Computational Linguistics, 1992) Hierarchical sentence grammar used to parse sentence hypothesis Back off to concept spotting when no full parse is made Language Generation: (Baptist&Seneff, ICSLP 2000) Used in: SQL (DB Query) generation, paraphrasing & URL-encoding meaning representation, responses Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

12 Concepts (Attributes)
Web-based Interface Defining Actions and Concepts (Attributes) Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

13 Web-based Interface: Viewing Sentences
Examining how sentences are reduced to an action and a set of attribute-value pairs Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

14 Web-based Interface: Response Generation
Domain independent system prompts Customizing system responses Domain specific system prompts Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

15 Web-based Interface: Editing Pronunciations
Modifying system generated pronunciations for the vocabulary Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

16 Web-based Interface: Context Resolution
Context Resolution configured through Masking and Inheritance of concepts Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

17 Voice Configuration File: An Alternative to the Web Interface
Entire domain can be specified in single configuration file Allows for automated generation of conversational systems <actions> <request_name> = i would like a restaurant | can you (show|give) me a Chinese restaurant in Arlington; </actions> <attributes> <cuisine> = Chinese|Taiwanese; <city> = Washington | Boston | Arlington; </attributes> <discourse> name masks(city cuisine neighborhood); </discourse> <constraints> <request_name> (city|neighborhood) {prompt_for_city}; </constraints> Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

18 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
Deployment SpeechBuilder functional for the past three years Some example domains: Office appliance control Laboratory directory (auto-attendant) Restaurant query system Has been used by MIT researchers (experts) as well as novice developers at our sponsor companies Used in technology transfer workshop for pervasive computing project (Oxygen) SpeechBuilder has been used as an educational tool Computational linguistics class at Georgetown University Summer class at Johns Hopkins University Youngest SpeechBuilder developer: 9 years old Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

19 Japanese SpeechBuilder
Created in collaboration with NTT Challenge: Segmentation (no spaces between words) Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

20 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
Example Domain A hotel application using the generic dialogue manager Compiled via SpeechBuilder using constraints shown previously Other generic functionality is automatically included Illustrated technical issues: Soliciting necessary information from user Interpreting fragments correctly in context Canonicalizing relative dates Ordering and summarizing results of query to content provider Resolving superlatives/updating discourse context Interpreting pronouns in context Returning and speaking specific properties Repeating previous replies Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

21 Another Example Domain: Object Manipulation System
Stock SpeechBuilder domain for spoken dialogue Custom back-end connected to stereo camera and person tracking algorithm (Demirdjian, WOMOT 2003) Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

22 Ongoing and Future Work
Incorporate speech synthesis Allow use of concatenative speech synthesizer (Yi et al, ICSLP 2000) in SpeechBuilder Allow use of multiple modalities Provide functionality to incorporate multimodal input into systems Improve dialogue management tools and modules Improve ability of SpeechBuilder systems to use more sophisticated dialogue strategies Provide additional generic semantic concepts for use in domains Allow system refinement by unsupervised learning Use confidence scores to improve domain language model (Nakano&Hazen, Eurospeech 2003) Allow system modification in real-time Need ability to re-train recognizer during runtime (Schalkwyk et al, Eurospeech 2003) Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

23 Thank You! For more information:
us! Jupiter weather Information system: (outside USA) TALK (USA toll-free) Mercury flight information system: (outside USA) 1-877-MIT-TALK (USA toll-free) Pegasus flight status system: (outside USA) 1-877-LCS-TALK (USA toll-free) Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

24 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
THE END Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

25 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
Utility for rapid prototyping of speech-based interfaces Used to create demonstrations for NTT CS Labs open house Prototypes were developed with a few days of effort Three papers submitted for publishing Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

26 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
Human Language Technologies Only some columns are used to access entries (e.g., Name) Values of those columns become values for domain concepts Default action sentences are automatically generated But, every table cell can potentially be an answer to a question Names of non-access columns become a concept Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

27 To Configure Response Generation…
For each concept present in the domain, define how queries about that concept should be answered <telephone> = “The telephone for :name is :phone” Define some prompts for generic events, e.g. welcome and goodbye <welcome> = “Welcome to the auto-attendant” <no_data> = “Sorry, there was no data matching your request.” Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

28 Conversational User Interfaces: Input Side
Human Language Technologies Speech Text Recognition “Find me a flight to Boston on Tuesday” Meaning Understanding “Back-end” Technologies action=flights to_city=Boston day=Tuesday Action DB Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

29 Conversational User Interfaces: Output Side
Human Language Technologies Speech Synthesis Delta flight, number fifty five from La Guardia to Boston… Text Generation flight_num=55 airline=Delta origin=LGA dest=BOS Meaning DB Action Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

30 Conversational User Interfaces: The Whole Picture
Or Is It? Speech Speech Text Recognition Synthesis Text Meaning Understanding Generation Meaning Action Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

31 The Missing Pieces: Context and Dialogue
Context Resolution: action=flights to_city=Boston day=Tuesday Last time, the user asked for a flight from LGA action=flights origin=BOS dest=LGA day=Tuesday + = Dialogue Management: action=flights to_city=Boston day=Tuesday “Which city would you like to fly from?” + = Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

32 Conversational User Interfaces: The Whole Picture
Speech Speech Text Recognition Synthesis Text Understanding Generation Meaning Meaning Context Resolution, Dialogue Management Action Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

33 The Problem With Conversational Interfaces…
Complex conversational systems are out there Both user and computer can take initiative Goal: conversational skill of system should approach that of human operator But… These systems are built by experts Huge learning curve for novices, and Tremendous iterative effort required even from experts For this reason Most advanced conversational systems remain in research labs e.g. Jupiter weather info system ( TALK) : Zue et al, IEEE Trans. SAP, 8(1), 2000 However, we have seen limited commercial deployment e.g. AT&T’s “How May I Help You”, Gorin et al, Speech Communication, 23, 1997 Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

34 Configuring Response Generation…
For each concept present in the domain, define how queries about that concept should be answered Configure some generic prompts for summarizing long results Define some prompts for generic events, e.g. welcome Property/ Condition Response phone The phone number for :restaurant_name is :phone cuisine :restaurant_name serves :cuisine cuisine Welcome Welcome to the restaurants domain No matches I’m sorry, I couldn’t find any restaurants matching your request Many matches I found five restauraunts :items item (what to return when summarizing) :restaurant_name Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

35 Configuring Context Resolution
Context Resolution (discourse) configured through Masking and Inhertiance of concepts Inheritance configures how actions remember concepts, e.g.: User: “What is the phone number for Jim Glass” System: “Jim Glass’ phone number is User: “What about his address?” System: “Jim Glass’ address is Name concept is inherited Masking configures how certain concepts block other concepts, even in the presence of inheritance, e.g. User: “Do you have any restaurants in Boston?” System: “In Boston, I have the following…” User: “What about in Times Square?” System: “In Times Square, New York, I have…” City concept is masked by Neighborhood concept Name is inherited City is masked Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

36 Voice Configuration File
Developers can also use Voice Configuration (VCFG) file format to configure SpechBuilder domains: <actions> <request_name> = i would like a restaurant | can you (show|give) me a Chinese restaurant in Arlington; </actions> <attributes> <cuisine> = Chinese|Taiwanese; <city> = Washington | Boston | Arlington; </attributes> <discourse> name masks(city cuisine neighborhood); </discourse> <constraints> <request_name> (city|neighborhood) {prompt_for_city}; </constraints> Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

37 Generic Dialogue Manager Language Understanding
Dialogue Management Generic Dialogue Manager (Polifroni & Chung, ICSLP 2002) Hotels Language Generation Generic Dialogue Manager Air Travel Speech Synthesis Sports Dialogue Management Weather Plan system responses Regularize common concepts Summarize database results Audio Database Speech Recognition Context Resolution Language Understanding Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

38 Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004
Deployment SpeechBuilder functional for the past three years Some example domains: Office appliance control Laboratory directory (auto-attendant) Restaurant query system Has been used by MIT researchers (experts) as well as novice developers at our partner companies SpeechBuilder has been used by students in Computational linguistics class at Georgetown University Summer class at Johns Hopkins University Technology transfer workshop for pervasive computing project (Oxygen) In collaboration with NTT, we have developed a Japanese version of SpeechBuilder. Japanese domains: Bus timetable system Weather information system Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

39 Configuring a Speech Interface with SpeechBuilder: Knowledge Representation
First define some concepts present in the domain (attributes): Concept values make up recognizer vocabulary! Attribute Values city Boston, Denver, San Francisco, … room living room, dining room, kitchen, … Then, define examples of things to do with the concepts (actions) Examples of attributes automatically matched to attribute classes Action Examples identify I would like to know today’s weather in Denver What will the temperature be on Tuesday set Turn on the radio in the kitchen please Can you turn the dining room lights off Eugene Weinstein — MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Computer Aided Design on User Interfaces – Jan 16th, 2004

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