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Update on Current Research Agenda Jim Demmel, Chief Scientist EECS and Math Depts. UC Santa Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Current Research Agenda Jim Demmel, Chief Scientist EECS and Math Depts. UC Santa Cruz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Current Research Agenda Jim Demmel, Chief Scientist EECS and Math Depts. UC Santa Cruz

2 Outline  Big Vision  A few recent highlights  Tying it together

3 Applications The CITRIS Model Core Technologies Foundations Reliability Reliability Availability Availability Security Security Algorithms Algorithms Social, policy issues Social, policy issues Distributed Info Systems Distributed Info Systems Micro sensors/actuators Micro sensors/actuators Human-Comp Interaction Human-Comp Interaction Disaster Disaster Energy Energy Education Education Societal-Scale Information Systems Societal-Scale Information Systems(SIS) Transportation Transportation Health Health Environment Environment

4 Societal-Scale Systems “Client” “Server” Clusters Massive Cluster Gigabit Ethernet Secure, non-stop utility Diverse components Adapts to interfaces/users Always connected MEMS Sensors Scalable, Reliable, Secure Services Information Appliances

5 Outline  Big Vision  A few recent highlights  Sensor Nets (Culler)  Disaster Response  Energy Efficiency  Tying it together

6 February 2000 February 2001 February 2002 August 2001

7 Ad-hoc sensor networks work  29 Palms Marine Base, March 2001  10 Motes dropped from an airplane landed, formed a wireless network, detected passing vehicles, and radioed information back  Intel Developers Forum, Aug 2001  800 Motes running TinyOS hidden in auditorium seats started up and formed a wireless network as participants passed them around 

8 Smart Dust Goes National Selected as DARPA networked embedded system tech open platform (NEST) Selected as DARPA networked embedded system tech open platform (NEST) 1000s of Motes used or shipped to other groups 1000s of Motes used or shipped to other groups q Academia: UCSD, UCLA, USC, MIT, Rutgers, Dartmouth, U. Illinois UC, NCSA, U. Virginia, U. Washington, Ohio State q Industry: Intel, Crossbow, Bosch, Accenture, Mitre, Xerox PARC, Kestrel q Government: Wright Patterson AFB, NCSC q Ongoing training courses

9 Outline  Big Vision  A few recent highlights  Sensor Nets  Disaster Response (Fenves)  Energy Efficiency  Tying it together

10 What is Disaster Response? Sensors for motion, occupancy, dangerous conditions and substances Sensors for motion, occupancy, dangerous conditions and substances Guide occupants, emergency personnel, assess safety Guide occupants, emergency personnel, assess safety

11 Seismic Monitoring of Buildings Part of the CUREe-Caltech Tuck-Under Parking Apartment Building Experiment Many such buildings severely damaged in 1994 Northridge Earthquake. Dynamic experimental evaluation of a full-scale structure on the Richmond Field Station shake table.

12 Seismic Monitoring of Buildings Before CITRIS $8,000 each

13 Seismic Monitoring of Buildings: With CITRIS Wireless Motes $70 each

14 Tokachi Port, Hokkaido Blast-induced Liquefaction Test

15 ours theirs

16 Post-Blast Liquefaction

17 A commercial product  Crossbow CN4000 Wireless Structural Monitoring System  3D Accelerometer  12 bits of resolution, up to 2G  Temperature  -40 o C to +85 o C, to within  2 o C  Wireless communication  1 mile line-of-site range 

18 Outline  Big Vision  A few recent highlights  Sensor Nets  Disaster Response  Energy Efficiency (Arens)  Tying it together

19 The Inelasticity of California’s Electrical Supply 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 200002500030000350004000045000 MW $/MWh Power-exchange market price for electricity versus load (California, Summer 2000)

20 How to Address the Inelasticity of the Supply  Reduce demand, or spread demand over time  Make cost of energy visible to end-user function of load curve  “Real-time pricing” Phase 1: Expose energy usage to user; helps eliminate waste Phase 2: Expose real-time prices to user Phase 3: Automatic control to optimize price, safety, user comfort, other economic goals  Improve efficiency of generation and distribution network (supply side) Enabled by Information!

21 Cory Hall Energy Monitoring Network  50 nodes on 4 th floor  30 sec sampling  250K samples to database over 6 weeks  Moved to Intel Berkeley Lab – come play!

22 Outline  Big Vision  A few recent highlights  Tying it together  Shared System Goals  Shared Testbeds  Shared Funding Sources  Engineering Support

23 A shared system goal – A Smart Building  Normal Operation  Power  HVAC  Data  Computing  Communication  Information services  With security  Reliable  Subject to legal mandates  Easy to use  Design a new building or retrofit an old one so you get the services you want at a price you can pay  Researchers (not all listed!)  Oren, Arens, Auslander, Goldberg, Pister, Sastry  Arens, Selkowitz, Auslander, Agogino, Rabaey  Patterson, Kubi, Franklin, Hellerstein, Yelick  Culler, Brewer  Rabaey, Culler, Pister, Yoo  Katz, Joseph, Stoica  Tygar, Wagner  Aiken, Necula, Henzinger  Samuelson, Mulligan  Canny, Landay, Mankoff

24 Shared system goal – A Smart Building  Abnormal Operation  Structural integrity  Fire  Toxic substances  Medical Emergency  Researchers  Fenves, Glaser  Glaser, Sitar, Radke, Sengupta, White, Landay  Lee  Budinger

25 Shared Testbeds  Cory Sensor Net (past and future)  Intel Lab Sensor Net  Instrumented rooms at Center for the Built Environment  Instrumented rooms at LBNL  New CITRIS Building  New Merced Buildings

26 Shared Funding Sources  CITRIS ITR from NSF ($7.5M)  California Energy Commission ($3M)  DARPA NEST Grant ($2.5M)  Social Science Fellowships (CITRIS Operational Funds)  SABER NSF ERC proposal ($17M - proposed)

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