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Mountain Pine Beetle Data Presented by Anina Hundsdörfer
B F A E G ? Plot locations
Methodology Total station Shoots a laser beam to prism located next to tree x, y, z coordinates of each tree
Methodology Each tree receives a tag
Methodology Caliper DBH recorded for all trees with DBH>1cm Ultrasound For measuring distance to hypsometer
Methodology Hypsometer Height measurements for all trees (DBH>1cm) Total height (tip of terminal) Lowest branch Lowest live branch Measures distance and angle to object aimed at with a laser beam
Data format TagTspYXZDBHHTBHT1BHT2StatusAttYRBspAttStSeason 1DF0.6210.893-0.0230000Seedling0none 0 1DF93.4891.1940.20000Seedling0none 0 2DF0.0351.2530.0240000Seedling0none 0 2DF92.97990.5950.2330000Seedling0none 0 3DF1.9394.6220.08164.917.211.71.4Alive0none 0 3DF91.93391.5110.40000Seedling0none 0 4LP1.7773.6490.0654.3400Snag0none 0 4LP91.35791.9770.4446.8000Log0none 0 5LP1.5383.7350.0249.1000Log0none 0 5LP91.53293.3570.574. 0 6DF2.7493.372-0.0233. 0 6LP91.02194.9860.7784.4000Snag0none 0 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2003ILATS1.5 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2004MPBS1 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2004TLINnone3 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2003IMEXS3.5 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2004IMEXS1 415LP4.76429.573-2.17622.623.118.516.7Alive2004ILATS4 415DF95.28258.309-2.3532. 0 416LP4.53229.37-2.12921.226.320.810.5Alive2004MPBM3
Variables Status Alive: Live tree with DBH > 1.0 cm. Seedling: Live tree from germinants to sapling with a DBH<1.0 cm. Snag: Standing dead tree with an intact terminal Log: Recent year fallen tree that may or may not lying on the ground Stump: Dead tree with a broken terminal, regardless of height Species DF: Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga sp.) FIR: Amabilis fir (Abies amabilis Dougl. ex J. Forbes ) HM: hemlock (Tsuga sp.) LP: lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) TA: trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) WS: white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) WWP: western white pine (Pinus monticola)
Variables cont. DBH Tree diameter at breast height (1.3m) for all live and dead trees Height HT: Total tree height of live and dead trees BHT1: First live branch height measured from the ground. HT - BHT1 = crown depth BHT2: First dead branch height measured from the ground. Infestation AttYR: year of attack: 2001- 2004 Bsp: beetle species (occasionally more than one attacked one tree) AttSt: attack status: –S: strip attack –M: mass attack –R: Resisted Timing: time of year when the attack occurred –1: June –2: July –3: August –4: September –1.5: mid June/July –3.5: mid August/September
Notes column Notes Dead top: Trees with a dead terminal, either the needles had completely fallen off or died recently. Declining: Trees with poor health and expected to die in the coming years Dying: Trees that were dying. Dying top: Trees with a terminal that was dying. Flat top: Trees had a flat crown due to the death of the terminal some years ago. Leaning: Trees that were tilted, whose height could not be accurately measured.
Plot characteristics PlotsAreaBoundary [m] to correct for edge effects Elevation difference [m] Tree density [trees/ m 2] X leftX rightY upperY lower A plot15 625 m 2 ( 1.56 ha) (125m x 125m) 1.2952.2821.7952.07414.440.263 B plot10 000 m 2 (1 ha) (100m x 100m) 2.672.52.641.577.370.398 E plot10 000 m 2 (1 ha) (100m x 100m) 1.3561.8591.5981.2726.850.263 F plot15 625 m 2 ( 1.56 ha) (125m x 125m) 0.6240.8851.4811.86412.350.462 G plot22 500 m 2 ( 2.25 ha) (150m x 150m) 1.6941.1061.4631.0035.640.270
Elevation maps A plot B plot E plotF plotG plot
Tree counts StatusA plotB plotE plotF plotG plot live trees1967841150535073191 dead trees176543374821572204 snags115230646317311304 logs37684199273729 stumps2374386153171 seedlings37327043761559677 total41053978262972236072
Species: A plot Speciesabundance 1Logepole Pine3506 2Douglas fir540 3Trembling aspen44 4White spruce10 5Amabilis fir4 6Hemlock1
Spatial Association of Species: A Plot InteractionP-value LP x DF0.4350.510 LP x TA0.6520.420 LP x WS0.0110.915 DF x TA0.0660.798 DF x WS0.3230.570 TA x WS3.0380.081 HM DF TA WS FIR LP
Species: B plot Speciesabundance 1Logepole pine2054 2Trembling aspen1741 3Douglas fir154 4White spruce20 5FIR5 6Maple2 7Hemlock1 8 Western white pine 1
InteractionP-value LP x DF0.1670.682 LP x TA0.0280.868 LP x WS0.0160.898 DF x TA4.9190.027 DF x WS1.2550.263 TA x WS0.4110.521 Spatial Association of Species: B Plot HM DF TA WS FIR Maple HM WWP LP
Spatial Association of Species: E plot Speciesabundance 1Lodgepole pine1775 2White spruce764 3Douglas fir90 InteractionP value LP x DF2.4270.119 LP x WS6.2310.013 DF x WS0.4350.509
Species: F plot Speciesabundance 1Lodgepole pine4197 2Douglas fir2483 3Amabilis fir404 4White spruce97 5Trembling aspen38 6Hemlock4
InteractionP-value LP x DF51.9860.000 LP x TA0.0000.993 LP x WS1.8670.172 LP x FIR0.0000.993 DF x TA2.2380.135 DF x WS0.7390.390 DF x FIR2.2380.135 TA x WS7.8420.005 TA x FIR619.5040.000 WS x FIR619.5040.000 HM DF AS WS FIR HM LP Spatial Association of Species: F Plot
Species’ spatial association: G plot Speciesabundance 1Lodgepole pine4772 2White spruce684 3Douglas fir616 InteractionP- value LP x DF3.2470.072 WS x LP5.7160.017 DF x WS0.0020.963
Species composition of all plots
Infestation Tree counts YearA plotB plotE plotF plotG plot 200134610 20026111211 2003134660411 20045711129 total2772891821 Proportion of LP (DBH>8cm) infested0.95%5.69%5.41%0.61%0.41% Surrounding standEndemicIncipientOutbreakEndemic
A plot LP (DBH>min. DBH attacked) 2001 attacks 2002 attacks 2003 attacks 2004 attacks Strip attack Mass attack Resisted attack
B plot LP (DBH>min. DBH attacked) 2001 attacks 2002 attacks 2003 attacks 2004 attacks Strip attack Mass attack Resisted attack
E plot LP (DBH>min. DBH attacked) 2001 attacks 2002 attacks 2003 attacks 2004 attacks Strip attack Mass attack Resisted attack
F plot LP (DBH>min. DBH attacked) 2001 attacks 2002 attacks 2003 attacks 2004 attacks Strip attack Mass attack Resisted attack
G plot LP (DBH>min. DBH attacked) 2002 attacks 2003 attacks 2004 attacks Strip attack Mass attack Resisted attack
Tree vigour: A plot Height [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean18.8112.1423.42 st. dev.6.304.753.69 min1.501.2017.50 1 st quantile17.208.3020.40 median20.6012.2024.65 3 rd quantile22.815.7025.83 max34.1025.5028.50 DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean17.758.9723.54 st. dev.7.413.985.42 min0.900.7010.80 1 st quantile13.406.2020.00 median18.408.4024.30 3 rd quantile22.6011.2327.10 max83.0032.4034.70 Crown depth [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean7.508.358.97 st. dev.3.562.543.27 min0.405.502.80 1 st quantile5.006.937.65 median7.108.209.45 3 rd quantile9.609.6310.70 max28.6011.5014.50
Tree vigour: B plot Height [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean18.3311.8024.33 st. dev.18.575.863.11 min1.50 17.70 1 st quantile13.757.2022.50 median21.4012.1025.00 3 rd quantile24.7816.2026.15 max30.5026.5031.40 DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean18.8211.4427.67 st. dev.9.516.175.27 min1.000.3015.10 1 st quantile12.907.6023.70 median21.2011.2026.80 3 rd quantile25.9015.6031.70 max41.4034.4039.30 Crown depth [m] live treesdead trees infested trees mean8.101.039.93 st. dev.4.270.323.44 min0.300.501.80 1 st quantile4.800.807.55 median8.301.009.80 3 rd quantile11.001.3012.25 max21.801.5018.60
Tree vigour: E plot DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean17.6014.3624.21 st. dev.8.376.593.32 min1.601.306.20 1 st quantile9.508.823.25 median21.0015.2024.55 3 rd quantile24.6019.7025.93 max30.1027.6030.90 DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean15.9711.4724.29 st. dev.7.825.364.82 min0.70 8.20 1 st quantile9.707.8021.73 median16.5011.2024.20 3 rd quant ile 21.8014.3026.75 max36.9041.0035.50 Crown depth [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean7.666.059.13 st. dev. min0.201.103.00 1 st quantile4.502.536.80 median7.306.108.85 3 rd quantile10.409.2311.10 max21.7011.4016.60
Tree vigour: F plot Height [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean13.0010.5320.02 st. dev.7.536.224.25 min1.401.5013.40 1 st quantile5.104.9516.90 median14.1010.9019.50 3 rd quantile19.6016.1323.20 max34.1022.7026.90 DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean12.727.5320.56 st. dev.8.593.874.29 min1.000.6--13.40 1 st quantile5.304.9018.30 median12.406.9019.70 3 rd quantile18.209.7023.20 max82.5049.0030.50 Crown depth [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean5.403.938.16 st. dev.3.612.263.53 min0.100.303.80 1 st quantile2.502.155.50 median4.804.107.00 3 rd quantile7.584.8011.30 max25.109.5016.80
Tree vigour: G plot Height [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean20.8817.4624.92 st. dev.7.655.523.85 min1.601.5011.30 1 st quantile20.0014.7024.55 median23.9018.8025.95 3 rd quantile25.8021.6026.55 max30.6028.7028.80 DBH [cm] live treesdead treesInfested trees mean18.2212.2723.97 st. dev.7.314.264.22 min0.60 12.30 1 st quantile14.609.6022.30 median19.2511.9025.25 3 rd quantile23.3014.5026.83 max40.5037.5028.80 Crown depth [m] live treesdead treesinfested trees mean7.066.347.34 st. dev.3.312.812.55 min0.300.803.30 1 st quantile4.805.306.53 median6.706.606.95 3 rd quantile8.908.308.03 max25.8011.8013.00
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