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Classroom Interaction with the Tablet PC (Demo) Richard Anderson, University of Washington May 18, 2006 Microsoft Research Academic Summit Guadalajara,

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Interaction with the Tablet PC (Demo) Richard Anderson, University of Washington May 18, 2006 Microsoft Research Academic Summit Guadalajara,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Interaction with the Tablet PC (Demo) Richard Anderson, University of Washington May 18, 2006 Microsoft Research Academic Summit Guadalajara, Mexico

2 Draw a picture of yourself Student Submission To submit your picture, press the button

3 Where are you from? Student Submission

4 Student Attention vs. Time Attention 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time Student Submission

5 Find a minimum value cut Student Submission s t 6 6 10 7 3 5 36 2 4 5 8 5 4 8 Cut value

6 Find a topological numbering for the following graph E F D A C B K J G H I L

7 Handwriting Recognition: Identify the following words Audience Submission

8 Recognition results

9 What concerns would you have about using Tablet PCs in the Classroom? Audience Submission

10 CLASSROOM PRESENTER For more information, contact Prof. Richard Anderson

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