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Extracting Student & Staff Importing Staff or 305 Records 305 Comparison Utility Merging Student & Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Extracting Student & Staff Importing Staff or 305 Records 305 Comparison Utility Merging Student & Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracting Student & Staff Importing Staff or 305 Records 305 Comparison Utility Merging Student & Staff

2  1. Extract Student Records (in Student – WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD)  2. Export Student Records (in Student – WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX)  3. Extract Staff Records (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD)  4. Import 305 Staff Records (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\IR)  5. Run 305 Comparison (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\RC)  6. Export Staff Records and Merge Student Records (in HR-WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX))

3  1. Create file of staff records from non Skyward software  2. Extract Student Records (in Student – WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD)  3. Import Staff Records (in Student – WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\IS)  4. Export Student & Staff Records (in Student – WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX)

4  1. Create file of student records from non Skyward software  2. Extract Staff Records (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD)  3. Import 305 Staff Records (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\IR)  4. Run 305 Comparison (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\RC)  5. Export Staff Records and Merge Student Records (in HR – WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX)

5  Daily Register – builds 400, 405, 410, 500, 505, and 510 records ◦ (WS\SR\TX\RE\AT\DR – WS\SR\TX\RE\AT\FA) ◦ Can be run from Entity 000 or By Entity ◦ Select Entities (Will receive error if funding periods not setup) ◦ Be sure to check Build For PEIMS ◦ Select Local ID – use same selection as PEIMS Extract ◦ Select all 6 six weeks – do not enter cut off dates  PEIMS Extract – builds 010, 020, 100, 101, 105, 300, 305, 415, 425, 435 and 461 records ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD) ◦ Should be run from Entity 000 ◦ Select School year and Submission 3 ◦ Select Entities ◦ Select Campus of Disciplinary Assignment ◦ Can select all or specific records ◦ Can run for specific entity (possibly for re-extract if changes made)

6  Maintain Extracted PEIMS Data ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\MD) ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ For all records – Select Entity = All ◦ Select Record to View – All Student Records available ◦ Student Lookup by Last Name, Student/PEIMS ID or Local ID ◦ Ability to Add, Edit or Delete Records ◦ Can not Edit or Delete Imported Records  PEIMS Edit Reports ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\RE\OT\PE) ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Enter PEIMS As-Of-Date – use last date of school ◦ Can print for any or all records ◦ Can print all data – with or without edits or edits only

7  Export Extracted PEIMS Data ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX) ◦ Run from Entity 000 ◦ Two format options – text or XML  Final file must still be text this year ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select Entities ◦ Select All records or just 305 records (if needed)  View Exported File/Save Locally for Submission ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\VS) ◦ Highlight file and click View ◦ Save to your desktop or local folder

8  PEIMS Extract ◦ (WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\XD) ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select Copy 010, 011, 020 records from previous submission and select Submission 1 for 2011. ◦ Select 040/043 and 050 records ◦ Selection Parameters – create new template  Select by Employee Type and select Teacher Type ◦ Select Include Profiles with a Termination Date  Enter on/after Termination Date

9  Import 305 Records (WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\IR) ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select File to Import – Click Browse to locate file – Then Upload File  File can contain 305 records only or all student records ◦ If importing 2 nd time – select options if needed: ◦ Overwrite Duplicate 305 Records (if records could have changed) ◦ Remove Existing 305 Records Before Import (if records exist that need to be deleted/removed) Staff and 305 Record Comparison Removal Utility (WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\UT\RC) ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select Correct Comparison Option  First Option – remove 40,43,45,50 records without matching 305 record  Second Option – remove 305 records without matching 40,43, 45,50 records ◦ Process will run in Processing Window  Should review records that do not match – could be SSN issues, KG/PK teachers  Can print report of non matching records  Should not finish process and remove records until non matches verified

10  Export Extracted PEIMS Data ◦ (WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\EX) ◦ Two format options – text or XML  Final file must still be text this year ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select Records (010, 020, 040, 043, 045, 050 and 305) ◦ Merge Option – Browse for file and Upload ◦ Select Course Section Records (300) and Student Records (All)  Do NOT select 305 records  View Exported File/Save Locally for Submission ◦ (WH\SR\TX\PE\PE\VS) ◦ Highlight file and click View ◦ Save to your desktop or local folder

11  Import Staff Records ◦ (WS\SR\TX\PE\PE\IS) ◦ Option for districts not using Skyward Finance/HR ◦ Browse for file and Upload ◦ Select School Year and Submission 3 ◦ Select 040, 043, 045, and 050 records ◦ Allows records to be imported and viewed in the Maintain area ◦ Allows for a complete Submission 3 file from student ◦ No option to run 305 Comparison utility

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