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Developing PPME system for RCB-ZREAC of Areka Agricultural Research Center Individual Action Plan by Hailemichael Taye Beyene February27,2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing PPME system for RCB-ZREAC of Areka Agricultural Research Center Individual Action Plan by Hailemichael Taye Beyene February27,2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing PPME system for RCB-ZREAC of Areka Agricultural Research Center Individual Action Plan by Hailemichael Taye Beyene February27,2004

2 KEY LESSONS Participatory tools and techniques for participating stake holders in PPM&E. Facilitation skills How to design a project – from situation analysis to project design Tools for situation/ stakeholder analysis Conflict identification analysis and resolution techniques Setting up M&E System Logical frame work and M&E matrix

3 How I am going to Apply them???  I will apply these know ledges to participate stakeholders in PPM&E  To design research projects     To setup M&E system

4  2. Objective  To develop PPM&E System for the Research Center-based Research & Extension Advisory Council of Areka Agricultural Research Center by January next year.

5 Stakeholders in developing and implementing PPM&E  Researchers  extension workers  Farmers  NGOs

6 Stakeholder interest and involvement in PPM&E No Stakeholderinterestinvolvement 1Research centerFarmers feed back to technologies Farmers problems and needs that can be addressed by research At all stages 2Wereda MOANew technologies Relevant & appropriate Information gathering Stakeholders workshop 3Zonal MOANew technologies Relevant & appropriate At stakeholders workshop, information gathering, design, implementation and evaluation stages 4Farmers representativesNew technologies Relevant & appropriate Information gathering, workshop, feed back giving, evaluation

7  Constraints - Stakeholders devotion may be low due to time constraint - Shortage of budget, man power, transportation for information Gathering - Low emphasis may be given for the activity from concerned Bodies What should be done to improve these conditions?  creating awareness & bringing attitudinal change about the importance of PPM&E for all stakeholders and its role in improving the performance of each stakeholder.  Using the available resource efficiently.

8 5. WORK PLAN NoNo Activitiesmarc h Aprilma y Jun e Jul y Au g est Sept embe r Octo ber Nove mber Dece mber Janu ary Febru ary 1Stakeholders workshop- reflecting on ideas of PP&ME - X 2Gathering information performance information needs XXX 3Designing M&E System X 4Guideline Preparation X 5Reflecting on SHs Workshop - X 6ImplementationX 7MonitoringXXXXXXXXXXX 8Evaluation X

9 M&E Matrix NOPERFORMANCE QUESTIONINFORMATION NEED & INDICATOR DATA COLLECTION METHODS DATA ANLYSIS REPORTING FEED BACK 1.How much Number of SHs participated in the work shop why or whynot No & type of stakeholders participated Review participants record Questionnaire 2.What are Topics covered in the PPM&E briefing Time allotted Topics covered Feedback of SHs Work shop reports 3.What Information gathered on SHs needs, interest to be included in the M&E Type & amount of information gathered PRA,RAAKS,FGD, QUESTIONAIRE Workshops, meetings 4.What are The content, its approach when designing the M&E SYSTEM Contents The approach used Participation level of SHs Reviewing the system Participatory analysis Workshops, meetings 5What are the Contents of the guideline Contents Feedback of SHs Comments for improvement Reviewing the system Participatory analysis Stakeholders workshop Workshops, meetings Printing and distribute reports, workshop proceedings to stake holders 6.How is the implementation of the M&E system Problem faced during the implementation? Why/whynot? So what? Reports Field visits Meetings Workshops Workshops, meetings Printing and distribute reports, workshop proceedings to stake holders


11 THANK UUUUU!!!!!!!!

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