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Village visions and plans Marc Jense Village coordinator/manager Municipality of Heerenveen 20 september 2010.

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2 Village visions and plans Marc Jense Village coordinator/manager Municipality of Heerenveen 20 september 2010


4 Presentation: 1.Village management 2.Village visions 3.Village plans and village agenda Roles: The official organization The Court of Mayor and Aldermen The town council De plaatselijke belangen (organized local interest groups)







11 Village vision Bottom-up ….. top-down A clear rural policy to optain grants A new policy paper for the villages/rural areas Katlijk – success (new plans from the village were a starting point for new developments) Mildam – translation problems– government officials didn’t understand the demand motivation

12 Village vision Project project-based approach / projectmanager Support from Doarpswurk Standard lay-out, examples and subjects A number of joint meetings 1.Start (2006) 2.Different topics (social, welfare en economy) 3.Presentation (Autumn 2007)

13 Village vision Results 11 different village vision The village vision is the property of the village The result of cooperation of many villagers Each village has it own dynamics

14 A village vision is: How it works Research / policy information More social cohesion Change of opinions New dynamics Discussion about there own community The people are proud off their village and municipality A strong instrument for political influence

15 Village plans / Village agenda Budget For implementation of the village plans there is € 400.000 as booster money available in 4 years. € 200.000 for the villages divided by number of inhabitants € 200.000 joint villages projects € 200.000 additional administrative capacity The aim is a total project result of € 1.2 million

16 Village plans / Village agenda Goals 450 goals Villagers (41%) Villagers in cooperation with the municipality (32%) Villagers and others (11%) Municipality(15%) Others( - )

17 policyImplementation demand Village management Village Vision

18 Flowchart Village vision Database 1 3 2

19 The board of local interest groups and their village vision The council The official organisation The Court of Mayor and Aldermen The board of another local interest groups and their village vision

20 Village visions and village plans A clear conceptual analysis Respect Passionate people Customization / Taylor made What is the problem / who’s problem is it Do we discuss the same problem Visible success The process

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