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EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I Fall 2007 – Week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I Fall 2007 – Week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGR 105 Foundations of Engineering I Fall 2007 – Week 4

2 EGR105 – Week 4 Topics Project Work – Bungee Cord Characterization Work in Teams - Follow Procedures Outlined in Handout 2 - Mark Cord - Use Test Stand - Add Weights and Measure Resulting Extension - Record Data - Enter Data into Excel Spreadsheet and Do Calculations & Plots

3 From Last Lecture At the Bottom, distance d 0 Velocity v is now zero, so We could solve for d 0 if we knew F. So we need to characterize bungee cord! (this week) v = 0 d0d0 L

4 Typical Models for Cords Linear Model (Hooke’s Law): More Realistic Nonlinear Model Cubic Model: Stretch s Force F(s) Linear Cubic But You First Want to Gather Experimental Data on Your Team’s Cord

5 Bungee Cord Testing Characterization of F(s) lolo Wooden Peg Cord Loop Knot ? W - Mark Cord - Use Test Stand - Add Weights - Measure Resulting Extension - Record Data

6 Typical Data Expected Force F(s)           Most Likely Will Be Nonlinear

7 Typical Data in Excel lo =4 Weight(lb)l(l-lo)(l-lo)/lo 0400 1.444.60.60.15 2.445.71.70.425 3.446.92.90.725

8 Assignment # 4 Enter Data Into Excel Spreadsheet Calculate Δs and Δs/l o Make Plot of F versus Δs/l o Keep Plot on Same Page as Data Save as teamnumber_4.xls Turn in hard copy Due October 4

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