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Personality Colors.

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1 Personality Colors

2 According to some studies, people can be separated into four basic personality types, or colors. Gold, orange, blue, or green are the color types. What color are you?

3 The Gold Temperament

4 A Gold Might Say… I strive to pull my own weight and lend a hand in everything I do. I believe everyone should do the same. Call it service or call it duty, I can be counted on to finish my tasks on time. In fact, I can’t rest comfortably until I fulfill all my responsibilities and do whatever needs to be done.

5 Gold Temperament Things run the way they do for good reasons. I believe that doing away with established systems, procedures, rules, or standards, will cause things to fall apart. My motto is “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it!” Someone in authority decided that’s the way things should be and it’s my job to do it, even if I don’t agree with it. I usually have a plan in place before I start a project and try to follow it to the letter

6 Gold Temperament I am careful, cautious, thorough, and accurate in all I do. Structure, order, and discipline aren’t strangers in my life. My closets are organized and neat. I arrive at my appointments on time and prepared. I make lists and check off items as I finish them. I figure out what I want in life, set my goals, and take the necessary steps to reach my objectives.

7 Gold Temperament I’m also prudent and want to be prepared for the future. I believe in getting a traditional education, securing a respectable job, saving as much money as possible, taking care of my possessions, and maintaining an adequate supply of food, water, and fuel. It’s important to always keep something laid aside for a rainy day because, like it or not, it will rain!

8 Words that describe Golds
If you’re like most Golds, you are reliable, responsible, consistent, organized, concerned, loyal, procedural, dependable, solid, thorough, punctual, conservative, structures, sensible, traditional, practical, cooperative, parental, stable, and orderly.

9 As a Gold, you… Are dutiful and stable Need to be useful
Want to be self-sufficient Value order and organization Desire punctuality Schedule your life Make and keep commitments Measure worth by completion

10 As a Gold, you… (continued…)
Prepare for the future Believe work comes before play Safeguard tradition Are responsible and dedicated Are drawn to respected occupations Enjoy positions of authority Bring stability to society.

11 The Orange Temperament

12 An Orange Might Say… I bring excitement, energy, and adventure to most gatherings. I’m kind of a natural performer and have that “star” quality that attracts people. I am often right in the thick of things, since it’s extremely hard for me to sit still and watch things happen. I rarely worry about getting hurt or embarrassed.

13 I take risks all the time at work, play, in my relationships
I take risks all the time at work, play, in my relationships. I just don’t seem to worry about the consequences. I’ve had a few really bad scrapes, but my optimism allows me to get through setbacks that might shut down others. I like using tools, and work with my hands. I also like operating vehicles that speed, climb, or soar.

14 I like doing things that keep me on the go- building, painting, creating, planting, hammering, climbing, performing, running, negotiating, dancing, partying. Even if I don’t enjoy a task, I usually turn it into some kind of game so I can have fun doing it. And if I’m having fun, I can just go on and on doing it after everyone else quits and goes home.

15 I like challenges, contests, and competitions, especially if they require talent, skill, and adrenaline. I stretch the limits and set new records. Bit if there is anything I truly need, it’s freedom to be me- which is being spontaneous, free, alive. I focus on the here and now. I want to experience all that life has to offer, and I do it with gusto.

16 Words that describe Oranges
If you’re like most Oranges, you are active, adventurous, enthusiastic, courageous, flamboyant, bold, optimistic, open-minded, effective, charismatic, skillful, spontaneous, competitive, persuasive, charming, generous, mechanical, flexible, exciting, and daring.

17 As an Orange, you… Are free and spontaneous
Are an impulsive risk-taker Are active and competitive Are optimistic Commit fully or not at all Thrive on crises Need variety Are drawn to tools

18 As an Orange, you… Have great endurance Are drawn to action jobs
Like to be the center of attention Are a dynamic, animated communicator Are generous Like to live in a casual atmosphere Bring excitement to society.

19 The Blue Temperament

20 A Blue Might Say… I truly believe every single person is on this planet for a purpose and that everyone has a unique role to fill. It might be nurturing a child, rescuing someone in distress, easing someone’s pain, correcting an injustice, protecting the innocent, or even saving an endangered species. My job is to find a mission- then I can put my heart and soul into accomplishing it.

21 My searching has made it easy for me to see subtleties and nuances others sometimes miss. As a result, I often communicate on several levels at once, regardless of whether I’m writing, speaking, or listening. I also express my uniqueness through my music, my art, my pet projects, my social causes, even my clothing styles.

22 Those with whom I connect get a tremendous amount of my time and energy, because I’m always searching for really good friendships. I should probably use my head more and my heart less in relationships, but I always see the good in everybody as I try to help them realize their potential. I seek to be as genuine and as honest with them as possible, and that means no airs or false frounts.

23 Above all, I want everybody to be happy and comfortable with each other. Consequently, I’m often a peacemaker or a consensus builder. I’d much rather see people work harmoniously toward a common goal than seek out their own superficial self-interests. What a wonderful world it would be if we all joined hands and worked together!

24 Words that Describe Blues
If you’re like most Blues, you are perceptive, warm, humane, spiritual, patient, agreeable, poetic, genuine, devoted, compassionate, personal, sensitive, artistic, romantic, accepting, idealistic, insightful, peaceful, caring, and emotional.

25 As a Blue, you: Need to feel unique Look for symbolism
Value close relationships Encourage expression Compromise and cooperate Look beyond the surface Share Emotions Get involved in causes

26 As a Blue, you… Bring unity to society Need harmony
Make decisions based on feelings Are drawn to nurturing careers Desire quality time with loved ones Need opportunities to be creative Nurture people, plants, and animals.

27 The Green Temperament

28 A Green Might Say… More than anything, I want knowledge- how things work, how to do things, what is going to happen next, how to make it happen, and so on. It has always been this way. From the moment I took apart my alarm clock as a youth or built my own radio and stereo set-up, I’ve craved accumulating information and technical proficiency.

29 So there are no unpleasant surprises, I do my own fact-finding
So there are no unpleasant surprises, I do my own fact-finding. I don’t inadvertently take in information, think about it, analyze it, and work out a solution only to have an overlooked fact change everything. I suppose this means I appear slow to make decisions, but as I see it, a slow, good decision is always better than a quick bad decision.

30 I really enjoy an intriguing discussion, but please don’t bore me by stating the obvious or becoming emotional. Spit out your facts, let me verify them, then let’s move on. If you ask me a question, give me a chance to think about it for a second and then you’re likely to get a concise and accurate answer. If you really want to know the nitty-gritty details, I can give those too.

31 I am rarely satisfied with the status quo
I am rarely satisfied with the status quo. There is always something else I can learn. If I can read faster or master another language, I can soak up information more quickly. At work, I get carried away when it’s interesting, even lose track of time. When I am learning, investigating, inventing, or reasoning, work becomes play.

32 Words that Describe Greens
If you’re like most Greens, you are curious, abstract, independent, complex, inventive, versatile, ingenious, bookish, composed, rational, logical, theoretical, intellectual, technical, objective, competent, scientific, distant, determined, and factual.

33 As a Green, you… Are innovative and logical
Seek to understand the world Need to be competent Require intellectual freedom Push themselves to improve Are slow to make decisions Value concise communication Look for intellectual stimulation

34 Are sometimes oblivious to emotions
Are detached Believe work is play Are drawn to technical occupations Analyze and rearrange systems Focus on the future Bring innovation to society.

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