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The Road to English NABE 2006 Phoenix, Arizona Norm Gold Sacramento, California

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2 The Road to English NABE 2006 Phoenix, Arizona Norm Gold Sacramento, California

3 Silence is the enemy of education. Talk with your children!

4 Goal: Improve the learning and acquisition of English

5 Objectives Participants will: Increase understanding of what is a language. Understand the dimensions of the English language. Be motivated to use daily activities that promote full proficiency in English. Become familiar with resources they can use to help with the education of their children.

6 Agenda LEP Students or English Learners (ELs) – Alumnos aprendices de inglés Language: What is it? exercise Acquisition of a language Activities that promote acquisition Questions Evaluation

7 Exercise What is language? Think - Write Discuss in pairs Share

8 Who are LEP Students* in the USA? 5 million LEP in US, 1.6 million in California, and 144,000 in Arizona, for example. They lack full proficiency in English. 84% of LEP in California speak Spanish. They are 25 percent of all enrollment in California schools. - - - - - - - - - * English learners (ELs)

9 English is needed for: Jobs Technical training University education Complete participation in this democracy

10 Why study? Personal advantages Social advantages An enormous increase in wealth: – Lifetime income increases one million dollars with a university degree. –Many good non-university careers require higher education: contractor, supervisor of construction workers, etc.

11 There are resources for study: In 2003 there was a total of $7.345 billion per year available in grants and loans. Just in California: –$ 662 million were available –Contact: California Student Aid Commission – Grants up to $9,700 per year

12 Language What is language? What does it mean: –to KNOW a language? What is ELD? (ELD = English language development) Learn vs. acquire a language Standards for ELD  ELA How to ensure that there are optimal conditions to promote acquisition of English.

13 Dimensions of a language BICS– Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Examples CALP – Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Examples

14 Complete proficiency in English requires much effort: Student must master BICS and CALP. Upon enrollment in school (at the age of 5), an English speaker understands about 13,000 words and uses between 6,000 and 10,000 words. … this is similar to the vocabulary of speakers of other languages.

15 ...English requires much... Normal growth in language includes acquisition of between 2,000 and 3,000 words per year. A High School graduate controls about 40,000 words. Teachers can directly provide between 300 – 400 words per year. –And the rest, where does it come from? –Direct teaching/learning provides only about 13 % of the total needed (400 X 13 years = 5,200).

16 What we don’t learn is school we acquire from: Interactions with others –speaking Interactions with text – reading

17 But a language is much more than just the words! 5 components: vocabulary –comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, grammar 4 aspects: –listen, speak, read, write

18 It also includes… Linguistic competencies: –grammatical, sociolinguistic, conversational, strategic Abilities to use: –Notions and functions: authentic use of the language

19 For language development you need both: Acquisition –By means of conversation and reading And Learning –Through formal study

20 ELD Standards Precursor or on-ramp to reach the ELA (English language arts) standards. Form the base for the CELDT – California English Language Development Test

21 CELDT, combined with tests of the use of English should guide strategies for: ELD instruction Content instruction (language and literature, mathematics, sciences, etc.), using: SDAIE - Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English Native language Mainstream instruction

22 Beginner {EL} Intermediate {EL} Advanced Early Advanced ______________________________________________________________________________ Reclassified FEP}  Early Intermediate {EL} Advanced _________________________________________________________________________________ Proficien t Basic Below Basic Far Below Basic ELD and ELA EnglishLanguage and literature

23 Parents can: Talk with our children Tell them stories Relate family history Sing Read stories –Our child can read to us...

24 ...we can also: Share – poems, rhymes – riddles – jokes Ask about what they are doing in school Ask open-ended questions -- examples

25 ...also: Give chores at home and talk with them about details of the work: –Teach how to wash clothes, how to fix a toy, beat an egg, prepare the batter for tortillas, how to toast bread, etc.. Play board games and SPEAK about what we are doing, how, and why… – Examples: checkers, dice games, dominoes etc. – Do you have other examples?

26 Ask that our children teach us at least ONE new word in English every day. TALK about a program on television, examining details of time, plot, characters, and reasons for action or conflict.

27 When we talk with our children: We communicate love and affection. We develop their intellectual and linguistic capacities. We guide them toward a productive life. We fulfill our responsibility to be our children’s first teacher.

28 Schools should ensure an optimal environment for language acquisition Clearly understandable course designs. Rigorous courses that are monitored and implemented with consistency. Programs where language proficiency and academic needs of the students guide instruction.

29 Frequent use of data and results of tests. A total commitment of the school district and all school staff to language development.

30 Talk with your children! Silence is the enemy of education.

31 The road to English is long and difficult We must make an effort. It requires much time. The time passes better, when we talk. There are many benefits.

32 Summary Questions Evaluation

33 Resources NCELA –National Clearnighouse for English Language Acquistiion and Language Instruction Brochures of the Parent Institute (Fairfax Station, VA): [English and Spanish] –Lo que los padres pueden hacer en el hogar para ayudar a los estudiantes con… El vocabulario, La escritura, La lectura FAFSA en español – Financial aide for higher education META – Multicultural Education Training and Advocacy – Office (415) 546 – 6382, FAX: (415) 546 – 6363 PIQUE – Parent Institute for Quality Education – –Office (858) 483-4499, FAX (858) 483-4646

34 For more information Norm Gold Associates Sacramento, CA 95819 Many thanks to: Parents, teachers and administrators in: Desert Sands USD, Hayward USD, Newport-Mesa USD, Parlier USD, Sacramento City USD, Santa Ana USD, West Contra Costa USD. California Department of Education, English Learner Accountability Unit __________________________________________________________ Norm Gold (916) 731-4734

35 The kids will persevere and they will succeed! Many thanks !

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