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Geography Terms #11 - 20.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Terms #11 - 20."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Terms #

2 What is a large area of flat or nearly flat land?
plain Plain

3 What is a point of land that extents in to a body of water
Cape Cape

4 What is the place where a river begins

5 What is a Mountain created as liquid rock and ash erupt from the inside the earth
Volcano volcano

6 what is A high, flat landform that rises steeply above the surrounding land.

7 What is Flat, low-lying land built up from soil carried downstream by a river and deposited at its mouth Delta

8 What is A huge sheet of ice that moves slowly across the land

9 What is a very dry area where few plants grow

10 What is a place in the desert made fertile by a steady supply of water

11 What is A series of connected mountains
Mountain range

12 One can eruded and one can not
What is Differentiae of a mountain and a volcano . One can eruded and one can not

13 Critical Thinking Slide #2
What is the diffident of a lake and a gulf? a lake is completely shrouded by water

14 Critical Thinking Slide #3
What is the same about a bay and a gulf. They both go out to sea.

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