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Constraints on from Charmless Two- Body B Decays: Status and Perspectives James D. Olsen Princeton University Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle Second Meeting, IPPP Durham April 5-9, 2003
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 2 Overview is the weak phase difference between b → u tree and b → s penguin amplitudes Large penguin contributions facilitate sensitivity to One physicist’s garbage (penguin pollution) is another’s gold! Challenges Strong phase difficult to calculate Electroweak penguins (EWP) Rescattering All two-body modes are useful K – sensitivity to – A( 0 ) ~ T, cross-check kinematic assumptions (A CP in 0 ) KK – constraints on rescattering
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 3 General Strategies Use SU(2) symmetry Relate decay rates for all K modes (use R ≡ ratios of BFs) Assuming negligible annihilation amplitudes, K 0 → pure P Use A CP to remove dependence on strong phase Provides allowed regions in R vs. Use a model QCD FA, PQCD, Charming Penguins, etc… Pitfalls? Electroweak penguins (EWP) Can be included; constrained by asmmetry in Rescattering Use decay rates for KK modes to constrain rescattering effects
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 4 Experimental Considerations Charmless decays are Cabibbo suppressed ( |V ub | 2 ) BF(B → KK) ~ 10 -8 - 10 -6, BF(B → ) ~ 10 -6, BF(B → K ) ~ 10 -5 Background dominated by At the (4S) can use kinematics and topology to separate spherical B decays from jetty light-quark production Particle ID is critical ( /K separation) BaBar – Detector of Internally Reflected Cherenkov Light Belle – Aerogel Dominant sources of systematic error (now) BF: PDF shapes, efficiency A CP : PDF shapes, possible detector charge bias
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 5 Data: B → K K+-K+- K0+K0+ BaBar BaBar Belle CLEO 81 78 15 BF(10 -6 )
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 6 Data: B → K K+0K+0 K00K00 Belle BaBar Belle CLEO 81 78 15
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 7 Data: B → Fit region Belle +-+- 0000 BaBar BaBar Belle CLEO 81 78 15 Br(B 0 → Br(B 0 → )?
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 8 Data: B → KK K+K-K+K- K+K0K+K0 K0K0K0K0 Belle BaBar PID cross-feed BaBar Belle CLEO 81 78 15 No sign of B → KK
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 9 Summary of Branching Fractions * weighted average (speaker’s calculation) *
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 10 The penguins are out there… If trees dominate in we would have: Data: first ratio is 0.25 0.08, second is 2.1 0.4 Destructive P/T interference in Color-suppressed tree in 0 ? If penguins dominate in K we would have: Data:
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 11 Constraints on P/T Use data P from K 0 + Two-body BFs S and C CKM indirect constraint on BaBar prefers: 0.1 < |P/T| < 0.4 -170 < arg(P/T) < -40 Belle prefers: 0.5 < |P/T| < 1.1 -70 < arg(P/T) < -30 P/T Arg(P/T) Belle BaBar P/T
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 12 Is Rescattering Important? Could modify branching fractions and CP asymmetries in and K decays, complicating extraction of and KK decays are more sensitive to rescattering Could have significant enhancement through (for example) DD or intermediate states BaBarPQCD * K+K-K+K- <0.60.05 K+K0K+K0 <2.21.7 K0K0K0K0 <1.61.8 BF(10 -6 ) No sign of rescattering yet * Chen and Li, Phys. Rev D63, 014003 (2000) Error on ~ 5 o for ~ 50 o – 60 o Lach and Zenczykowski, hep-ph/0206127
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 13 Direct CP Violation Observable asymmetries require |T| ~ |P| and non-trivial weak- ( ) and strong-phase ( ) differences For K : = and |T/P| ~ 0.2 Presence of → can’t extract directly from A CP Remove dependence by combining A CP and branching ratios New Physics could be lurking in the loops!
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 14 Direct CP Violation: Results Largest deviations: 2 each in K + (BaBar), BaBar), and K + (Belle)
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 15 Model-Independent Constraints on : Fleischer-Mannel Bound Assuming SU(2): If R < 1, leads to excluded regions near Current experimental value: R = 0.95 0.08 For example, would exclude 13 o region around 90 o But still consistent with R = 1 Unfortunately, not useful…
Model-Independent Constraints on Neutral B:Charged B: RnRn RcRc Buras and Fleischer, Eur. Phys. J. C16, 97 (2000) Combine BF and pseudo asymmetry A 0
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 17 A Specific Model: QCD Factorization Inconsistent? Data (2001) Data (2003) Beneke et. al., Nucl. Phys. B606, 245 (2001)
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 18 B-Factory Status Belle BaBar and Belle expect to integrate 500/fb by 2006 Current on-peak data sets ~ 110/fb Current data-taking rates: BaBar ~ 400/pb/dy Belle ~ 500/pb/dy
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 19 Projections for end of 2005 20032005 (WA) B/B(stat) 1.6 2.4 2.7 4.5 3.7 6.1 Systematic errors will be important in all observed modes
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 20 Summary and Outlook Experiment has come a long way in three years 6 out of 10 charmless two-body modes have been observed Errors are now ~ 5 – 15% Searches for direct CP violation in ~20 decay modes No evidence for CP violation Smallest error = 5% (K + - ) Penguins are here to stay Penguin dominance in K is now an experimental fact Destructive P/T interference in is evident indicate (P/T) ~ 0.2 – 0.5 Upper bounds on KK modes are starting to place non- negligible constraints on rescattering effects
CKM Workshop 2003 J. Olsen 21 Summary and Outlook For both model-independent and model-dependent bounds on , the error depends strongly on the true value Difficult to predict future errors Data is useful for constraining current models: QCD FA, PQCD, Charming Penguins, etc… If a consistent value of emerges it gives more confidence in model-dependent extraction of in B → Future (2005) measurements of BFs will be limited by systematic errors: Fundamental detector uncertainties (neutrals ID, PID, tracking) ratio of B + /B 0 Chance of observing direct CP violation by 2005? Error on asymmetries: (K + (K 0
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