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Slide 1Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Wirebonding for TOB and TEC Susanne Kyre University of California, Santa Barbara.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Wirebonding for TOB and TEC Susanne Kyre University of California, Santa Barbara."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Wirebonding for TOB and TEC Susanne Kyre University of California, Santa Barbara

2 Slide 2Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Wirebonding Equipment and Personnel Scale of the project Bonding times Bond quality TEC Outlook

3 Slide 3Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Equipment and Personnel Equipment: K&S 8090 wirebonder K&S 8060 wirebonder (receive end of January) Dage 3000 pulltester Stereo microscope Precision measuring microscope Personnel: 1 main wirebond technician (Julie Stoner) 1 backup wirebond technician (Andrea Allen) In the process of hiring a second wirebond technician 1 support technician (David Staszak)

4 Slide 4Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Scale UCSB will build ~4000 Modules with about 10 million wirebonds (that is 3 times the amount of wirebonds done in all of CDF; All of UCSB’s wirebonding for BaBar was 150,000 bonds, we will do that in a week) Full production TEC and TOB: 15 Modules per day 30 Hybrids per day

5 Slide 5Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Bonding times Starting point: Bond centers had bonding times of up to 40 minutes with about 10 bonds that didn’t stick and needed to be rebonded Wirebond programs now bond an entire Module or Hybrid (previously had separate programs for each row of bonds), reduced bonding time by 50% Wirebond programs for all Module and Hybrid types now use pattern recognition (bonding time reduction by about 2-3 minutes) Pure bonding time for a module < 5min, for a hybrid < 4min (CMS record) Additional time (set up, database entry, pull testing): ~11min for a module, ~ 8min for a hybrid Total processing time can be reduce by using a support technician Actual bonding times during mini production run: 2.5 hours for 10 modules (one technician)

6 Slide 6Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Bond quality CMS wirebonding spec: pull strength > 6g Extensive pull testing was done to determine a set of standard bonding parameters for each bonding surface Hybrids: We pull test 10 bonds on a test area on each PA Average pull strength: 10.0 g, std. Deviation: 0.6g

7 Slide 7Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Bond quality Modules: First 20 parts of each type, pull test every 50 th bond PA to Sensor bonds: Average pull strength: 9.9g, std. Deviation: 0.7g Sensor to Sensor bonds: Average pull strength: 8.2g, std. Deviation: 0.8g

8 Slide 8Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Bond quality 79 Modules and 92 Hybrids bonded so far Faults introduced during bonding: 1 pinhole (first TEC module) out of ~84000 bonds Shorts: 1 repaired short on a hybrid Open channels: 13 on modules, 5 on hybrids Bad channels introduced in bonding: 0.034% for modules, 0.012% for hybrids (historically 0.5% – 2%)

9 Slide 9Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 TEC production We will do TEC Ring 5 and 6 Module production TEC Module and Hybrid wirebonding: All fixtures for Rings 5 and 6 are designed TEC Ring 6 module carrier and wirebond fixture were built and tested Wrote program and wirebonded 4 Ring 6 modules Wrote program and wirebonded 6 Ring 6 hybrids

10 Slide 10Susanne KyreDOE review, January 20, 2004 Future plans Produce hybrid and module carriers and wirebond fixtures in machine shop Write remaining wirebond programs for TEC Modules and Hybrids Installation and set up of new 8060 Wirebonder (end January) Training of new wirebond technician (mid February) Training of wirebond technician from Mexico Mini production run 2 weeks at full production capacity of 15 Modules per day (start January 26) Production bonding!

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