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A A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research DM.

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Presentation on theme: "A A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research DM."— Presentation transcript:

1 A A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research DM

2 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA: Why? Post mortems are 20/20… …but understanding is fuzzy! Formal Abstract Design Tools, et al  Make better games  Save time and money  Scaffold for research, study and production

3 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA: What? Game Tuning Workshop  GDC 2001-2004  Teach via exercises  Experienced Faculty Blizzard, Ensemble, Mind Control, Ion Storm, Looking Glass, SOE, Valve, Visual Concepts, Wizards of the Coast, etc.

4 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA: Who? Audience  Academic Ludology, Narratology, Game Studies  Development Design, Programing, Art Marketing, Production and Biz!  Blends Computer Science Art/Technology

5 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA: Biased! Artifact-centered approach  Games produce behavior, not media Building is understanding  Until you apply these concepts, it’s hard to really “grok” them.

6 A Introduction DM

7 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Designer-Player Relationship  Designer  Player Game CreatesConsumes

8 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Designer-Player Relationship  Designer  Player Game CreatesConsumes Book Movie Painting

9 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Designer-Player Relationship Unpredictable  How will it be consumed?  What happens during consumption?  How can we formalize this?

10 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Formalizing Games Rules System“Fun”

11 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Formalizing Games Rules System“Fun” Code BehaviorRequirements

12 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Formalizing Games Code System“Fun” Rules BehaviorRequirements Mechanics

13 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Formalizing Games Code Behavior“Fun” Rules SystemRequirements MechanicsDynamics

14 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Formalizing Games Code BehaviorRequirements Rules System“Fun” MechanicsDynamicsAesthetics

15 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Definitions Mechanics  Components of a game at the level of data representation and algorithms Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

16 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Definitions Dynamics  Run-time behavior of the mechanics as they operate upon user input, and the outputs of other mechanics, over time. Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

17 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Definitions Aesthetics  Desirable emotional responses evoked in the player, when she interacts with the game. Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

18 A DM

19 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics Charades is “fun” Quake is “fun” The Sims is “fun” Final Fantasy is “fun”

20 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics 8 Kinds of Fun: 1. Sensation Game as sense-pleasure 2. Fantasy Game as make-believe 3. Narrative Game as drama 4. Challenge Game as obstacle course 5. Fellowship Game as social framework 6. Discovery Game as uncharted territory 7. Expression Game as self-discovery 8. Submission Game as pastime

21 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics Charades: Fellowship, Expression, Challenge Quake The Sims Final Fantasy

22 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics Charades: Fellowship, Expression, Challenge Quake: Challenge, Sensation, Fantasy The Sims Final Fantasy

23 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics Charades: Fellowship, Expression, Challenge Quake: Challenge, Sensation, Fantasy The Sims: Discovery, Fantasy, Expression, Narrative Final Fantasy

24 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics Charades: Fellowship, Expression, Challenge Quake: Challenge, Sensation, Fantasy The Sims: Discovery, Fantasy, Expression, Narrative Final Fantasy: Fantasy, Narrative, Expression, Discovery, Challenge, Submission

25 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetics No “Grand Unified Theory” of fun Concrete vocabulary helps us:  Break games into constituent elements  Pinpoint features that aid aesthetic goals  Taxonomize games beyond “genre”

26 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Aesthetic Models What games do: well or poorly  Charades and Quake: Competition  Requires emotional investment Perceivable winning condition Achievable winning condition

27 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Models in Action Models guide us like a compass  Does this aesthetic work for target players?  Are we missing something?  How can we modify our design? Quake + fellowship = Counter Strike

28 A Dynamics DM

29 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Dynamics Dynamics create Aesthetics  Challenge Time pressure Opponent play  Fellowship Shared information (teams) Group-sized goals (capture a base)

30 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Dynamics Dynamics create Aesthetics  Expression Building, buying, and designing Personalizing or customizing  Dramatic Tension Rising tension, release, denouement Characters in conflict, alliances and betrayals

31 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Dynamic Models Predict and describe interactions Evaluate them concretely Avoid pitfalls

32 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Model: 2D 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Chance in 36 Die Roll

33 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Model: Feedback System Room Too Cold! Too Hot! Thermometer Controller

34 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Model: Monopoly Pay Up! Cash In! Move Roll Losers $$$$$$ Winners $$$$$$

35 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Models in Action Fix the boring endgame?  Reward players who are behind  Impede players who are ahead  Less “realistic” perhaps, but… Winners feel challenge Losers have hope Tension arc is longer & more fulfilling

36 A Mechanics DM

37 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Mechanics Mechanics support Dynamics  Cards: Trick taking, betting… …bluffing, shooting the moon  Shooters: Weapons, ammo, spawn points… … camping or sniping

38 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Mechanics of Monopoly Dice and Board Own/Collect Land Specials (Go, jail, railroads, etc) Draw Cards Build stuff Negotiate (optional)

39 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Mechanics of Monopoly Increased Dramatic Tension  Smaller board, more rolls, larger dice  Constant rate tax or increased payouts  Randomly distributed properties

40 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Mechanics of Monopoly Achievable Winning Conditions  Subsidies for the poor  Taxes for the rich Calculate @ Go or when exercising a monopoly

41 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Tuning Discuss flaws using MDA  Do changes effect aesthetics? Taxes lead to complex calculations

42 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Tuning Use models to guide our thinking  Proposed die/board changes Length of turns? Length of games? Odds for acquisitions?

43 A Framework for Player and Designer DM

44 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA as Lens Typical designer perspective  Mechanics give rise to Dynamics…  which support the overall Aesthetic.  Designer Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

45 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA as Lens Typical player perspective  Aesthetics set a tone…  born out by Mechanics and Dynamics.  Player Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

46 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 A New Perspective When playing  Recognize how our actions help create and support entertainment experiences  Player Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

47 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 A New Perspective When building  Use aesthetic goals to drive our overall design  Designer Mechanics DynamicsAesthetics

48 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage

49 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage Avoid feature-driven design

50 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage Avoid feature-driven design Eliminate “clutter”

51 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage Avoid feature-driven design Eliminate “clutter” Streamline development

52 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage Avoid feature-driven design Eliminate “clutter” Streamline development Support iterative design

53 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 MDA Put the player on stage Avoid feature-driven design Eliminate “clutter” Streamline development Support iterative design Avoid fixing what isn’t broken

54 Robin Hunicke Northwestern University AAAI Workshop: Challenges in Game AI 7.25.04 Thanks! Rob Zubek Marc LeBlanc Game Tuning Workshop 

55 Questions?

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