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Software project management (intro) Resource allocation.

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1 Software project management (intro) Resource allocation

2 Schedules Activity schedule indicating start and completion dates for each activity indicating start and completion dates for each activity Resource schedule indicating dates when resources needed + level of resources indicating dates when resources needed + level of resources Cost schedule showing accumulative expenditure showing accumulative expenditure

3 Resources Any item or person required for the execution of the project These include labour labour equipment (e.g. workstations) equipment (e.g. workstations) Materials – consumed items Materials – consumed items space – eg. office space – eg. office Services – eg. Telecommmunication Services – eg. Telecommmunication Time - elapsed time can often be reduced by adding more staff Time - elapsed time can often be reduced by adding more staff Money -- used to buy the other resources Money -- used to buy the other resources

4 Resource allocation Identify the resources needed for each activity Identify resource types - individuals are interchangeable within the group (e.g. ‘VB programmers’ as opposed to ‘software developers’) - individuals are interchangeable within the group (e.g. ‘VB programmers’ as opposed to ‘software developers’) Allocate resource types to activities and examine the resource histogram

5 Resource histogram: systems analysts WEEK 12 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 STAFF REQD.

6 Resource clashes can be resolved by: delaying one of the activities delaying one of the activities taking advantage of float to change start date delaying start of one activity until finish of the other activity that resource is being used on - puts back project completion moving resource from a non-critical activity moving resource from a non-critical activity bringing in additional resource - increases costs bringing in additional resource - increases costs

7 Priorities Critical path activities Other activities with little float When a short activity would allow a number of larger activities to start 4 days 30 days 15 days 10 days resource clash

8 Classification of A Scheduling Problem Time constrained Project must be completed by an imposed date Project must be completed by an imposed date If required, resource can be added If required, resource can be added Resource constrained The level of resources cannot be exceeded The level of resources cannot be exceeded It is acceptable to delay project if the resources are inadequate It is acceptable to delay project if the resources are inadequate

9 Resource Allocation Method Assumption: Splitting resources will not be allowed Splitting resources will not be allowed The level of resource used cannot be changed The level of resource used cannot be changedNote: This assumption just to simplify learning This assumption just to simplify learning

10 Time Constrained Projects ID123456789101112 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111 54 3 2 1 Resource Chart Resource profile

11 Leveled Resource Schedule ID123456789101112 A22 BXX222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111 54 3 2 1 Resource Chart Resource profile

12 Leveled Resource Schedule (2) ID123456789101112 A22 B222222 C2222 DXXXXXX11 EXX11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111 54 3 2 1 Resource Chart Resource profile

13 Downside of leveling Loss of flexibility that occurs from reducing slack The risk of activities also increases Because slack reduction can create more critical activities and/or near-critical activities Because slack reduction can create more critical activities and/or near-critical activities

14 Resource Constrained Projects Schedule activities using the following heuristic priority rules in the order presented: 1. Minimum slack 2. Smallest duration 3. Lowest activity identification number

15 Parallel Method Approach to apply heuristics An iterative process that starts at the first time period of the project and schedules period-by-period any activities eligible to start When two or more activities require the same resource, the priority rules are applied

16 Parallel Method – Example (2) ID123456789101112 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111 Period : 1, 2 Period 1: Load A Period 2: No activities loaded Assume: resource pool is limited to 3

17 Parallel Method – Example (2) ID123456789101112 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111 Period : 3 Period 3: B, C, D are eligible; choose C B requires 2 resources, D requires 1 – choose D, delay B delaying B would also delay G

18 Parallel Method – Example (2) Period : 4, 5, 6 Stays the same ID1234567891011121314 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 GXX11 Totalresource225544441111

19 Parallel Method – Example (2) Period : 7 Period 7: B, E, F are eligible – choose B (by rule 1, its slack is -2) Load F, delay E ID1234567891011121314 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 GXX11 Totalresource225544441111

20 Parallel Method – Example (2) Period : 8, 9, 10 Stays the same ID1234567891011121314 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 GXX11 Totalresource225544441111

21 Parallel Method – Example (2) Period : 11 (& 12) Period 11: E is eligible Load E (slack = -2) ID1234567891011121314 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 GXX11 Totalresource225544441111

22 Parallel Method – Example (2) Period : 13 (&14) Period 13: Load G ID1234567891011121314 A22 B222222 C2222 D11 E11 F1111 G11 Totalresource225544441111

23 Impacts of Resource Constraint Scheduling Reduces slack Increases the number of critical or near critical activities Increases the number of critical or near critical activities May break the sequential activities and leave the network with a set of disjointed critical activities

24 Resource usage need to maximize % usage of resources i.e. reduce idle periods between tasks i.e. reduce idle periods between tasks need to balance costs against early completion date need to allow for contingency

25 Being specific Allocating resources and smoothing resource histograms is relatively straightforward where all resources can be considered equivalent Eg. Laborers in building project Eg. Laborers in building project But, seldom for software project Factor in allocating individuals Availability Availability Criticality Criticality Risk Risk Training Training Team building Team building

26 Publishing resources

27 Cost Schedule Staff Cost Overheads Usage Charges

28 Cost Schedule (2) BelindaRp250/h TomRp175/h DaisyRp225/h GavinRp150/h PurdyRp150/h JustinRp150/h SpencerRp150/h AmandaRp300/h

29 Sequence of project scheduling

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