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Distillation Column ENGR 435 Team Members James Linder Marc Moss Corita Suber Brian Vandagriff December 1, 1998.

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Presentation on theme: "Distillation Column ENGR 435 Team Members James Linder Marc Moss Corita Suber Brian Vandagriff December 1, 1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distillation Column ENGR 435 Team Members James Linder Marc Moss Corita Suber Brian Vandagriff December 1, 1998

2 Topics of Discussion Background System Diagram Batch Distillation Continuous Distillation Conclusions Questions

3 Background To separate by vaporization Binary mixture Determine initial composition (BP test) Equilibrium diagrams (x,y and x,y,T) Two methods: Batch and Continuous

4 System Diagram

5 Batch Distillation Production of vapor by boiling the liquid mixture to be separated and condensing the vapors without allowing any liquid to return to the still.

6 Batch Results



9 Continuous Distillation Based on the return of part of the condensate to the still under such conditions that this returning liquid is brought into intimate contact with the vapors on their way to the condenser.

10 Continuous Results

11 Conclusions Theoretical reboiler volume not same as actual Distillate formed during total reflux Possible reflux valve malfunction Trays 1-6 below B.P. of methanol RTD’s need recalibration

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