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CPSC 321 Computer Architecture ALU Design – Integer Addition, Multiplication & Division Copyright 2002 David H. Albonesi and the University of Rochester.

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Presentation on theme: "CPSC 321 Computer Architecture ALU Design – Integer Addition, Multiplication & Division Copyright 2002 David H. Albonesi and the University of Rochester."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPSC 321 Computer Architecture ALU Design – Integer Addition, Multiplication & Division Copyright 2002 David H. Albonesi and the University of Rochester. Additional material by Rabi Mahapatra and Hank Walker

2 Integer multiplication Pencil and paper binary multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier)x

3 Integer multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1000 x Pencil and paper binary multiplication

4 Integer multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1000 00000 x Pencil and paper binary multiplication

5 Integer multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1000 00000 x 000000 Pencil and paper binary multiplication

6 Integer multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1000 00000 1000000 x 000000 Pencil and paper binary multiplication

7 Integer multiplication 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1001000 (product) 1000 00000 +1000000 x 000000 (partial products) Pencil and paper binary multiplication

8 Integer multiplication Pencil and paper binary multiplication Key elements  Examine multiplier bits from right to left  Shift multiplicand left one position each step  Simplification: each step, add multiplicand to running product total, but only if multiplier bit = 1 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 1001000 (product) 1000 00000 +1000000 x 000000 (partial products)

9 Integer multiplication Initialize product register to 0 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 00000000 (running product)

10 Integer multiplication Multiplier bit = 1: add multiplicand to product 1000 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 00001000 (new running product) (multiplicand)

11 Integer multiplication Shift multiplicand left 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 00001000 10000(multiplicand)

12 Integer multiplication Multiplier bit = 0: do nothing 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 10000(multiplicand) 00001000

13 Integer multiplication Shift multiplicand left 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 100000(multiplicand) 00001000

14 Integer multiplication Multiplier bit = 0: do nothing 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 100000(multiplicand) 00001000

15 Integer multiplication Shift multiplicand left 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 1000000(multiplicand) 00001000

16 Integer multiplication Multiplier bit = 1: add multiplicand to product 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 00001000 1000000(multiplicand) +1000000 01001000 (product)

17 Integer multiplication 32-bit hardware implementation  Multiplicand loaded into right half of multiplicand register  Product register initialized to all 0’s  Repeat the following 32 times If multiplier register LSB=1, add multiplicand to product Shift multiplicand one bit left Shift multiplier one bit right LSB

18 Integer multiplication Algorithm

19 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand

20 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) 00000000 (running product)

21 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 10000000 (new running product) 00000000

22 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 01000000 (new running product) 00000000

23 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 01000000 (new running product) 00000000

24 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00100000 (new running product) 00000000

25 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00100000 (new running product) 00000000

26 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00010000 (new running product) 00000000

27 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 00010000 10010000 (new running product)

28 Integer multiplication Drawback: half of 64-bit multiplicand register are zeros  Half of 64 bit adder is adding zeros Solution: shift product right instead of multiplicand left  Only left half of product register added to multiplicand 1000 (multiplicand) 1001 (multiplier) +1000 00000000 00010000 +1000 01001000 (product)

29 Integer multiplication Hardware implementation

30 Integer multiplication Final improvement: use right half of product register for the multiplier

31 Integer multiplication Final algorithm

32 Multiplication of signed numbers Naïve approach  Convert to positive numbers  Multiply  Negate product if multiplier and multiplicand signs differ  Slow and extra hardware

33 Multiplication of signed numbers Booth’s algorithm  Invented for speed Shifting was faster than addition at the time Objective: reduce the number of additions required  Fortunately, it works for signed numbers as well  Basic idea: the additions from a string of 1’s in the multiplier can be converted to a single addition and a single subtraction operation  Example: 00111110 is equivalent to 01000000 – 00000010 requires additions for each of these bit positions requires an addition for this bit position and a subtraction for this bit position

34 Booth’s algorithm Starting from right to left, look at two adjacent bits of the multiplier  Place a zero at the right of the LSB to start If bits = 00, do nothing If bits = 10, subtract the multiplicand from the product  Beginning of a string of 1’s If bits = 11, do nothing  Middle of a string of 1’s If bits = 01, add the multiplicand to the product  End of a string of 1’s Shift product register right one bit

35 Booth recoding Example 1101 (multiplier)x 0010 (multiplicand)

36 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 (product+multiplier) 0010 (multiplicand) extra bit position

37 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11101101 0

38 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1

39 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00010110 1

40 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00001011 0

41 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00001011 0 +1110 11101011 0

42 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00001011 0 +1110 11110101 1

43 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00001011 0 +1110 11110101 1

44 Booth recoding Example 00001101 0 0010 (multiplicand) +1110 11110110 1 +0010 00001011 0 +1110 111110101 (product)

45 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000

46 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 1 - 1000 0001 (partial remainder)

47 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 1 - 1000 00010

48 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 1010 - 1000 00010

49 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 10 - 1000 000100

50 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 100 - 1000 000100

51 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 100 - 1000 0001000

52 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 1001 (quotient) - 1000 0001000 - 0001000 0000000 (remainder)

53 Integer division Pencil and paper binary division Steps in hardware  Shift the dividend left one position  Subtract the divisor from the left half of the dividend  If result positive, shift left a 1 into the quotient  Else, shift left a 0 into the quotient, and repeat from the beginning  Once the result is positive, repeat the process for the partial remainder  Do n iterations where n is the size of the divisor 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 1000 1001 (quotient) - 1000 0001000 - 0001000 0000000 (remainder)

54 Integer division Initial state 01001000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000000 (quotient)

55 Integer division Shift dividend left one position 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000000 (quotient)

56 Integer division Subtract divisor from left half of dividend 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000000 (quotient) - 1000 00010000 (keep these bits)

57 Integer division Result positive, left shift a 1 into the quotient 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000001 (quotient) - 1000 00010000

58 Integer division Shift partial remainder left one position 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000001 (quotient) - 1000 00100000

59 Integer division Subtract divisor from left half of partial remainder 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000001 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000

60 Integer division Result negative, left shift 0 into quotient 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000010 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000

61 Integer division Restore original partial remainder (how?) 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000010 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 00100000

62 Integer division Shift partial remainder left one position 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000010 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000

63 Integer division Subtract divisor from left half of partial remainder 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000010 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000

64 Integer division Result negative, left shift 0 into quotient 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000100 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000

65 Integer division Restore original partial remainder 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000100 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000 01000000

66 Integer division Shift partial remainder left one position 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000100 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000 10000000

67 Integer division Subtract divisor from left half of partial remainder 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10000100 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000 10000000 - 1000 00000000

68 Integer division Result positive, left shift 1 into quotient 10010000 (dividend)(divisor) 10001001 (quotient) - 1000 00100000 - 1000 11010000 01000000 - 1000 11000000 10000000 - 1000 00000000 (remainder)

69 Integer division Hardware implementation What operations do we do here? Load dividend here initially

70 Integer and floating point revisited Integer ALU handles add, subtract, logical, set less than, equality test, and effective address calculations Integer multiplier handles multiply and divide  HI and LO registers hold result of integer multiply and divide instruction memory PCPC integer register file integer ALU integer multiplier data memory flt pt register file flt pt adder flt pt multiplier HI LO

71 Floating point representation Floating point (fp) numbers represent reals  Example reals: 5.6745, 1.23 x 10 -19, 345.67 x 10 6  Floats and doubles in C Fp numbers are in signed magnitude representation of the form (-1) S x M x B E where  S is the sign bit (0=positive, 1=negative)  M is the mantissa (also called the significand)  B is the base (implied)  E is the exponent  Example: 22.34 x 10 -4 S=0 M=22.34 B=10 E=-4

72 Floating point representation Fp numbers are normalized in that M has only one digit to the left of the “decimal point”  Between 1.0 and 9.9999… in decimal  Between 1.0 and 1.1111… in binary  Simplifies fp arithmetic and comparisons  Normalized: 5.6745 x 10 2, 1.23 x 10 -19  Not normalized: 345.67 x 10 6, 22.34 x 10 -4, 0.123 x 10 -45  In binary format, normalized numbers are of the form Leading 1 in 1.M is implied (-1) S x 1.M x B E

73 Floating point representation tradeoffs Representing a wide enough range of fp values with enough precision (“decimal” places) given limited bits  More E bits increases the range  More M bits increases the precision  A larger B increases the range but decreases the precision  The distance between consecutive fp numbers is not constant! BEBE B E+1 B E+2 …… S 32 bits E??M?? (-1) S x 1.M x B E

74 Floating point representation tradeoffs Allowing for fast arithmetic implementations  Different exponents requires lining up the significands; larger base increases the probability of equal exponents Handling very small and very large numbers 0 exponent overflow exponent underflow exponent overflow representable positive numbers (S=0) representable negative numbers (S=1)

75 Sorting/comparing fp numbers fp numbers can be treated as integers for sorting and comparing purposes if E is placed to the left Example  3.67 x 10 6 > 6.34 x 10 -4 > 1.23 x 10 -4 SEM (-1) S x 1.M x B E bigger E is bigger number If E’s are same, bigger M is bigger number

76 Biased exponent notation 111…111 represents the most positive E and 000…000 represents the most negative E for sorting/comparing purposes To get correct signed value for E, need to subtract a bias of 011…111 Biased fp numbers are of the form (-1) S x 1.M x B E-bias Example: assume 8 bits for E  Bias is 01111111 = 127  Largest E represented by 11111111 which is 255 – 127 = 128  Smallest E represented by 00000000 which is 0 – 127 = -127

77 IEEE 754 floating point standard Created in 1985 in response to the wide range of fp formats used by different companies  Has greatly improved portability of scientific applications B=2 Single precision (sp) format (“float” in C) Double precision (dp) format (“double” in C) SEM 1 bit8 bits23 bits SEM 1 bit11 bits52 bits

78 IEEE 754 floating point standard Exponent bias is 127 for sp and 1023 for dp Fp numbers are of the form (-1) S x 1.M x 2 E-bias  1 in mantissa and base of 2 are implied  Sp form is (-1) S x 1.M 22 M 21 …M 0 x 2 E-127 and value is (-1) S x (1+(M 22 x2 -1 ) +(M 21 x2 -2 )+…+(M 0 x2 -23 )) x 2 E-127 Sp example  Number is –1.1000…000 x 2 1-127 =-1.5 x 2 -126 =1.763 x 10 -38 1000000011000…000 SEM

79 IEEE 754 floating point standard Denormalized numbers  Allow for representation of very small numbers  Identified by E=0 and a non-zero M  Format is (-1) S x 0.M x 2 -bias-1  Smallest positive dp denormalized number is 0.00…01 x 2 -1022 = 2 -1074 smallest positive dp normalized number is 1.0 x 2 -1023  Hardware support is complex, and so often handled by software 0 exponent overflow exponent underflow exponent overflow representable positive numbers representable negative numbers

80 Floating point addition Make both exponents the same  Find the number with the smaller one  Shift its mantissa to the right until the exponents match Must include the implicit 1 (1.M) Add the mantissas Choose the largest exponent Put the result in normalized form  Shift mantissa left or right until in form 1.M  Adjust exponent accordingly Handle overflow or underflow if necessary Round Renormalize if necessary if rounding produced an unnormalized result

81 Floating point addition Algorithm

82 Floating point addition example 1000000010000…01100 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Initial values

83 Floating point addition example 1000000010000…01100 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Identify smaller E and calculate E difference difference = 2

84 Floating point addition example 1000000010100…00011 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Shift smaller M right by E difference

85 Floating point addition example 1000000010100…00011 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Add mantissas -0.0100…00011 + 1.0100…00111 = 1.0000…00100 00000…00100 SEM

86 Floating point addition example 1000000010100…00011 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Choose larger exponent for result 0000000110000…00100 SEM

87 Floating point addition example 1000000010100…00011 SEM 0000000110100…00111 SEM Final answer (already normalized) 0000000110000…00100 SEM

88 Floating point addition Hardware design determine smaller exponent

89 Floating point addition Hardware design shift mantissa of smaller number right by exponent difference

90 Floating point addition Hardware design add mantissas

91 Floating point addition Hardware design normalize result by shifting mantissa of result and adjusting larger exponent

92 Floating point addition Hardware design round result

93 Floating point addition Hardware design renormalize if necessary

94 Floating point multiply Add the exponents and subtract the bias from the sum  Example: (5+127) + (2+127) – 127 = 7+127 Multiply the mantissas Put the result in normalized form  Shift mantissa left or right until in form 1.M  Adjust exponent accordingly Handle overflow or underflow if necessary Round Renormalize if necessary if rounding produced an unnormalized result Set S=0 if signs of both operands the same, S=1 otherwise

95 Floating point multiply Algorithm

96 Floating point multiply example Initial values 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 1.5 x 2 224-127

97 Floating point multiply example Add exponents 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 00000111 + 11100000 = 11100111 (231) 1.5 x 2 224-127

98 Floating point multiply example Subtract bias 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 01101000 SEM 11100111 – 01111111 = 11100111 + 10000001 = 01101000 (104) 1.5 x 2 224-127

99 Floating point multiply example Multiply the mantissas 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 01101000 SEM 1.1000… x 1.1000… = 10.01000… 1.5 x 2 224-127

100 Floating point multiply example Normalize by shifting 1.M right one position and adding one to E 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 01101001 SEM 10.01000… => 1.001000… 001000… 1.5 x 2 224-127

101 Floating point multiply example Set S=1 since signs are different 1000001111000…00000 SEM 0111000001000…00000 SEM -1.5 x 2 7-127 01101001 SEM 001000… 1.5 x 2 224-127 1 -1.125 x 2 105-127

102 Rounding Fp arithmetic operations may produce a result with more digits than can be represented in 1.M The result must be rounded to fit into the available number of M positions Tradeoff of hardware cost (keeping extra bits) and speed versus accumulated rounding error

103 Rounding Examples from decimal multiplication Renormalization is required after rounding in c)

104 Rounding Examples from binary multiplication (assuming two bits for M) 1.01 x 1.01 = 1.1001(1.25 x 1.25 = 1.5625) 1.10 x 1.01 = 1.111(1.5 x 1.25 = 1.875) May require renormalization after rounding 1.11 x 1.01 = 10.0011(1.75 x 1.25 = 2.1875) Result has twice as many bits

105 Rounding In binary, an extra bit of 1 is halfway in between the two possible representations 1.001 (1.125) is halfway between 1.00 (1) and 1.01 (1.25) 1.101 (1.625) is halfway between 1.10 (1.5) and 1.11 (1.75)

106 IEEE 754 rounding modes Truncate  Remove all digits beyond those supported  1.00100 -> 1.00 Round up to the next value  1.00100 -> 1.01 Round down to the previous value  1.00100 -> 1.00  Differs from Truncate for negative numbers Round-to-nearest-even  Rounds to the even value (the one with an LSB of 0)  1.00100 -> 1.00  1.01100 -> 1.10  Produces zero average bias  Default mode

107 Implementing rounding A product may have twice as many digits as the multiplier and multiplicand  1.11 x 1.01 = 10.0011 For round-to-nearest-even, we need to know  The value to the right of the LSB (round bit)  Whether any other digits to the right of the round digit are 1’s The sticky bit is the OR of these digits 1.00101rounds to 1.01 Round bit Sticky bit = 0 OR 1 = 1 1.00100rounds to 1.00 LSB of final rounded result

108 Implementing rounding The product before normalization may have 2 digits to the left of the binary point Product register format needs to be Two possible cases bb.bbbb… 1b.bbbb…r sssss… 01.bbbb…r sssss… Need this as a result bit!

109 Implementing rounding The guard bit (g) becomes part of the unrounded result when the MSB = 0 g, r, and s suffice for rounding addition as well

110 MIPS floating point registers 32 32-bit FPRs  16 64-bit registers (32-bit register pairs) for dp floating point  Software conventions for their usage (as with GPRs) Control/status register  Status of compare operations, sets rounding mode, exceptions Implementation/revision register  Identifies type of CPU and its revision number f0 f1 f30 f31...... control/status register 310 FCR31 310 implementation/revision register FCR0 310 floating point registers

111 MIPS floating point instruction overview Operate on single and double precision operands Computation  Add, sub, multiply, divide, sqrt, absolute value, negate  Multiply-add, multiply-subtract Added as part of MIPS-IV revision of ISA specification Load and store  Integer register read for EA calculation  Data to be loaded or stored in fp register file Move between registers Convert between different formats Comparison instructions Branch instructions

112 MIPS R10000 arithmetic units instruction memory PCPC integer register file integer ALU integer ALU + multiplier data memory flt pt register file flt pt adder flt pt multiplier flt pt divider flt pt sq root EA calc

113 MIPS R10000 arithmetic units Integer ALU + shifter  All instructions take one cycle Integer ALU + multiplier  Booth’s algorithm for multiplication (5-10 cycles)  Non-restoring division (34-67 cycles) Floating point adder  Carry propagate (2 cycles) Floating point multiplier (3 cycles)  Booth’s algorithm Floating point divider (12-19 cycles) Floating point square root unit Separate unit for EA calculations Can start up to 5 instructions in 1 cycle

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