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Is the EULER HERMES OnLine Information Service. Available to each of our policyholders. It is a day-to-day secure online management solution for all your.

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Presentation on theme: "Is the EULER HERMES OnLine Information Service. Available to each of our policyholders. It is a day-to-day secure online management solution for all your."— Presentation transcript:

1 is the EULER HERMES OnLine Information Service. Available to each of our policyholders. It is a day-to-day secure online management solution for all your trade receivables management, wherever your clients and prospects are based. And in real time. EOLIS..request or delete a credit limit..claim your non-payments.. or just take a look who is insured..

2 2 Summar y 1 Main Page 2 Buyer Identification 3 Request for a Credit Limit 4 List of Credit Limits 5 Credit Limit – Decision Detail 6 Claim and Collection Management 7 Request for a State of Default Extension 8 Official Insurer´s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

3 3 Welcome to EOLIS Online System Quick Guide EOLIS is the online system developed to connect our global know-how and available information about the solvency status of more than 40 000 000 companies around the world from over than 50 branches. You can easily access with username and password received: © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

4 4 Welcome to EOLIS Online System Quick Guide Main page  The menu at the top of the page allows you to access all services applicable to one or more companies  The Quick access menu offers all the available actions for a company that you have now identified  Identify the buyer you want to work with 2 options  Choose Sub-Policy, CAP policy, etc  Click on „Welcome“ gets you to main page  Change your password with this link © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015 1 2 3 4 3 5 6 Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision

5 5 Buyer Identification 1/2 Identify the buyer with 2 access links  Select a country  Fill one of the identifiers:  Euler ID  VAT  National Identifier Number  Company Name  Address  Phone number  Then click on „Continue“ © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015 Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision

6 6 Buyer Identification 2/2 Please note that if identifying by company name or address you will likely get an extended list of companies - you just select the desired right one © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015 select the desired company by clicking on its ‘Company Name’ if none of offered companies suit your expectations, click the button „New Search“ Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision

7 7 Credit Limit - Request Get a credit limit in 3 steps  Identify the buyer you want to continue work with by previous guide steps  Select the „Credit limits → request“ from Quick menu of available features  Input an amount, currency and Continue to Confirm Hints: click on „Continue“ button, review your request details on next page and if the input data are correct, confirm by clicking on „Confirm“ button, otherwise you can modify you can request for the new limit or temporarily increased (seasonal) limit you can add your own reference number you can add a comment for our analysts if you enter a credit period longer, you must contact the sales department for policy amendment © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015 Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision

8 8 Credit Limit - List of Limits 1/2 See the list of limits  Select the „List of current limit decisions“  Leave all the options as they are and click the „View“ button and you will see all of the current decisions, or change your filter criterias  And you can directly download a list in XLS or CSV format from this page Hints: for one list you can use only one currency if you do not want to see the declined limits, add the Amounts filter from 1 Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

9 9 Credit Limit - List of Limits 2/2 You can see the individual decision detail by clicking on „Company name“ Download a list in XLS or CSV format from this page Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

10 10 Credit Limit - Decision Detail This summary shows you the information on current credit limit. From this page you can also: request to reduce a credit limit cancel a credit limit request to increase a credit limit view a history of limit changes Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

11 11 Claim and Collection Management 1/4 How to claim:  Identify first the buyer you want to continue work with by previous guide steps  Check the Buyer Details and if it is not the required buyer, click the link to select the correct one  Select Non-payment type:  Collection – uninsured buyer  Claim – insured buyer 4)Select Collected by: Client – no active EH participation Euler Hermes – collection by EH 5)Enter as much as possible information Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

12 12 Claim and Collection Management 2/4 6)Debt disputed? Select Yes if denial of reimbursement is due to the late delivery, reclamation, material defects, etc. 7)Enter in commentary the additional introductory information about the up to now enforcement, whether a debtor communicates promises of payments, or if is agreed an instalments schedule. Add a reason of non-payment if known. 8)Add invoices (add ALL of invoices if the buyer has an agreed credit limit, even if a part of them is not insured):  up to 5 invoices – add one by one (please note that the date format is DD/MM/YYYY, any amounts needs to be separated by a comma e.g. “ 10 000,21“ and choose a proper invoice currency)  more than 5 invoices - download the XLS Template to your device and follow the guide, then upload it back with button „Upload invoices“ 9)Here you can attach the total balance of the assets, acknowlegments of debt, any scheduled instalments, delivery notes, urgent reminders, etc. (please note that the attachment name cannot contain any diacritics nor symbols such as “:,>"'}{/*+ -“) 10)Validate it and recheck the data and Confirm on next page 11)Or Save it for laters – your data and attachments will be saved for next 7 days (it is not yet send to us) Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

13 13 Claim and Collection Management – Confirmation 3/4 If you can see now this confirmation message - your debtor and his invoices were sent to EH successfully. You can expect within 48 hours a confirmation e-mail from our Collection department that the debt had been registered. After the confirmation you can find it in the list of non-payments accesible through the Quick menu by name. Please note that when accessing the list of non-payments and setting the Selection criterias, one identified buyer can remain in software memory and you will see only this one file. You can just use the „clear“ option. In case you were not contacted in 48 hours please do contact us via our CZ customer line +420 232 000 777 Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

14 14 Claim and Collection Management – Saving the draft 4/4 This message is prompted if you saved a draft during any of phases of registering the debtor to ensure you are only saving a draft which will not be send to us and if you will not finish the confirmation within next 7 days, it will be automatically deleted. Your saved drafts can be found at Alerts section on the bottom of Main page behind this link This „Welcome“ link just bellow the logo will take you to the Main page at all time! Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

15 15 Credit Limit – State of Default Extension Get an extension  Select from Quick menu the Declaration for Overdues management  Identify the buyer you want to continue work with  Enter as much as possible available information  Tick the checkbox Extension period/rescheduling (if not, the request will never be sent) 5)Under the checkbox will appear new fields for entering of invoice amount, new duedate, scheduled instalments or a comment 6)Then through the „Continue“ button you can review and Confirm the data Hints: do not forget to request the extension at least 15 days before a start of State of default (for standard policy this means up to 45 days after a duedate) you need to provide a number of details including the overdue & total amounts, the oldest due date, any known reasons for the debt etc. if you wish to propose a repayment scheme, you will be asked to provide the details of the original and new settlements. Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

16 16 The Official Insurer´s Decision Insurer’s decision contains the information such as: mailing address buyer’s identification Euler ID reference contact person underwriter’s decision explination and comment credit limit amount policy number + code You receive this automatically sent official proof immediately after your buyer has his credit limit agreed. You can have it for your banks to prove that your receivables the big part of your company's assets and a structure of your solvency are protected and you prevent the risks or use it as a big key for the conditions negotiation with the buyers or just file it into an archive.. You receive this automatically sent official proof immediately after your buyer has his credit limit agreed. You can have it for your banks to prove that your receivables the big part of your company's assets and a structure of your solvency are protected and you prevent the risks or use it as a big key for the conditions negotiation with the buyers or just file it into an archive.. Claims and Collections Credit Limits Buyer Identification Main PageDefault Extension Insurer’s Decision © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

17 17 © Copyright EULER HERMES 2015

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