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Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Advice büro thiemann-linden, Cologne DE ECOMM 2015 Session D:4 “Role of Cycling in MM“ Utrecht, on May.

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Presentation on theme: "Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Advice büro thiemann-linden, Cologne DE ECOMM 2015 Session D:4 “Role of Cycling in MM“ Utrecht, on May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Advice büro thiemann-linden, Cologne DE ECOMM 2015 Session D:4 “Role of Cycling in MM“ Utrecht, on May 21 st, 2015 “Competitors or Dream Team?” More cycling for lower peak hour workload in Public Transport?

2 Impressions yesterday. Cycling here this morning.

3 The issue: Rising passenger numbers vs. decline in public expenditures for PT Morning peak enonomically critical More cycling a means to moderate PT morning peak workload? But annual amplitudes increased? Do you know surveys on that? 3 3

4 Very big bicycle parkings at stations Ghent, Utrecht (also middle sized in Sweden, Switzerland, Germany) new in mid size commuter towns like Ingelheim and Emsdetten 4

5 So many 2nd / 3rd personal bicycles in public space? More bike-sharing instead just parked bikes?! 5 rental network for leisure personal bike at home public city bike „PT bicycle“ for last mile to work (ov fiets) 5 Source: Difu 5

6 In future also cycling parking management? With an active role of Public Transport Authorities? n Pedelec sharing systems n Charging infrastructure at workplaces and stations (and /or battery sharing) n Fast cyclepaths & cycle highways E-Bike-Award 2014:: „Bycyklen“ Copenhagen Pedelec Sharing („A tablec computer on two wheels“) 6

7 Thank you. Let us share our experiences at the table here this afternoon. Jörg Thiemann-Linden Sustainable Urban Mobility Consultant Schirmerstrasse 42-44, 50823 Köln/Cologne, DE +49 177-590 2053, +49 221 – 168 42642 (formerly work ing with Difu, Berlin, German Institute of Urban Affairs) 7 7 All photos in presentation: Thiemann-Linden 7


9 Ongoing modal shift in society (especially: the “young & urban“ population) Absolute number of trips, Germany nationwide (urban and rural) Source: MiD 2008

10 10 The task: encourage the right mix of multi- & intermodality Cycling an efficient feeder system, to improve the coverage of public transport services Pedelecs! Passive mobility Active mobility „Mobility Pyramid“ from „Evang. Akademie Tutzing 2013 Walking 1 km = Bicycle >2,5 km = Pedelec >4 km Source: Onnen-Weber, Hochschule Wismar, inmod 10

11 Collective bicycle parkings (e.g. in SE, FR, CH, AT) n ## 11

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