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Medical Engineering Degree Programme and RD Center Jukka Jauhiainen Principal lecturer, PhD Head of the Degree Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Engineering Degree Programme and RD Center Jukka Jauhiainen Principal lecturer, PhD Head of the Degree Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Engineering Degree Programme and RD Center Jukka Jauhiainen Principal lecturer, PhD Head of the Degree Programme

2 R&D and Education

3 The degree programme  Started 1998  Intake about 30 students / year  4 year programme, 240 ECTS  Total number of students inside today is about 110  Three full-time teachers  More teachers from the Information Technology degree programme

4 Description  Based on information technology and telecommunications  Also courses on health care and related subjects  Technological aids for the old, disabled etc.  Human / technology interaction  Telemedicine / telecare

5 Contents  Compulsory basic and professional studies Foreign languages 6 ECTS Mathematics, physics, chemistry 27 ECTS R&D 15 ECTS Health care 9 ECTS Programming 11 ECTS Telecommunications 17 ECTS DSP 14 ECTS Electrical engineering / electronics 21 ECTS

6 Optional professional studies  Home care technology 23 ECTS Gerontechnology Usability / ergonomics User-centered design Physiological signal processing Projects

7 Optional professional studies  Hospital techology 23 ECTS Medical engineering equipment Digital image processing Telemedicine Physiological signal processing Projects

8 Training and thesis  Training 30 ECTS  Optional studies 15 ECTS  Bachelor’s thesis 15 ECTS

9 Afterlife About 80 graduates between 2002 – 2005 A follow-up study in 2004 (56 graduates): About 40 % were working in medical engineering About 10 % were unemployed The rest were either studying further or not in medical engineering or related jobs. Both public (e.g. hospitals) and private (mainly Oulu-area companies) sector

10 Examples of bachelor’s theses  Image archive (PACS) design works for Oulu University Hospital  Image segmentation tool for Radiology Department  ” Workflowanalyse für telemedizinische Anwendung ” (made in Germany)  Heart rate monitor-related works  Air fighter pilot acceleration studies, related to head and neck forces during high G’s  EMG measurements and analysis-related works  And many more …

11 Foreign exchange  A few students are taking part of the international student exchange programs every year  Teacher exchange also possible

12 R&D Center for Medical Engineering  Started 2003, funding until the end of 2006  2 full time research positions divided between 5 part-time researchers (2 PhD, 3 MSc)  1 full time laboratory engineer

13 Working model  Serves small to middle sized companies in the Oulu region  Different phases of product development  Up-to-date hardware and software  Centralized R&D and testing environment

14  Multidisciplinary network of consulting specialists  Saves money and time in the product development processes

15 In collaboration with  Oulu Polytechnic Institute of Technology Business School School of Social and Health Care

16 Funding: Development  1.1.2004 – 31.12.2006  480 k€  Mainly personnel salaries and travel costs  ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)  Oulu Provincial Government  City of Oulu  Oulu Polytechnic  Private funding

17 Funding: Investments  1.11.2003 – 31.12.2006  730k€  Equipment  ERDF  Northern Osthrobotnia Employment and Economic Development Center  Oulu Polytechnic  City of Oulu  Companies Innokas Medical Ltd. Respecta Ltd.

18 Main areas of expertise  Biosignal measurements  Usability and ergonomics  Prototypes and testing

19 Equipment in biosignal measurements Gaitrite: walking analysis Technogym Runrace: running mat Polar heart rate monitors and computers Ergoline Ergoselect test ergometer

20 Equipment in usability and ergonomics  The Observer Video-Pro and mobile usability unit  Tobii 1750 Eye Tracker

21 Equipment in prototypes and testing  FDM Vantage – Rapid prototyping machine  BoundaryScan – Electrical circuit testing system

22 Medical engineering laboratory  Electrical workbench for testing and building measurement electronics  Usability unit  EM-shielded room

23 Usability unit

24 Tobii Eye Tracker  Can be used to determine what the user actually looks at when using a computer program or seeing a web page or video clip etc.

25 Rapid medical modeling  Based on Rapid Prototyping Technology.  The production process is controlled by 3D radiological images of the patient's anatomy  Photolitographic technique produces plastic model of the 3D image

26 Rapid medical models can be used For surgical planning and simulation For custom made implant design For medical education and research As a communication aid for patients and colleagues

27 Rapid prototyping  In co-operation with Oulu University Hospital, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Oulu Polytechnic, Institute of Technology.  Data is converted to SLC or STL file format.  Data transter to Oulu Polytechnic where data is reformatted for modeling.  Maximum model size using SLA 250 stereolithography equipment is 250 x 250 x 250 The model is delivered in two weeks after receiving the data.

28 ONE REPETITION MAXIMUM PREDICTION FROM A SUBMAXIMAL PERFORMANCE IN WEIGHT LIFTING Manne Hannula, Jukka Jauhiainen and Sami Äijälä  An example of an ” own ” research project of the RD Center  Patent pending  The use of acceleration sensors to estimate how much weight can be lifted once  Bench press and dumbbell concentration curl  30 subjects  Mean absolute error less than 10 %

29 Thank You  Further information: (biosignals) (usability) (rapid prototypes) testing)

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