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Next Time: Critical & Functional Literacies Puritan Typology Responses: Group 7 Abstracts: Alex & Justin.

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2 Next Time: Critical & Functional Literacies Puritan Typology Responses: Group 7 Abstracts: Alex & Justin

3 New England Primer –How would it make you feel? As a child? As a parent/teacher? Bay Psalm Book (hymnal) –Read Psalm 1 only –How would it make you feel?

4 Winthrop’s “Model of Christian Charity” (sermon) –How would it make you feel about him, as a leader? Winthrop’s “journal” –Apply Greenblatt’s “self-fashioning” to determine “authorities” & “aliens”

5 Dates: 1607 — Jamestown (Smith) 1620 — Plymouth Plantation (Bradford) 1630 — Massachusetts Bay Colony (Winthrop)

6 Puritan & Separatist Theology & Reading Depravity (next slide) typology iconoclasm rituals Apply to Bradford & Morton

7 Total depravity Unconditional election Limited atonement Irresistible grace Perseverance of the Saints Apply to Bradford & Morton

8 Puritan & Separatist Theology & Reading Depravity (next slide) typology iconoclasm rituals Apply to Bradford & Morton

9 The New England Primer -Imagine the text’s impact on you as a child and as an adult

10 The New England Primer

11 Images and Rituals: The Bay Psalm Book Catholicism & icons — “reading” unwritten images, such as stained glass & statues Puritans & iconoclasm — replacing “physical” icons with “written” icons, such as the Bible, the Psalms, the Primer, other religious texts

12 Reading People Self? Others? Outward signs, bodily rituals, are key Unconditional election & Perseverance of the Saints

13 John Winthrop Three selections, three genres, three different views of the man Modell of Christian Charity (1630) Form sermon Appeals to reason by structure of argument & scripture citations Appeals to reason & emotion through imagery & scripture citations

14 John Winthrop Three selections, three genres, three different views of the man Modell of Christian Charity (1630) ∙ content - opening: economic differences - middle: love, moral and Christian - end: New England as “city on a hill”

15 Christian Experience (1637) content - role playing through rhetoric - works and grace - “marriage” to the “word” form - commonplaces of auto/biography with a spiritual slant

16 Authorities & Aliens: the Journal form structure by the day rather than retrospectively narrative history public vs. private writings

17 content - reading signs (mouse kills snake) - Williams (1633), three points of admonishment - Hutchinson (1636), indwelling spirit

18 Journal, continued content - authority vs. freedom - select magistrates you agree with; sympathize with their weaknesses

19 Next Time Group 1 Responses Abstracts? Poetry: Taylor & Bradstreet Where do you see images of depravity? Where do you see self-assertion? How do you see gender-associated images used?

20 Bradstreet –Prologue –Upon the Burning –To Her Husband –Before the Birth Taylor –Huswifery –Upon Wedlock & Death of Children –Meditation 26. –A Fig for Thee, O Death

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